Ex Lantern Insect Killer

From 8 Customer
60,99 € 49,99 €
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Top features
  • Easy-to-use insect killer for protection against annoying bugs
  • Attraction via UV light: works without making any sound, chemical odors or poison
  • Quick and painless death for flying insects through contact with a high-voltage grid
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Ex Lantern Insect Killer
60,99 € 49,99 €

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Ex LaternInsect Exterminator UV-A Lamp Blue Light 20 W

No more annoying pests! With the efficient DURAMAXX Ex UV insect exterminator lamp, a killer of gnats, mosquitoes, and flies, we can finally find peace and quiet again in our living rooms, bedrooms, offices, restaurants, and stairwells.

To operate it is very easy. An energy-saving UV fluorescent light tube simply attracts without fail flying insects. Instead of harassing people with their whizzing and whirring, these flying troublemakers are mesmerized by the pleasant blue light of the lamp. Soon after they make their acquaintance with a high-voltage wire grid. A quick, painless electric shock and then the dead pest falls into the tray of the insect exterminator. This all happens without producing any noise, chemical attractants, poisonous sprays, or nerve-racking hunting with a newspaper, slipper, or a fly swatter.

With just a 20 W power consumption, the DURAMAXX Ex UV insect exterminator lamp is perfectly suited for continuous operation and can thus do away with all insect pests. The killed insects can be easily disposed of thanks to the removable bottom tray. The housing is in the form of a lantern and so can either made to stand in a safe place be hung with a ring on the ceiling.

User manual PDF
Product details

Top features:

  • Easy-to-use insect killer for protection against annoying bugs

  • Attraction via UV light: works without making any sound, chemical odors or poison

  • Quick and painless death for flying insects through contact with a high-voltage grid

  • Low 20 W power consumption for continuous use

  • Easy cleaning thanks to the removable bottom tray

  • 20 W UV-A fluorescent tube
  • Protection class: IPX4 (protected against water splashes)
  • Suitable for hanging or standing positioning
  • Housing in the style of lanterns
  • Housing material: plastic
  • Color: black
  • Shock-proof plug
  • Suitable for use in indoors, restaurants, shops, offices, hospitals, stairways and halls, or factory buildings
  • Power supply: 220-240 V~ / 50-60 Hz
Scope of delivery:
  • 1 x insect killer
  • 1 x UV fluorescent tube
  • 1 x instruction manual  in German (other languages: English)
  • Dimensions: approx. 25 x 30 x 25 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: approx. 1.2 kg
Customer opinions
From 8 Customer


From Anne Rated at 27.01.2017

La lumière bleue attire les insectes et la plaque de métal autour de la lampe les électrocute. Pas de risque de toucher la grille de métal, un autre niveau de grille l'entoure. La lampe doit être connectée à l'électricité. Un cable est connecté à la hauteur du chapeau de la lampe.La lampe arrive bien protégée dans une boite et des modules de polyester expansé. La lampe doit être mise en place à l'intérieur, avec juste deux vis en croix à dévisser et revisser.A mettre soit dans un coin soit en hauteur, mais la lumière attire le regard donc il faut la positionner où vous ne la verrez pas. Les insectes seront attirés même sous la table :-) Et comme la prise électrique est assez courte (environ un mètre), j'ai trouvé que c'était la meilleure position, sous la table! Pour l'été cette lampe permettra de ne pas utiliser de produits chimiques nocifs, ni même de produits à la citronnelle qui sentent forts et ne sont pas très agréables autour de la table.Nous mangeons beaucoup de fruits et je les laisse dehors pour les faire murir mais les moucherons à fruits tournent toujours autour et c'est énervant. J'ai branché la lampe dans la cuisine. Le lendemain matin les moucherons avaient rendu l'âme. Efficace.

The blue light attracts insects and the metal plate around the lamp electrocutes them. No risk of touching the metal grid, another level of grid surrounds it. The lamp must be connected to electricity. A cable is connected at the height of the cap of the lamp. The lamp arrives well protected in a box and expanded polyester modules. The lamp must be set up inside, with just two cross-shaped screws to unscrew and rescrew. To put either in a corner or in height, but the light attracts the eye so it must be positioned where you will not see it . Insects will be attracted even under the table :-) And since the electrical socket is quite short (about one meter), I found this to be the best position, under the table! For the summer this lamp will make it possible not to use harmful chemicals, nor even citronella products which smell strong and are not very pleasant around the table. We eat a lot of fruit and I leave them outside to make them ripen but the fruit gnats are still circling around and it's annoying. I plugged in the lamp in the kitchen. The next morning the gnats had passed away. Effective.

From Philippe Rated at 02.06.2016

Jolie lampe de belles dimensions et fournie avec une lampe UVA de 20 watts, elle est protégée contre les gouttes d'eau toutefois en extérieur on prendra la précaution de l'utiliser sous un abri. L'installation de la lampe requiert un tournevis et prend 2 minutes pour visser le culot de la lampe. La notice allemand/anglais n'est pas indispensable voire inutile. Deux possibilités d'utilisation : soit en suspension soit posée sur une table. La puissance de 20 Watts garantie une bonne attractivité, c'est pour ça que je la mets en concurrence avec mes chauves-souris. Normalement elle devrait être efficace sur les mouches, j'en attrape avec une vieille lampe de seulement 3 Watts. Malheureusement pour le test le retour de la pluie les rend rares. N'hésitez pas à me questionner sur ce sujet dans les semaines à venir. Cette lampe est très appréciable en été lorsque l'on ouvre les fenêtres ou que l'on dîne en terrasse. Elle évite l'usage des produits chimiques, tous nocifs pour la santé humaine et de nos animaux domestiques. Perso, j'ai adopté depuis longtemps et je recommande.

Pretty lamp of good size and supplied with a 20 watt UVA lamp, it is protected against drops of water, however outdoors we will take the precaution of using it under a shelter. Installing the lamp requires a screwdriver and takes 2 minutes to screw the lamp base. The German / English notice is not essential or even useless. Two possibilities of use: either suspended or placed on a table. The power of 20 Watts guarantees a good attractiveness, that's why I put it in competition with my bats. Normally it should be effective on flies, I catch some with an old lamp of only 3 Watts. Unfortunately for the test the return of the rain makes them rare. Do not hesitate to question me on this subject in the weeks to come. This lamp is very appreciable in summer when you open the windows or dine on the terrace. It avoids the use of chemicals, all of which are harmful to human health and our pets. Personally, I adopted a long time ago and I recommend.

From Diego Rated at 31.05.2016

PRO: - estetica più carina delle solite griglie rettangolari - attacco E27 per poter cambiare la lampada al bisogno con una normalissima lampada a basso consumo (secondo me conviene visto il costo del ricambio originale) - funziona senza fare il classico e fastidioso rumore di scossa elettrica CONTRO: - nessun interruttore per spegnerlo si deve togliere la spina - spina schuko (poco pratica in Italia e visto l'assorbimento della lampada direi inutile) - lampada di ricambio carissima (25,99€+3,99€ spedizioni) meglio usare una normale basso consumo o una lampada a led se si vuol risparmiare DESCRIZIONE: Della stessa forma di una grande lanterna da esterno, completamente in plastica nera, priva di qualsiasi certificazione di impermeabilità e resistenza alla polvere (IP), con cassettino inferiore estraibile che serve a raccogliere le zanzare che rimarranno fulminante dalla corrente, Lampada con attacco E27 centrale, con una serpentina elettrificata che dovrebbe fulminante gli insetti al passaggio. Tutto attorno esternamente una griglia in plastica sempre nera, di protezione per evitare che qualcuno accidentalmente ci possa infilare un dito. Comodo nella parte superiore, un anello per poterla appendere. LA PROVA: (se la leggete tutta inizialmente mi aveva deluso ma alla fine funziona perfettamente!!!) Per prima cosa mi attrezzo di un gancio in acciaio inox a forma di S (non fornito) per poter appendere la lampada al gazebo grazie all'anello presente nella parte superiore. Smonto la lampada grazie alle 2 vitine e ci avviso la lampada fornita e la richiedo. Operazione molto semplice e veloce. Bene la appendo al gazebo e mi armo di una prolunga in quanto il cavo di circa 2m non é sufficiente a raggiungere la mia presa, e qui primo problema, la spina schuko non entra nella prolunga ovviamente, serve una riduzione. Ok presa la riduzione collego la spina e la lampada si accettande... Non c'é un interruttore quindi una volta alimentata rimarrà sempre accesa, tenetelo presente. Non era ancora buio quindi le zanzare diciamo che non ci pensavano minimamente ad avvicinarsi, non erano minimamente attratte. Ci prova una specie di vespa moscone, ma forse xké troppo grosso non resta fulminato e continua a girovagare nei pressi della lampada, finché si decide ad andarsene (vedi foto). Comincia a fare buio, ma le Zanzare non si avvicinano... La lascio accesa tutta la serata, fino a mezzanotte, quando vado a spegnerla e a controllare il cassettino l'amara sorpresa, Zanzare fulminate: zero!!! IMMAGINERETE LA MIA DELUSIONE E INCREDULITA'!!! Nei giorni seguenti ho ripetuto le stesse operazioni, anora nessun rumore di zanzare fulminate, mi avicino per vedere, e zanzare ce ne erano eccome, anche senza far rumore!!!! FANTASTICO, lo odio quel rumore!!! Le zanzare vengono attratte ma soprattutto stecchite lo stesso, forse la corrente è più bassa rispetto ai classici modelli a griglia, fattostà che fa il suo dovere e le zanzare son nettamente diminuite. Il problema non è completamente risolto, perchè la luce continuerà ad attirare nuove zanzare e quindi non ce ne libereremo mai, ma almeno vanno verso la luce e non verranno ad infastidirci attorno al tavolo. Per quanto riguarda la lampadina, vedo che é venduta singolarmente come ricambio, ma il prezzo é molto alto pertanto quando si brucerà opterò per sostituirla con una normale lampada a basso consumo, consuma meno, e la sua funzione la farà ugualmente.

PROS: - prettier aesthetic than the usual rectangular grids - E27 socket to be able to change the lamp when needed with a normal low-consumption lamp (in my opinion it is worth considering the cost of the original spare part) - it works without making the classic and annoying electric shock noise CONS: - no switch to turn it off you have to unplug it - schuko plug (impractical in Italy and given the absorption of the lamp I would say useless) - very expensive replacement lamp (€25.99 + €3.99 for shipping) better to use a normal low consumption or a LED lamp if you want to save money DESCRIPTION: In the same shape as a large outdoor lantern, completely in black plastic, without any waterproofing or dust resistance (IP) certification, with a removable lower drawer which is used to collect the mosquitoes that will remain electrocuted by the current, Lamp with central E27 fitting, with an electrified coil that should electrocute the insects at the pa xing. All around externally a black plastic grille, for protection to prevent anyone from accidentally inserting a finger. Convenient at the top, a ring to hang it. THE PROOF: (if you read it all, it initially disappointed me but in the end it works perfectly!!!) First of all I use an S-shaped stainless steel hook (not supplied) to be able to hang the lamp on the gazebo thanks to the ring present in the upper part. I disassemble the lamp thanks to the 2 small screws and I inform us of the lamp supplied and I request it. Very simple and fast operation. Well I hang it on the gazebo and arm myself with an extension cord as the approximately 2m cable is not sufficient to reach my socket, and here the first problem, the schuko plug does not fit into the extension obviously, a reduction is needed. Ok taken the reduction I connect the plug and the lamp is accepted... There is no switch so once powered it will always remain on, keep this in mind. It wasn't dark yet so the mosquitoes didn't even think about getting close, they weren't attracted in the least. A sort of bluebottle wasp tries, but maybe because it's too big it doesn't get electrocuted and continues to wander around near the lamp, until it decides to leave (see photo). It begins to get dark, but the Mosquitoes don't get close... I leave it on all evening, until midnight, when I go to turn it off and check the drawer the bitter surprise, Mosquitoes electrocuted: zero!!! YOU CAN IMAGINE MY DISAPPOINTMENT AND BELIEF!!! In the following days I repeated the same operations, still no sound of electrocuted mosquitoes, I get closer to see, and there were all right mosquitoes, even without making any noise!!!! AWESOME, I hate that noise!!! Mosquitoes are attracted but above all dead the same, perhaps the current is lower than the classic grid models, fact that it does its duty and the mosquitoes are clearly decreased. The problem isn't completely solved, because the light will continue to attract new mosquitoes and therefore we will never get rid of them, but at least they go towards the light and won't come to annoy us around the table. As for the bulb, I see that it is sold individually as a spare, but the price is very high so when it burns out I will opt to replace it with a normal low-consumption lamp, it consumes less, and will do its job anyway.

From Angela Rated at 31.05.2016

Mia madre possiede una bella casa con giardino e piscina la casa si trova in campagna, sarebbe stupendo potersi godere il giardino sdraiandosi comodamente a bordo piscina, ma tutto ciò è quasi impossibile, per colpa delle zanzare che ci divorano letteralmente. Sopratutto dopo il tramonto scatta il coprifuoco , credo che le zanzare in particolare siano attratte dall'acqua della piscina ..fatto sta che sono davvero molto fastidiose. Personalmente devo piacere molto alle zanzare , mentre a mio marito lo ignorano letteralmente a me pungono dappertutto oltrepassando anche gli abiti... ed essendo allergica le punture si trasformano in pomfi che mi procurano molto prurito... per cui anche in estate quando vado a trovare mia madre sono costretta a rimanere confinata in casa. Oltre alle zanzare ci sono ogni tanto anche le vespe e i calabroni sopratutto se decidiamo di cenare all'aperto praticamente gli insetti la fanno da padroni facendo diventare il giardino invivibile. Da oggi in poi anche questo problema è risolto grazie al mio ultimo acquisto su Electronic star. La lanterna ha una lampada a luce blu che attira gli insetti la potenza assorbita è di soli 20W è adatta quindi anche per un uso prolungato, inoltre ha la protezione IPX4 contro gli spruzzi d'acqua ed è dotata di comodo gancio per appenderla. Non servono sostanze chimiche o maleodoranti L'eliminazione degli insetti è rapida e indolore grazie a griglia ad alta tensione, la pulizia è semplice grazie al fondo estraibile. Il funzionamento è prevedibilmente semplice. Un tubo luminoso UV a basso consumo attira gli insett i quali vengono attratti come ipnotizzati dalla luce blu della lampada. Inconsapevoli fanno poi la conoscenza della griglia ad alta tensione. Finalmente grazie a questa lampada possiamo goderci il giardino e la piscina tranquillamente senza aver paura di essere divorati dagli insetti Per chi abita in campagna o possiede un giardino consiglio questa lampada il cui prezzo è molto competitivo

My mother has a beautiful house with garden and swimming pool. The house is located in the countryside, it would be wonderful to be able to enjoy the garden lying comfortably by the pool, but all this is almost impossible, due to the mosquitoes that literally devour us. Especially after sunset, the curfew starts, I think that mosquitoes in particular are attracted to the water in the pool...the fact is that they are really annoying. Personally I must like the mosquitoes a lot, while my husband literally ignores them, they sting everywhere, even going beyond my clothes... and being allergic, the bites turn into wheals that cause me a lot of itching... so even in the summer when I go to find my mother I am forced to remain confined to the house. In addition to mosquitoes there are also wasps and hornets from time to time, especially if we decide to dine outdoors, insects are practically the masters making the garden unlivable. From now on, this problem is also solved thanks to my latest purchase on Electronic star. The lantern has a blue light lamp that attracts insects, the absorbed power is only 20W and is therefore also suitable for prolonged use, it also has IPX4 protection against water splashes and is equipped with a convenient hook for hanging. No need for chemicals or bad smells The elimination of insects is quick and painless thanks to the high voltage grid, cleaning is simple thanks to the removable bottom. Operation is predictably simple. A low consumption UV light tube attracts the insects which are attracted as if hypnotized by the blue light of the lamp. Unaware they then become acquainted with the high voltage grid. Finally, thanks to this lamp we can enjoy the garden and the swimming pool peacefully without being afraid of being eaten by insects. For those who live in the countryside or have a garden, I recommend this lamp whose price is very competitive

From Nicole Rated at 26.05.2016

Mücken und sonstige Viecher ziehe ich irgendwie immer magisch an und sobald es draußen warm wird, kann ich mich vor Stichen kaum noch retten. Zu Testzwecken bekam ich den DURAMAXX Ex Lantern Insektenvernichter kostenlos zugeschickt und dieser wurde auch gleich aufgestellt. Auf jeden Fall ist schon mal das Design gelungen, denn es handelt sich nicht um ein breites Teil, wie man es sonst kennt, sondern um eine Art Häuschen. Das Gehäuse ist aus schwarzem Kunststoff und es sieht Optisch toll aus. Das ganze hat eine Größe von 25 x 30 x 25 cm und passt so auch in jede kleine Ecke. Bevor man das ganze in betrieb nehmen kann, muss die Leuchtröhre eingesetzt werden, die in einem extra Karton dabei liegt. Dafür gibt es eine bebilderte Anleitung und es ist wirklich Kinderleicht. Man nimmt die Schale an der Unterseite ab, löst dort die Schrauben, dreht die Lampe ein und verschließt das ganze wieder. Steckt man nun das Stromkabel in die Steckdose fängt die Lampe auch sofort an blau zu leuchten. Und dieses blaue Licht zieht alle Insekten magisch an. Anstatt nun auf die Menschen zu gehen, fliegen sie direkt auf das blaue Licht zu. Sobald sie das Hochspannungsgitter berühren werden sie getötet, was sehr schnell geht. Das schöne an dem gerät ist, das es für Menschen nicht schädlich ist, denn es arbeitet ohne Gift, ohne Schadstoffe oder sonstiges. Ich habe das Gerät im Schlafzimmer stehen, da ich dort tag und Nacht das Fenster auf habe und so auch jede Menge Besuch von den Viechern bekomme. Ich weiß nicht wie oft ich Nachts wach wurde, weil ich wieder mal gestochen wurde. Nun steht dieses Gerät auf der Fensterbank und verrichtet Einwandfrei seine Arbeit. Da es völlig lautlos ist, stört es einem Nachts auch nicht. Ab und an hört man mal wenn ein Tier dort reingeflogen ist, aber auch das ist nicht laut. Es sei denn es ist ein riesen Brummer, dann zischt es doch schon ganz laut. Aber meistens sind es ja Mücken und Fliegen die einem den Schlaf rauben. Seitdem ich dieses Gerät dort stehen habe, hat mich kein Insekt mehr gestochen und ich bin auch nicht von einem surren wach geworden. Die Reinigung ist auch absolut einfach. Dazu nimmt man ganz einfach die Auffangschale heraus, kippt alles was sich darin befindet in den Mülleimer und wischt sie unter Wasser kurz ab. Das geht wirklich sehr schnell und völlig Problemlos. Ich möchte den Insektenvernichter nicht mehr missen und vergebe gerne die fünf Sterne dafür.

I somehow always magically attract mosquitoes and other critters and as soon as it gets warm outside I can hardly save myself from being bitten. For test purposes, I was sent the DURAMAXX Ex Lantern insect killer free of charge and it was set up right away. In any case, the design has been successful, because it is not a wide part, as is otherwise known, but a kind of little house. The case is made of black plastic and it looks great. The whole has a size of 25 x 30 x 25 cm and fits in every small corner. Before you can put the whole thing into operation, the fluorescent tube must be used, which is included in an extra box. There are illustrated instructions for this and it is really child's play. You take off the shell on the underside, loosen the screws there, screw in the lamp and close the whole thing again. If you plug the power cable into the socket, the lamp immediately starts to glow blue. And this blue light magically attracts all insects. Now instead of walking towards the people, they fly straight towards the blue light. As soon as they touch the high-voltage grid, they will be killed, which happens very quickly. The nice thing about the device is that it is not harmful to humans, because it works without poison, without harmful substances or anything else. I have the device in the bedroom because I have the window open there day and night and get a lot of visits from the critters. I don't know how many times I woke up at night because I was stung again. Now this device stands on the windowsill and does its job perfectly. Since it's completely silent, it doesn't bother you at night either. From time to time you hear when an animal has flown in there, but that's not loud either. Unless it's a huge hum, then it hisses quite loudly. But mostly it's mosquitoes and flies that rob you of your sleep. Since I've had this device there, I haven't been bitten by an insect and I haven't been woken up by a whirring either. Cleaning is also extremely easy. To do this, you simply take out the drip tray, tip everything that is in it into the trash can and wipe it off briefly under water. It's really quick and hassle-free. I don't want to do without the insect killer anymore and I'm happy to award five stars for it.

From emanuela Rated at 25.05.2016

Lanterna cattura insetti arrivata perfettamente imballata e perfetta in ogni parte. Nella confezione troveremo la lanterna, la lampadina e le istruzioni. Il dispositivo è adatto per interni, ristoranti, negozi, uffici, ospedali, scale, capannoni atrio ecc. Misura circa 25 x 30 x 25 cm e pesa piu' o meno 1,2 kg facile da collocare e spostare grazie anche al pratico gancetto in alto che ci permetterà anche di tenerla in sospeso oltre che poggiata su un piano. La lampada è di facile messa in uso in quanto basta togliere la parte posteriore, chiusa da delle piccole viti e mettere la lampadina e richiudere. Fatta in materiale plastico resistente esternamente e poi una griglia metallica interna che folgorerà gli eventuali e malcapitati insetti attirati dalla luce bluette che emette la lanterna. Lampada a luce blu UV-A da 20 W è a risparmio energetico cosi' averemo utile e dilettevole, finalmente un modo per attrarre insetti senza sostanze chimiche: nessun fastidioso odore o rumore. Uno stile classico ed elegante permette di tenere la lanterna anche in bella vita perchè diventa un bel complemento d'arredo. Il fondo inoltre è estraibile consentendo un pulizia periodica della lampada con facilità. Buon rapporto qualità prezzo. Consigliato.

Insect catching lantern arrived perfectly packed and perfect in every part. In the package we will find the lantern, the bulb and the instructions. The device is suitable for indoors, restaurants, shops, offices, hospitals, stairways, atrium halls etc. It measures approximately 25 x 30 x 25 cm and weighs more or less 1.2 kg, easy to place and move thanks to the practical hook at the top which will also allow us to keep it suspended as well as resting on a surface. The lamp is easy to put into use as it is enough to remove the back part, closed by small screws and put the bulb in and close again. Made of resistant plastic material externally and then an internal metal grid that will electrocute any unfortunate insects attracted by the blue light that the lantern emits. 20W UV-A blue light lamp is energy saving so we will have useful and pleasant, finally a way to attract insects without chemicals: no annoying smell or noise. A classic and elegant style allows you to keep the lantern even in good life because it becomes a beautiful piece of furniture. The bottom is also removable allowing periodic cleaning of the lamp with ease. Good value for money. Advised.

From luigi Rated at 24.05.2016

Estate in arrivo! Ma, aimè, anche Zanzare in arrivo :-(( Quest’anno non fregano! Mi sono dotato di una di quelle lampade “brucia-insetti” che tanto bene fanno alle nostre serate estive. La mia scelta è caduta su un modello Duramaxx che mi ha colpito per la sua curiosa forma “a lanterna”. Su lato tecnico parliamo di una lampada a basso consumo con lunghezza d’onda nel range del blu dotata di una griglia elettrica resistiva che la circonda. L’assorbimento dichiarato è di soli 20 watt. L’efficacia però è al top: la luce blu attira gli insetti che subito vengono folgorati dalla griglia. Il fondo è estraibile consentendo un pulizia periodica della lampada. Questa lampada è creata per vivere tranquillamente all’esterno: involucro in PVC, spina elettrica di tipo Shuko impermeabile, un buon cavo elettrico. Su un balcone o in giardino fa la sua bella figura, fermo restando che può essere tranquillamente collocata al chiuso.

Summer coming! But, alas, even Mosquitoes are arriving :-(( This year they don't give a damn! I equipped myself with one of those "insect-burning" lamps that are so good for our summer evenings. My choice fell on a Duramaxx model which I was struck by its curious "lantern" shape. On the technical side we are talking about a low-consumption lamp with a wavelength in the blue range equipped with a resistive electric grid that surrounds it. The declared absorption is only 20 watt. However, the effectiveness is top: the blue light attracts insects which are immediately electrocuted by the grid. The bottom is removable allowing periodic cleaning of the lamp. This lamp is created to live peacefully outside: PVC casing, plug waterproof Shuko electric cable, a good electric cable.It makes a good impression on a balcony or in the garden, it being understood that it can be safely placed indoors.

From Silvia Rated at 19.05.2016

Con la stagione altalenante in cui ci troviamo purtroppo, abbiamo molti sbalzi di temperatura. Ci troviamo con giornate di sole, caldo, afa e con serate o pomeriggi di pioggia e fresco. Oltre alla nostra salute che è a rischio raffreddori e malanni varidobbiamo pensare anche agli insetti che sono già in agguato. Non appena apri la porta o il balcone di casa ci sono già zanzarone pronte ad entrare e a mordere. Certo che quelle di ora sono belle grosse e ho già avuto diversi incontri ravvicinati. La mia paura e preoccupazione è che possano mordere i miei bimbi anche perchè i oro morsi lasciano dei bozzi non proprio piccoli. Io mi sono già attrezzata. Cosa ho preso? Una zanzariera elettrica! La zanzariera Duramaxx molto carina la sua forma ed estetica. Avrete una bella lanterna, compresa di lampadina e istruzioni che vi seguiranno durante il montaggio e l’uso. Basta togliere la parte posteriore, mettere la lampadina e richiudere. La parte intorno alla lampadina è una resistenza dove le zanzare verranno fulminate. La luce blu attira le zanzare e avvicinandosi non avranno più vita. Sterminerete tuttele succhiasangue che vorranno mordervi! Io mi trovo benissimo, davvero tute le zanzare vanno solo vicino la zanzariera e non entrano più in casa. Finalmente una gran bella soluzione non tossica e senza spendere grandicifre per combattere l’assalto delle zanzare. Vi consiglio di metterla subito vicino la porta del balcone di modo che non appena le zanzare vogliono entrare saranno invece attirate dalla luce della lanterna, anzicchè entrare in casa.

With the fluctuating season we are in unfortunately, we have a lot of sudden changes in temperature. We find ourselves with sunny, hot, sultry days and with rainy and cool evenings or afternoons. In addition to our health, which is at risk from colds and various ailments, we must also think about the insects that are already lurking. As soon as you open the door or the balcony of the house there are already mosquitoes ready to enter and bite. Of course those now are pretty big and I've already had several close encounters. My fear and concern is that they may bite my children also because the gold bites leave lumps that are not exactly small. I've already equipped myself. What did I get? An electric mosquito net! The Duramaxx mosquito net is very nice in its shape and aesthetics. You will have a beautiful lantern, including a bulb and instructions that will follow you during assembly and use. Just take the back off, put the bulb in and reseal. The part around the bulb is a resistor where mosquitoes will be electrocuted. The blue light attracts mosquitoes and as they approach they will no longer have any life. You will exterminate all the bloodsuckers that want to bite you! I feel great, really all the mosquitoes only go near the mosquito net and no longer enter the house. Finally a great non-toxic solution and without spending large sums to combat the onslaught of mosquitoes. I advise you to place it immediately near the balcony door so that as soon as the mosquitoes want to enter they will instead be attracted by the light of the lantern, instead of entering the house.

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Ex Lantern Insect Killer
  • Easy-to-use insect killer for protection against annoying bugs
  • Attraction via UV light: works without making any sound, chemical odors or poison
  • Quick and painless death for flying insects through contact with a high-voltage grid
60,99 € 49,99 €
incl. VAT


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