
Sunwave Garden Lounger

From 4 Customer
124,99 € 99,99 €
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Top features
  • Ergonomically shaped garden lounger
  • Durable and sturdy aluminium tube and plastic construction
  • Round suspension frame allowing for swinging
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Sunwave Garden Lounger
124,99 € 99,99 €

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Sunwave Aluminium Deck Chair Lounger Taupe

Turn your garden, balcony or terrace into a place of relaxation with the swinging lounger Sunwave from Blumfeldt. Spend your evenings after work, weekends or vacation time resting on the ergonomically shaped lounger to recover from the hectic rush of daily life: the Sunwave's special wave design relaxes the body and mind and helps you gain energy while resting. But it's not only the reclining surface that's optimally designed for your comfort: the lounger's frame also serves as an armrest, making sunbathing, a relaxing nap or lounging and reading a book that much more enjoyable. The round, visually pleasing frame allows gentle swinging, and the plastic stoppers keep the chair from shifting out of place. A removable pillow provides rest and support for your head.

Blumfeldt placed high value on the quality of their lounger: the sturdy frame is made of 3 cm thick, powder-coated aluminium tubing with a wall thickness of 1.3 mm, and the durable reclining area is made of breathable, textile woven plastic. The chair's breathable material isn't only good for your skin - it's also weather-resistant and incredibly easy to clean. You can simply wipe away dirt with a damp cloth. Despite its elegant and delicate appearance, the lounge chair can support lots of weight, guaranteeing long-lasting enjoyment.

Particularly comfortable is the Sunwave's 55 centimetre wide reclining surface. It offers ample space to lie around and relax.

Available colours: light taupe, black (item no.: 10028706), red (item no.: 10028707)

User manual PDF
Product details

Top features:

  • Ergonomically shaped garden lounger

  • Durable and sturdy aluminium tube and plastic construction

  • Round suspension frame allowing for swinging

  • Weatherproof and easy to clean

  • Soft EVA plastic frame serves as an armrest
  • Breathable reclining surface
  • Removable pillow
  • Material Fabric: 70% PVC and 30% polyester
  • Frame material: aluminium tube (30 x 1.6 mm); powder-coated
  • Reclining surface material: plastic mesh
  • Maximum weight capacity: 110 kg
  • Plastic stoppers for a secure, non-slip stand
Scope of delivery:
  • 1 x lounge chair (assembly kit)
  • Assembly instructions
  • Dimensions: 62 x 91 x 150 cm (WxHxD)
  • Pillow dimensions: 31 x 4 x 18 cm (WxHxD)
  • Reclining area width: 55 cm
  • Weight: approx. 6.6 kg
Customer opinions
From 4 Customer


From Brillant Rated at 17.04.2017

Reçue dans un très gros carton léger.Montage facile avec une notice clair et tout le matériel fournie. Moins de 10 minutes pour monter le transat.Une seule position, mais l'assise est très agréable.(Que vous fassiez 1m83 ou 1m65).Un look sobre pour la couleur taupe qui va très bien avec un salon de jardin tresser.Facile à nettoyer (Merci la glace qui fond). Super léger donc facilement transportable. Le petit plus de l'appuie tête.Seul point faible une fois monter elle ne se démonte pas, heureusement la matière est faite pour rester dehors à protéger avec une bâche tout de même si l'on na pas la possibilité de le ranger. Mes amies en sont jalouses

Received in a very large light cardboard box. Easy assembly with clear instructions and all the equipment provided. Less than 10 minutes to assemble the deckchair. Only one position, but the seat is very pleasant. (Whether you are 1.83m or 1.65m tall). A sober look for the taupe color that goes very well with braided garden furniture. Easy to clean (Thanks melting ice). Super light so easily transportable. The little plus of the headrest. Only weak point once mounted it does not disassemble, fortunately the material is made to remain outside to protect with a tarpaulin all the same if you do not have the possibility of storing it. My friends are jealous

From simona Rated at 07.03.2016

L'estate è ancora lontana ma quando si presenterà mi piacerebbe che il mio balcone si presenti pronto ad accogliermi nella veste più bella e più comoda, per questo ho scelto questa sedia stupenda e molto comoda. Arriva in casa imballata in modo davvero egregio e ovviamente è tutta da montare. Diciamo che il montaggio è facile basta avere qualcuno che ti dia una mano, da me ci ha pensato mio marito ovviamente. Il telaio è in acciaio e può reggere un peso fino a 180 Kg, la plastica di cui è composta è traspirante e vi manterrà freschi senza sentirvi appiccicosi, all'estremità vi è un piccolo cuscino che vi permetterà un relax assoluto, in questo momento la sto usando in casa come sdraio da relax per leggere e per immergermi nei miei pensieri. Il telaio è ammortizzato ed ha un effetto dondolo molto piacevole, inoltre grazie alla sua robustezza non avrete paura di sentirvi cedere la sdraio di sotto come capita con talune. Il prezzo è alto ma la sedia lo vale tutto, poi in questo momento è scontata al 45% quindi direi che è il momento ideale per l'acquisto. durante tutto il processo di lavorazione la ditta ha prestato particolare attenzione alla qualità. Il telaio robusto è fatto in allumino tubolare con rivestimento in polvere con uno spessore di 3 cm e con uno spessore delle pareti di 1,3 mm. La superficie di riposo è fatta in tessuto di materia plastica traspirante. Fatta con materiale che non irrita le pelle la sdraio è resistente alle intemperie e riesco a pulirla in maniera molto semplice, basta un panno umido e la passo su tutta la mia sdraio e torna ad essere pulita in un attimo. La superficie della seduta è di 55 cm direi che è abbastanza larga e capiente per non dare quella sensazione di essere stretti in una morsa. Mio marito è molto alto e ben piazzato eppure si ci trova benissimo, riesce a stendersi in lunghezza è alto 1,82 cm e ci sta comodissimo. Direi che è leggera e facilmente trasportabile pesa soltanto, 6,6 Kg . Il cuscino è rimovibile e volendo lo potete spostare come meglio vi aggrada per far si che il vostro relax sia più comodo possibile. Il colore della mia sedia è nero, che ben si sposa con l'accostamento del grigio dell'acciaio delle altre parti della sedia. Il telaio e i braccioli sono ricoperti da una plastica particola e molto morbida al tatto si chiama EVA. Il materiale del tessuto è al 70% in PVC e al 30% in poliestere, inoltre la chiusura è fatta davvero bene per evitare che questo si stacchi dallo scheletro d'acciaio. Per quanto riguarda il montaggio vi è un plico che vi spiegherà l'associazione dei vari pezzi, è di facile comprensione e la monterete in pochissimo tempo.

Summer is still far away but when it comes I'd like my balcony to be ready to welcome me in the most beautiful and most comfortable way, so I chose this beautiful and very comfortable chair. Arrives at home packaged in a very good way and of course it's all to be assembled. Let's say that the assembly is easy, you just need someone to give you a hand, my husband obviously took care of it for me. The frame is made of steel and can hold a weight of up to 180 kg, the plastic of which it is made is breathable and will keep you cool without feeling sticky, at the end there is a small cushion that will allow you to relax completely, at this moment the I'm using it at home as a relaxing deck chair to read and immerse myself in my thoughts. The frame is cushioned and has a very pleasant rocking effect, furthermore thanks to its sturdiness you will not be afraid of feeling the deckchair give way underneath as happens with some. The price is high but the chair is worth it all, plus right now it's 45% off so I'd say it's the ideal time to buy. throughout the manufacturing process the company has paid particular attention to quality. The sturdy frame is made of 3 cm thick powder-coated tubular aluminum with a wall thickness of 1.3 mm. The lying surface is made of breathable plastic fabric. Made with material that does not irritate the skin, the deckchair is resistant to bad weather and I can clean it in a very simple way, just a damp cloth and I pass it all over my deckchair and it is clean again in an instant. The surface of the seat is 55 cm, I would say that it is wide and roomy enough not to give that feeling of being held in a vice. My husband is very tall and well placed and yet he feels great in it, he can stretch out in length he is 1.82 cm tall and is very comfortable in it. I would say that it is light and easily transportable, weighing only 6.6 kg. The cushion is removable and if you want you can move it as best suits you to ensure that your relaxation is as comfortable as possible. The color of my chair is black, which goes well with the combination of gray steel of the other parts of the chair. The frame and the armrests are covered with a particular plastic and very soft to the touch called EVA. The material of the fabric is 70% PVC and 30% polyester, also the closure is done really well to prevent this from detaching from the steel skeleton. As far as assembly is concerned, there is an envelope that will explain the association of the various pieces, it is easy to understand and you will assemble it in no time.

From Katarzyna Rated at 01.03.2016

Questo sdraio arriva ben imballato e protetto dagli urti durante il viaggio. All'interno troviamo: - pezzi da assemblare - il manuale per il montaggio Il montaggio è semplicissimo e guidato dal manuale. In 2 persone entro 2 minuti lo sdraio è pronto. Sdraio Blumfeldt è fatto con dei tubi in alluminio molto robusti ed il telaio in plastica resistente ed impermeabile. La struttuta è a dondolo e sulla parte di testa ha un cuscino che si possa togliere e rimettere ogni volta. Lo sdraio è molto semplice da pulire con un semplice panno, lo stesso vale per il telaio. Con questo sdraio potete trasformare il vostro balcone, terrazza o giardini in un oasi di relax. Non per forza bisogna essere sulla spiaggia ammirando le onde del mare. Basta uno sdraio, aria fresca, un bel drink ed immaginazione. Proprio quel che faccio io per rilassarmi dopo tante ore di lavoro e stress. La funzione a dondolo è molto calmante, anzi devo dirvi che una volta me ne ero addormentata. Lo sdraio Blumfeldt risulta ben fatto, comodo, di un ottimo design moderno ma che si possa abbinare con qualsiasi ambiente. Consiglio acquisto anche per l rapporto qualità-prezzo del prodotto.

This lounger arrives well packed and protected from shocks during the journey. Inside we find: - pieces to be assembled - the assembly manual The assembly is very simple and guided by the manual. In 2 people within 2 minutes the deck chair is ready. The Blumfeldt lounger is made of very robust aluminum tubes and a sturdy, waterproof plastic frame. The structure is rocking and on the head part it has a cushion that can be removed and replaced every time. The deckchair is very easy to clean with a simple cloth, the same goes for the frame. With this lounger you can transform your balcony, terrace or garden into an oasis of relaxation. You don't necessarily have to be on the beach admiring the waves of the sea. All you need is a deckchair, fresh air, a nice drink and imagination. Just what I do to relax after so many hours of work and stress. The rocking function is very calming, in fact I have to tell you that I once fell asleep with it. The Blumfeldt deckchair is well made, comfortable, with an excellent modern design but which can be combined with any environment. I recommend buying also for the value for money of the product.

From Diana Rated at 06.09.2015

Zwar ist die Gartenzeit langsam vorbei, trotzdem haben wir uns gefreut, als die Gartenliege ankam. Optisch ist es wie immer Geschmacksache, aber wir fanden sie wirklich schön. Modern und elegant trifft es bei ihr wohl ganz gut! Es gibt sie in braun (oder eher kakao), rot und schwarz – wir haben sie in schwarz! Ich selbst bin farblich im Sommer eigentlich immer sehr hell orientiert, durch das silberfarbige Gestell, wirkt die Sunwave Gartenliege aber nicht sehr dunkel, sodass sie auch mir sehr gut für den Sommer gefällt! Der schwarze Sitzbezug ist aus Kunststoffgewebe, das schnell trocknet und pflegeleicht ist. Flecken können leicht herausgebürstet werden, da die 'Fäden' eben nicht aus Stoff, sondern Kunststoff sind und sich somit nicht vollsaugen. Die abnehmbare Kopfpolsterung ist mit einem Klettverschluss befestigt, was aus hygienischen Gründen natürlich ein Pluspunkt ist, besonders wenn mehrere Personen die Liege verwenden.  Zusammenklappbar ist die Liege nicht, was für den Transport etwas von Nachteil ist, allerdings bleibt bei uns die Liege dort, wo sie ist, von daher ist das nicht schlimm – für andere kann das aber ein Ausschlusskriterium sein.  Der Zusammenbau war eigentlich relativ einfach und an sich nicht sehr aufwendig, allerdings sind die Schlussschritte nicht ganz so einfach – eine zweite Person ist hier sicher nicht verkehrt! Es muss eben alles richtig sitzen und fest sein, das ist klar.  Was etwas ärgerlich war, ist, dass beim Zusammenbauen eine der Abstandhalter/Schraubenunterstützer (oder was es ist) zerplatzt ist.  Es hält zwar trotzdem alles, ist aber nun eine kleine Schwachstelle. Ebenfalls ist uns ein kleiner Fehler in der Lackierung aufgefallen, der zwar nicht schlimm ist, aber auch nicht hätte sein müssen! Ansonsten zeigt sich die Liege mit guter Qualität und toller Optik! Der Liegecomfort ist sehr angenehm. Es ist schade, dass man die Liege nicht verstellen kann, das weiß man aber vorher, davon abgesehen, dass es der Bequemlichkeit nichts abtut.  Der Schwingeffekt ist sehr angenehm, aber nicht stark. Erwartet also keinen Schaukelstuhl! Die Stopper an den Beinen sorgen hier für einen sicheren Stand für die Liege! Der Größe nach (B62 cm x H91cm x T150 cm) ist der Liegestuhl nicht nur für den Garten, sondern auch für jede herkömmliche Terrasse und jeden herkömmlichen Balkon gut geeignet. Sie ist sehr schlank und nimmt so nur wenig Platz weg. Da sie mit 6,6 kg auch sehr leicht ist, kann man sie einfach mal von einer Ecke in die andere heben, was ebenfalls gut ist – hier ist aber wieder zu bedenken, dass man sie nicht zusammenklappen kann! Was auch ein Pluspunkt ist: Die Liege hält ein Gewicht von bis zu 180 Kg aus! Das macht es auch den korpulenteren unter uns möglich, sie zu benutzen. Ich finde das wirklich gut, denn das ist nicht nur kundenfreundlich, sondern zeigt auch die Stabilität der Liege – so ein Aluminiumgestell ist ja in vielen Ecken verrufen mit dem Klischee, dass es sowieso nichts aushält. Dem ist nicht so! Im Gesamten:  Die Liege spricht mich persönlich optisch sehr an. Sie ist stabil, hält ein großes Gewicht aus und ist aufgestellt recht platzsparend. Dass sie nicht wenigstens zusammenklappbar ist, ist schade, es stört aber nicht wenn die Liege immer an einem Ort bleibt. Die Verarbeitung hat sich beim Zusammenbauen einen Minuspunkt eingeheimst – ansonsten kann man sagen, dass die Relaxliege top ist!  Für 90 Euro, liegt sie im guten Preis-Leistungsverhältnis, und ist damit im preislichen Mittelfeld von vergleichbaren Gartenliegen!

Although the garden time is slowly over, we were still happy when the garden lounger arrived. Visually, as always, it's a matter of taste, but we really liked them. Modern and elegant is probably quite good for her! They come in brown (or rather cocoa), red and black - we have them in black! I myself tend to be very light in color in summer, but the silver-colored frame means the Sunwave garden lounger doesn't look very dark, so I like it very much for the summer! The black seat cover is made of synthetic fabric, which dries quickly and is easy to care for. Stains can easily be brushed out because the 'threads' are not made of fabric but plastic and therefore do not become saturated. The removable head padding is attached with a Velcro fastener, which is of course a plus point for hygienic reasons, especially if several people use the lounger. The lounger cannot be folded, which is a bit of a disadvantage for transport, but with us the lounger stays where it is, so that's not a problem - but for others that can be an exclusion criterion. The assembly was actually relatively easy and not very complex in itself, but the final steps are not that easy - a second person is certainly not wrong here! Everything has to be right and tight, that's for sure. What was slightly annoying is that when reassembling, one of the spacers/screw supporters (or whatever it is) popped. It still holds everything, but is now a small weak point. We also noticed a small flaw in the paintwork, which isn't bad, but it shouldn't have been! Otherwise, the lounger is of good quality and looks great! The lying comfort is very pleasant. It's a pity that you can't adjust the lounger, but you know that beforehand, apart from the fact that it doesn't take anything away from the comfort. The swinging effect is very pleasant but not strong. So don't expect a rocking chair! The stoppers on the legs ensure a secure stand for the lounger! In terms of size (W62 cm x H91 cm x D150 cm), the deck chair is not only suitable for the garden, but also for any conventional terrace or balcony. It is very slim and takes up very little space. Since it's also very light at 6.6 kg, you can easily lift it from one corner to the other, which is also good - but again, it's important to remember that you can't fold it! What is also a plus point: the lounger can withstand a weight of up to 180 kg! This makes it possible for even the heavier among us to use them. I think that's really good, because it's not only customer-friendly, but also shows the stability of the lounger - such an aluminum frame is infamous in many corners with the cliché that it can't stand anything anyway. It is not so! Overall: The lounger appeals to me personally visually. It is stable, can withstand a lot of weight and is quite space-saving when set up. It's a pity that it can't at least be folded up, but it doesn't bother if the lounger always stays in one place. The processing got a minus point when assembling - otherwise you can say that the relaxation lounger is great! For 90 euros, it has a good price-performance ratio and is therefore in the mid-range of comparable garden loungers!

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Sunwave Garden Lounger
  • Ergonomically shaped garden lounger
  • Durable and sturdy aluminium tube and plastic construction
  • Round suspension frame allowing for swinging
124,99 € 99,99 €
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