
Pizzaiolo Pizza Oven

From 2 Customer
349,99 € 283,99 €
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Top features
  • Multifunctional pizza oven and gri;l made of metal for the garden
  • Comes with a pizza stone for square oven-baked pizza
  • Also for grilling meat and vegetables
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Pizzaiolo Pizza Oven
349,99 € 283,99 €

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Pizzaiolo Pizza Oven Grill Smoker Steel Pizza Stone

Multifunctional pizza oven for gardens, terraces or yards. Smoke, grill and bake pizza with one device.

Sturdy, metal construction with a weather-resistant coating.

Separate chambers for grilling and the fuel; removable ash drawer for simple cleaning.

Grill differently next time: the Klarstein Pizzaiolo pizza oven for outdoor use makes grilling, smoking, or barbecuing a culinary highlight.

The pizza oven Pizzaiolo from Klarstein conjures a pizzeria in the garden. Tempt your friends and family at home with a delicious, homemade pizza. A crispy wafer-thin pizza topped with your favorite ingredients and delicious melted cheese is possible. Whether made like the classic with mozzarella and tomato sauce or something more extravagant, your imagination will not know any limits. To bring out the best taste, use the included pizza stone!

The Klarstein Pizzaiolo pizza oven is also ideal for grilling meat, fish and vegetables. A tip: succulent meat is best if you put a small cup of water in the combustion chamber when its cooking.

Ambitious amateur chefs and lovers of smoked foods will also appreciate the smoking function. With little efftor, the furnace becomes a smoehouse and fish, sausage, and meat start to become smoked. The air supply is regulated via the air vents and chimney.

The Klarstein Pizzaiolo pizza oven offers a variety of ways to prepare diecious dishes. There is something for everyone, so a holiday feeling is always guaranteed.

Product details

Top features:

  • Multifunctional pizza oven and gri;l made of metal for the garden

  • Comes with a pizza stone for square oven-baked pizza

  • Also for grilling meat and vegetables

  • Effortless smoking of fish and meat

  • Fueled by wood or coal

  • Uncomplicated assemply
  • Built-in thermometer
  • Easy emptying of the ash tray
  • Ventilation flap with draft control on the cooking chamber
  • Over door with a hand for safe opening
  • Pizza stone removable
  • Shelf under the oven for firewood, for exable
  • For outdoor use
Scope of delivery:
  • Dimensions: approx. 51 x 157 x 38 (WxHxD)
  • Weight: approx 26 kg
Customer opinions
From 2 Customer


From Anne Rated at 20.12.2016

Schon lange wollte ich unsere eigenen Pizza herstellen da die gekauften mich leider nicht so überzeugen konnten. Hier habe ich mich entschieden den Pizzaiola Pizzaofen inZukunft mein eigen nennen zu dürfen und diesen bestellt. Die Lieferung erfolgte innerhalb von zwei Tagen in einem gut verpackten Paket von sage uns schreibe 26 Kilogramm. Im Lieferumfan ist enthalten - Der Ofen - Grillrost - Pizzastein - Bedienungsanleitung in mehreren Sprachen Meine Erfahrung sehr gut finde ich das alles aus Metall ist so das es den Witterungsbedingungen standhält und man diesen das ganze Jahr draussen im Garten lassen kann. Hierbei steht unserer Trotzdem geschützt vor Regen Schnee und Co unter einem Vordach das im Winter dann auch komplett verschlossen werden kann wie ein Wintergarten so ähnlich. Zum Befeuern stellen wir das gahze dann nach weiter drausen. Der Aufbau ist dank der gut beschriebenen Aufbauanleitung sehr fix erledigt. Man muß aber auch dazu sagen das dieser schon so konstruiert ist das man diese eigentlich gar nicht braucht. Der Ofen hat einen sicheren Stand so das nichts wegrutschen oder kippen kann Gut finde ich das der Ofen entweder mit Holz oder auch mit Holzkohle befeuert werden kann. Nicht nur das Pizza backen ist mit diesem Ofen möglich nein es kann dank dem Grillrost der mit im Lieferumfang ist normal gegrillt oder gar geräuchtert werden. Dieser Herausforderung stelle ich mir noch da ich mal gerne meine eigenen Würstchen räuchern will. Ich habe so dann mal mich an eine tolle Pizza herangewagt . Und muss sagen das Ergebnis kann sich echt sehen lassen. Und war total lecker. Auch finde ich entsteht nicht so viel Rauch als wenn ich meinen normalen Grill befeuern tu. Selbst das Grillgut wird hier super lecker. Die Ascheschublade kann herausgenommen und sicher entleert werden -im Garraum ist ein Thermometer integriert was so für die richtige Temperatur sorgt und man dieses gut kontrollieren kann - Die Lüftungsklappe mit Zugluftregler befindet sich am Brennraum - Die Ofentür hat einen Zuggriff damit sich diese einfach und sicher öffnen lässt Unterhalb des Ofens ist eine Ablegeplatte vorhanden wo z.b. die Kohle oder das Holz mit gelagert werden kann. So das man nicht ständig laufen muß um nachzufeuern etc. Unsere Pizza ist super knusprig geworden und man merkt einfach das sie selber gemacht ist und eben nicht so künstlich schmecktt. Noch dazu kann man sie je nach Geschmack belegen und das ist mir wo ich immer meine eigenen Wünsche für Pizza habe sehr wichtig. Für dieses Mega Gerät das mein Ganzer Stolz ist vergebe ich fünf von fünf möglichen Sternen.

I have wanted to make our own pizza for a long time because the ones I bought weren't that convincing. So I decided to call the Pizzaiola pizza oven my own in the future and ordered it. It was delivered within two days in a well-packaged package weighing 26 kilograms. The delivery includes - the oven - grill grate - pizza stone - operating instructions in several languages In my experience I think it's very good that everything is made of metal so that it can withstand the weather conditions and you can leave it outside in the garden all year round. Ours is protected from rain, snow, etc. under a canopy that can be completely closed off in winter like a conservatory. We then put the whole thing outside to light it. The assembly is very quick thanks to the well-described assembly instructions. But it must also be said that it is designed in such a way that you don't actually need them. The oven has a secure stand so that nothing can slip or tip over. I think it's good that the oven can be fired with either wood or charcoal. Not only can you bake pizza with this oven, you can also grill it or even smoke it thanks to the grill rack that is included. I'm still taking on this challenge because I'd like to smoke my own sausages. I then attempted to make a great pizza. And I have to say the result is really impressive. And it was absolutely delicious. I also don't think there is as much smoke as when I light my normal grill. Even the grilled food turns out super tasty here. The ash drawer can be removed and safely emptied - there is a thermometer integrated into the cooking chamber which ensures the right temperature and you can easily check it - the ventilation flap with draught regulator is located on the combustion chamber - the oven door has a pull handle so that it can be opened easily and safely. There is a shelf underneath the oven where the coal or wood, for example, can be stored. This means you don't have to keep running around to refuel etc. Our pizza turned out super crispy and you can just tell that it is homemade and doesn't taste so artificial. What's more, you can top it with whatever you like, which is very important to me as I always have my own preferences for pizza. I give this mega device, which is my pride and joy, five out of five stars.

From DC Rated at 27.11.2016

Poter preparare la pizza in casa come in pizzeria è stato sempre tra i miei desideri, e dopo aver atteso anni per poter acquisire una dotazione professionale ho trovato il forno perfetto per le mie esigenze: riscaldato con il metodo tradizionale, non troppo grande e di facile manutenzione. ➤ Design e Qualità: Ho riposto grandi aspettative in questo forno e sono stato felicissimo nel constatare, sin dall’apertura del pacco, che i materiali utilizzati sono ottimi: ghisa ed alluminio sono utilizzati per la camera principale, che è poi l’anima del forno, mentre l’acciaio è stato utilizzato per realizzare tutte le altre componenti. Da non sottovalutare il rivestimento: tutti i pezzi, ed in particolare la camera del forno, sono opportunamente trattati con verniciatura a polvere resistente alle alte temperature. I risultati, per quanto ho visto con un utilizzo moderato, sono ottimi. Per i puristi della cottura tradizionale nel forno a legna devo specificare che il design è diverso per quanto riguarda la camera di combustione: in questo modello la camera di combustione si trova al di sotto della camera di cottura, quindi ceneri e detriti restano al 90% lontani dal piano di cottura della pizza. Per me questo sistema risulta estremamente comodo perché consente una manutenzione piú semplice e soprattutto una preparazione alla cottura meno complicata e piú sicura: le ceneri del legno e i residui maggiori non entrano mai in contatto con la pizza e il controllo della temperatura è semplificato. La camera di combustione e quella di cottura sono tuttavia collegate per consentire il passaggio non solo del calore ma anche di una parte dei fumi di combustione: nel caso del fuoco di legna infatti è proprio l’aroma sprigionato durante la combustione del legno che contribuisce al buon sapore della pizza. La forma a piramide tronca della camera di combustione peró impedisce che si accumuli troppo fumo durante la cottura della pizza, semplificando le cose anche per i meno esperti. Gli accessori in dotazione sono assolutamente completi, a partire dalla pietra refrattaria per la pizza per poi finire con le griglie per l’affumicatura. Il forno infatti può anche essere usato come affumicatore controllando la velocitá di uscita dei fumi per mezzo della valvola a diaframma integrata sulla canna fumaria. ➤ Funzionalità e Praticità: Tenete ben presente che anche se il montaggio è molto facile richiede comunque dai 30 ai 60 minuti di lavoro e alcuni componenti sono abbastanza pensati. Le istruzioni sono comunque molto chiare e per chi ha visto almeno qualche volta questi forni in funzione i passaggi sono piuttosto intuitivi: si parte dalla base, assemblando i supporti inferiori, per poi installare il vano divisorio delle due camere del forno, sistemare supporti e sportelli e infine posizionare la canna fumaria. Vi consiglio di fare attenzione quando montate i vari pezzi perché è facile “scheggiare” il rivestimento a prova di calore dei singoli componenti. Lo sportello della camera di combustione integra un buon sistema di controllo della ventilazione, molto simile a quello delle stufe di un tempo: una grata scorre in senso longitudinale lasciando entrare l’aria attraverso le fenditure. La guida della grata è un semplice bullone che vi consiglio di ripulire bene quando pulite la camera di combustione altrimenti la cenere potrebbe renderlo meno scorrevole. Altra cosa molto utile a mio avviso è il sistema di eliminazione delle ceneri: sotto la camera di combustione un vassoio raccoglie tutti i residui e a fine utilizzo basta sfilarlo per eliminare la maggior parte dei residui. Il vassoio è fatto bene, gli angoli sono saldati e non ci sono spazi che possono lasciar cadere lapilli o tizzoni. La maniglia della porta per il vano di cottura è un pó corta secondo me: conviene sempre usare un guanto prima di toccarla per evitare di scottarsi. Sulla canna c’è una semplice valvola a diaframma che regola l’uscita dei fumi che non mi ha convinto molto: anch

Being able to prepare pizza at home as in a pizzeria has always been one of my desires, and after waiting years to be able to acquire professional equipment I found the perfect oven for my needs: heated with the traditional method, not too large and easy maintenance. ➤ Design and Quality: I had great expectations in this oven and I was very happy to see, from the moment I opened the package, that the materials used are excellent: cast iron and aluminum are used for the main chamber, which is the soul of the oven, while steel was used to make all the other components. The coating should not be underestimated: all the pieces, and in particular the oven chamber, are appropriately treated with high temperature resistant powder coating. The results, from what I have seen with moderate use, are excellent. For purists of traditional cooking in a wood oven I must specify that the design is different regarding the combustion chamber: in this model the combustion chamber is located below the cooking chamber, so ash and debris remain at 90% away from the pizza cooking surface. For me, this system is extremely convenient because it allows for simpler maintenance and, above all, less complicated and safer preparation for cooking: the wood ashes and major residues never come into contact with the pizza and temperature control is simplified. However, the combustion chamber and the cooking chamber are connected to allow the passage not only of the heat but also of part of the combustion fumes: in the case of a wood fire, in fact, it is precisely the aroma released during the combustion of the wood that contributes to the good flavor of pizza. However, the truncated pyramid shape of the combustion chamber prevents too much smoke from accumulating during pizza cooking, simplifying things even for the less experienced. The accessories supplied are absolutely complete, starting from the refractory stone for the pizza and then finishing with the smoking grills. In fact, the oven can also be used as a smoker by controlling the smoke outlet speed using the diaphragm valve integrated into the flue. ➤ Functionality and Practicality: Keep in mind that even if assembly is very easy, it still requires 30 to 60 minutes of work and some components are quite thoughtful. However, the instructions are very clear and for those who have seen these ovens in operation at least a few times, the steps are rather intuitive: starting from the base, assembling the lower supports, then installing the compartment dividing the two oven chambers, placing the supports and doors. and finally position the chimney. I advise you to be careful when assembling the various pieces because it is easy to "chip" the heat-proof coating of the individual components. The combustion chamber door integrates a good ventilation control system, very similar to that of stoves of the past: a grate slides longitudinally letting air enter through the slits. The grate guide is a simple bolt that I advise you to clean well when you clean the combustion chamber otherwise the ash could make it less smooth. Another very useful thing in my opinion is the ash elimination system: under the combustion chamber a tray collects all the residues and at the end of use you just need to remove it to eliminate most of the residues. The tray is well made, the corners are welded and there are no spaces that could let lapilli or embers fall. The door handle for the cooking compartment is a little short in my opinion: it is always advisable to use a glove before touching it to avoid burning yourself. On the barrel there is a simple diaphragm valve that regulates the smoke output which didn't convince me much: even

Customer opinions
Pizzaiolo Pizza Oven
  • Multifunctional pizza oven and gri;l made of metal for the garden
  • Comes with a pizza stone for square oven-baked pizza
  • Also for grilling meat and vegetables
349,99 € 283,99 €
incl. VAT
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