X-Bike 700 Exercise Bike

From 21 Customer
249,90 € 164,99 €
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Top features
  • Ergometer with training computer for supervising and organizing your training session
  • Integrated pulse sensor for precise power control on the training computer
  • Fast assembly thanks to detailed, illustrated manual

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X-Bike 700 Exercise Bike
249,90 € 164,99 €

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X-Bike 700 Training Exercise Bike
The Klarfit X-Bike 700 is a tireless bicycle trainer which boasts all the requirements of an ambitious home studio and offers them at a fair price. As such, the Klarfit ergometer only takes up a moderate amount of space and can find a home in any household with enough training intent. The floor-protecting contact surfaces and high weight prevent damage to sensitive surfaces as well as annoying workout noise and ensure you always have a firm foothold. Your athletic challenge can be flexibly alternated in 8 different steps between flat land and mountain. In the grip rail you will find an integrated heart rate monitor and a training computer which provides live data for pulse rate and thus allows efficient power control. In addition to the pulse rate monitor there is also the easy to read training computer which provides information on time, speed, calories burned and distance. Ergonomically, the Klarfit X-Bike 700 exercise bike fits virtually any physique thanks to its 7-step height adjustable saddle. Non-slip pedals with adjustable foot-plates help to optimize the power transfer from your foot to the pedal. Please note that the device is delivered as a kit, the installation takes about 15 minutes. This value can alternate depending on technical skills. An illustrated instruction sheet and the required mounting material are included in the delivery.

Please note:

We do not recommend the use of this product by persons taller than 180cm.

Product details

Top features:

  • Ergometer with training computer for supervising and organizing your training session

  • Integrated pulse sensor for precise power control on the training computer

  • Fast assembly thanks to detailed, illustrated manual

  • 8-level adjustable resistance

  • Floor-protecting surfaces for stability and rollers for easy transport

  • Load capacity: max. 100kg body weight
  • Materials: steel, hard plastic
  • Training Computer functions: time, distance, speed, calories burned, pulse, scan (alternating display)
  • optimum height adjustment thanks to a 7-step height adjustable saddle
  • Ergonomic saddle with extra soft padding
  • Non-slip pedals with adjustable foot-plates
  • Robust design with sure grip guide/handrails
  • Padded handles made ​​of PU foam
  • Training computer with easy to read LCD display and large buttons
  • Sturdy frame made ​​of metal
  • Power Training Computer: 2 x AA batteries (included)
Scope of delivery:
  • 44 x 113 x 90/45cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 16kg
Customer opinions
From 21 Customer


From Mike Rated at 16.01.2017

Nos encontramos ante una bicicleta estática para entrenamiento, dispone de un ordenador de entrenamiento que nos permite varias modalidades así con hasta 8 niveles de resistencia, además incluye un pulsometro para ver el rendimiento. La bicicleta en origen viene desmontada, pero siguiendo las instrucciones puedes realizar el montaje bastante rápido, una vez montada puede dejarla recogido en alguna esquina ya que se pliega en vertical y aunque ocupa, no es tan aparatoso como otras que no permiten un plegado total, aunque podía ser mayor. Tanto el asiento como el reposa espaldas están acolchados para que no tengas ninguna molestia si pasas largos ratos montado en en ella. En cuanto al ordenador o display digital con funciones lo encontramos en el manillas, fácil de acceder a el, nos muestra varias funciones como pulso metro, calorías, velocidad, etc … algo que puedes consultar en cualquier momento. Algo que no me ha gustado aunque no me ha afectado para el montaje son las instrucciones que no se encuentran en español, así que deberas tirar de tu ingles. Una bicicleta correcta para realizar ejercicios, no es de las mejores que podemos encontrar pero tampoco es de las peores, en algunos modelos existe la posibilidad de incluir sensores y programa de ordenador para poder crear circuitos virtuales mientras pedaleas, algo muy interesante y que te será mucho más gratificante, todavía no he podido ver si este modelo permite conectar los sensores, si fuera así os lo diría para que lo tuvieras en cuenta, eso si, esos va por separado y no se incluye. Conclusión. Una bicicleta estática para aquellos que quieren empezar a mantenerse un poco en forma sin realizar un desembolso demasiado grande, es cómodo y dispone de diferentes programas y velocidades para adaptarlo a nuestras necesidades. Además es plegable y nos facilita poder dejarla recogida en algún espacio libre que tengamos. Saludos D Mike MQ.

We are looking at a stationary bike for training, it has a training computer that allows us several modalities with up to 8 levels of resistance, it also includes a heart rate monitor to see performance. The bicycle originally comes disassembled, but by following the instructions you can assemble it quite quickly, once assembled you can leave it tucked away in a corner since it folds vertically and although it takes up space, it is not as cumbersome as others that do not allow complete folding. although it could be older. Both the seat and the backrest are padded so that you do not have any discomfort if you spend long periods of time riding on it. As for the computer or digital display with functions, we find it on the handle, easy to access, it shows us various functions such as pulse meter, calories, speed, etc... something that you can consult at any time. Something that I didn't like, although it didn't affect the assembly, are the instructions that are not in Spanish, so you'll have to rely on your English. A correct bicycle for exercising, it is not one of the best that we can find but it is not one of the worst either, in some models there is the possibility of including sensors and a computer program to be able to create virtual circuits while you pedal, something very interesting and that will be much more gratifying, I have not yet been able to see if this model allows you to connect the sensors, if so I would tell you so that you take it into account, of course, those are separate and are not included. Conclusion. A stationary bike for those who want to start staying in shape without spending too much money, it is comfortable and has different programs and speeds to adapt it to our needs. It is also foldable and makes it easy for us to leave it collected in any free space we have. Regards D Mike MQ.

From Nicole Rated at 21.12.2016

Schon seid einiger Zeit bin ich auf der Suche nach eine Fitnessgerät was ich auch in einer kleiner Wohnung ohne extremen Platzverlust aufstellen kann. Meist ist es so, man hat ein Gerät, das sehr klobig ist, wie z.B. mein alter Heimtrainer/Rad, was einfach nur ein Staubfänger und Platzräuber war. Zwar bin ich da noch ab und an drauf gegangen, aber mit der zeit war es auch schon zu alt und ausgelaugt. Wenn man nun so die neuen Trainingsgeräte sieht, dann kommt man vom Glauben ab. Zu groß zu klobig, nehmen einfach zu viel Platz weg und sind dazu auch noch viel zu teuer. Ich suche ein kompaktes Gerät, was mein altes rad ersetzt und was nicht mehr so viel Platz in Anspruch nimmt. Nach sehr langer Suche wurde ich fündig und ich entschied mich für den Klarfit X-Bike 700 Fahrrad-Heimtrainer Ergometer mit Pulsmesser, klappbar bis 100 Kg. Meine Entscheidung war einfach, weil der Klarfit X-Bike 700 Fahrrad-Heimtrainer Ergometer mit Pulsmesser, klappbar bis 100 Kg, alles hat was ich will. Er ist klappbar, er ist farblich und nicht so grau in grau, hat einen Pulsmesser und man kann sich bequem drauf setzen um zu Trainieren. Preislich passte auch alles, denn zu teuer sollte es ja auch nicht sein. ich bestellte es und hab auf den Paketboten gewartet, der sich angekündigt hatte, wegen Termin ""Sperrgutlieferung"" kaum angekommen wuchtete er mein Trainingsgerät ins Wohnzimmer. Das Auspacken war etwas schwer, denn das Gerät selbst wiegt ohne Verpackung schon 16 Kg, mit Verpackung aber locker über 20 kg. Ausgepackt musste ich dann erst die ganzen Einzelteile die ich selbst montieren muss, ordentlich an die Seite legen und die Schutzfolie entfernen. Alle Einzelteile plus der große vormontierte Korpus, sehbar aufgestellt bzw. hingelegt. Nun geht es ans Eingemachte, Bedienungsanleitung rausgeholt, die auf Deutsch sehr gut beschrieben ist und step by step alles zusammengebaut/geschraubt. das nimmt schon einiges an Zeit in Anspruch, aber mit dem Werkzeug was mitgeliefert wurde, klappte es ganz gut. Wobei ich hier Ehrlich sein muss, mein Freund hat mir mit professionellen Werkzeug geholfen, denn alle Verschraubungen sollten fest angezogen werden. Hier sollte man nur wenn man kann eigenes Werkzeug hat, das mitgelieferte Werkzeug benutzen. Mir ist völlig klar, das man kein hochwertiges Werkzeug als Zugabe beipacken kann, daher auch kein Punktabzug. Nachdem ich nun mit meinem Freund alles zusammengebaut habe, musste noch eine geeignete Stellfläche gefunden werden. da es mit 16 Kg nicht zu schwer ist, bekommt man es auch alleine hin. Die Abmessungen sind wichtig, und mit einer breite von nur 44 cm, bei einer Tiefe von 90 cm ausgeklappt und 45 cm zugeklappt und einer Höhe von 113 cm, kann man es fast überall hinstellen. Der Klarfit X-Bike 700 Fahrrad-Heimtrainer Ergometer mit Pulsmesser, klappbar bis 100 Kg. ist Ergonomisch geformt, das bedeutet wenn ich mach auf das Gerät setze um zu trainieren, sitze ich auch noch gesunde, da ich ergonomisch sitze. Man kann sich da nicht falsch drauf setzen, weil es die Form nicht zulässt. Hört sich sicherlich etwas bescheiden an, aber wenn man es ausprobiert, sieht man und merkt man es einfach. Man sitzt ja nach hinten gebeugt, dann muss man mit den Füßen nach vorne zu den Pedalen und um an den Lenker zu kommen, muss man sich vorbeugen, so hat man die perfekte Haltung um zu trainieren. Die Pedale sind mit Schlaufen versehen, hier steckt man seine Füße rein um ein Abrutschen zu verhindern. Am Lenkrad selbst befinden sich Pulssensoren, die messen während des Trainings den Puls, dieser wird dann auf dem Computer am Gerät angezeigt. Das Display des Computers ist sehr gut ablesbar und sieht durch die Orange Farbe auch noch sehr gut aus. Optisch ist das Gerät komplett in Schwarz/Orange gehalten, einfach sehr modern. Der Computer misst alles, wie Zeit, Distanz, Geschwindigkeit, Kalorienverbrauch, Puls, und Scan, d.h. es wird wechselhaft angezeigt, so hat man alles im Blick und kann sein Training selbst steuern, bzw. gesta

For some time now I have been looking for a piece of fitness equipment that I can set up in a small apartment without losing too much space. Most of the time you have a piece of equipment that is very bulky, like my old exercise bike, which was just a dust collector and took up too much space. I did use it from time to time, but over time it was too old and worn out. When you see the new training equipment, you lose faith. Too big, too bulky, it takes up too much space and is also far too expensive. I am looking for a compact device to replace my old bike that doesn't take up so much space. After a very long search I found what I was looking for and I decided on the Klarfit X-Bike 700 exercise bike ergometer with heart rate monitor, foldable up to 100 kg. My decision was easy because the Klarfit X-Bike 700 exercise bike ergometer with heart rate monitor, foldable up to 100 kg, has everything I want. It is foldable, it is colored and not so grey on grey, it has a heart rate monitor and you can sit comfortably on it to train. The price was also right, because it shouldn't be too expensive. I ordered it and waited for the delivery man who had announced his arrival, and as soon as he arrived because of the "bulky goods delivery" date, he lugged my training device into the living room. Unpacking was a bit difficult, because the device itself weighs 16 kg without packaging, but easily over 20 kg with packaging. Once unpacked, I had to put all the individual parts that I have to assemble myself to the side and remove the protective film. All the individual parts plus the large pre-assembled body were placed or laid down where they could be seen. Now it's time to get down to business: I got out the instruction manual, which is very well described in German, and assembled/screwed everything together step by step. That takes a lot of time, but with the tools that were included, it worked quite well. I have to be honest here, my friend helped me with professional tools, because all screw connections should be tightened firmly. Here you should only use the tools provided if you have your own. I am fully aware that you cannot include high-quality tools as an extra, so no points deducted. After my friend and I had put everything together, we still had to find a suitable place to put it. As it is not too heavy at 16 kg, you can manage it alone. The dimensions are important, and with a width of just 44 cm, a depth of 90 cm when unfolded and 45 cm when folded, and a height of 113 cm, you can put it almost anywhere. The Klarfit X-Bike 700 exercise bike ergometer with heart rate monitor, foldable up to 100 kg, is ergonomically shaped, which means that when I sit on the device to train, I am also sitting healthily because I am sitting ergonomically. You can't sit on it incorrectly because the shape doesn't allow it. It certainly sounds a bit modest, but when you try it out, you can see and notice it. You sit bent backwards, then you have to put your feet forward to the pedals and to reach the handlebars you have to bend over, so you have the perfect posture for training. The pedals have loops, you put your feet in here to prevent slipping. There are pulse sensors on the handlebars themselves, which measure your pulse during training, which is then displayed on the computer on the device. The display of the computer is very easy to read and looks very good thanks to the orange color. Visually, the device is completely black/orange, simply very modern. The computer measures everything, such as time, distance, speed, calorie consumption, pulse, and scan, i.e. it is displayed alternately, so you have everything in view and can control or manage your training yourself.

From romy Rated at 21.12.2016

Der erste Eindruck war schon absolut positiv.Das Bike wird sehr gut gepolstert in einer großen und robusten Karton geliefert. Gewichtsreduktion, Fettverbrennung sowie Konditionstraining mit Klarfit. Das Gerät wurde ausreichend und ordentlich verpackt geliefert. Nach dem Auspacken und Sortieren der Einzelteile ging es auch ganz schnell an den Aufbau. Dieser Klappbarer Fahrrad-Heimtrainer mit war wirklich schnell & leicht aufzubauen. Der Aufbau war in relativ kurzer Zeit problemlos erledigt. Zusammengeklappt ist das Bike nur 40 x 45cm und kann überall verstaut werden, ein echtes Platzwunder. Das Gerät ist im Handumdrehen aber auch wieder aufgestellt, so das man gleich mit dem Training beginnen kann. Die Standfestigkeit finde ich sehr gut und die Verarbeitung fällt mir auch positiv auf. Die Höhe ist in 4 Stufen einstellbar. Der Trainingscomputer zeigt mir die Zeit, Geschwindigkeit den Kalorienverbrauch und meinen Puls immer abwechselnd an. Ab jetzt kann ich in Form bleiben und daheim trainieren. Das Laufwerk ist leise und stört nicht beim Fernseh schauen. Meine Erwartungen wurden übertroffen, kann ich nur weiter empfehlen für die, die lieber Zuhause trainieren. Der Heimtrainer bietet eine sehr gute Möglichkeit, sich zwischendurch sportlich zu betätigen. Lenker und Sitz sind stabil und bequem.

The first impression was absolutely positive. The bike is delivered in a large and sturdy box with good padding. Weight reduction, fat burning and fitness training with Klarfit. The device was delivered sufficiently and neatly packaged. After unpacking and sorting the individual parts, it was very easy to assemble. This foldable exercise bike was really quick and easy to assemble. The assembly was completed in a relatively short time without any problems. When folded up, the bike is only 40 x 45cm and can be stored anywhere, a real space saver. The device can be set up again in no time at all, so you can start training straight away. I think the stability is very good and the workmanship is also positive. The height can be adjusted to 4 levels. The training computer shows me the time, speed, calorie consumption and my pulse alternately. From now on I can stay in shape and train at home. The drive is quiet and doesn't disturb you when watching TV. My expectations were exceeded, I can only recommend it to those who prefer to train at home. The exercise bike is a great way to get some exercise now and then. The handlebars and seat are stable and comfortable.

From Sarah Fuhrmeister Rated at 20.12.2016

Das X-Bike 700 wird in einem großen Karton als Bausatz geliefert. Alles ist extra in Tüten oder Pappe eingewickelt, sodass beim Transport nichts kaputt gehen kann. DER AUFBAU Die mitgelieferte Anleitung ist bebildert und der Text verständlich formuliert. Im Lieferumfang enthalten sind alle Werkzeuge, um das Gerät zu montieren. Ich war so frei und habe mich selbst an den Gerät probiert. Mit dem mitgelieferten Werkzeug dauert das Aufbauen etwas länger. Die angegebenen 15 Minuten kommen im Grunde hin. Mit einer Schere ist alles schnell ausgepackt und im Grunde müssen nur Schrauben durchgesteckt und befestigt werden. Das Werkzeug selbst ist ausreichend, aber mit ihm dauert es länger. Wer es also in 15 Minuten aufgestellt und zu 100% fest haben möchte, sollte lieber auf eigenes, hochwertiges Werkzeug setzen. Bei mir stand das Sportgerät nach 20 Minuten. DER ERSTE EINDRUCK Ich muss zugeben, dass sowohl mein Mann, als auch ich von dem Gerät positiv überrascht waren. Es ist überraschend stabil, standfest und alles ist dabei. Die kleinen Details zeigen jedoch, dass es sich um ein günstiges Produkt handelt. Zum Beispiel ist der Sitz von unten mit riesigen Klammern getackert, was einfach nur billig ausschaut. Dafür lässt es sich einfach zusammenklappen und wieder aufbauen, was bei wenig Rum sehr praktisch ist. IM EINSATZ Der sitz lässt ich leicht auf der gewünschten Höhe dank eines Drehrades und verschiedenen Löchern anpassen. 30 Sekunden und mein Sitz, der für 165cm ideal ist, kann an meinen 187cm großen Mann angepasst werden. Für ihn ist das letzte Loch noch gut zu nutzen, allerdings könnte eins mehr nicht schaden. Die Armposition kann nicht gewechselt werden, aber mein Mann fand sie genauso angenehm wie ich. Dank des Polsters rutscht man auch mit feuchten Händen nicht ab. Mittels Drehrad kann der Widerstand eingestellt werden. Hier merkt man ebenfalls den Preis. Ich hatte schon verschiedene Heimtrainer, Crosstrainer und Co, aber bei keinem Modell war das Drehrad so klapprig. Jede Einstellung klickt extrem laut. Wer also seinen Trainingslevel mit verschiedenen Stufen immer verändert, um Steigungen oder Gefälle zu simulieren, der könnte auf die Dauer genervt sein. Beim Fahren selbst merkt man den Widerstand deutlich. Für Anfänger vollkommen ausreichend. Mit viel Beinmuskulatur wird man aber auch den dollsten Widerstand ohne große Anstrengung meistern. Das habe ich nach der Schwangerschaft nicht, da ich viel liegen musste, und dementsprechend merke ich schon, wie es nach wenigen Minuten anstrengend wird. Schade finde ich, dass es dann nicht mehr so rund läuft. Muss man sich arg anstrengen, dann wird es mit wachsendem Widerstand unglaublich ruckelig. Ich habe vor der Schwangerschaft auf einem Spinning Rad trainiert und kann nur sagen, dass ich es so einfach nicht kenne. Man kann zwar am Ende kaum noch treten, wenn man zu viel Widerstand einstellt, aber die Bewegungen sind nie abgehackt, sondern trotzdem halbwegs rund. DER BORDCOMPUTER Eigentlich dürfen sie bei keinem Trainer fehlen. Er wird mit Batterien betrieben, die dabei sind. Wir hätten sie fast entsorgt, da sie an einem Styropor-Teil geklebt waren. Es ist ein sehr einfacherer Bordcomputer. Er kann Puls, verbrauchte Kalorien, Distanz, Geschwindigkeit oder Zeit anzeigen. Für den Puls müssen die Hände auf die Platten an den Griffen gelegt werden. Der Puls ist aber im Vergleich mit meiner Uhr, die ich sonst zur Kontrolle nutze, deutlich niedriger. Er zeigt also nicht sehr genau an, da Schläge nicht erfasst werden. Geht also davon aus, dass er 10-15 Schläge schneller ist. Das ist jedoch ein Manko bei vielen günstigen Geräten. FAZIT – X BIKE 700 Das Gerät ist überraschend stabil, und auch nach einer Woche Nutzung, macht es noch Spaß. Es ist ein günstiges Gerät, das sich vor allen Dingen für Anfänger eignet, die wenig Platz haben und trotzdem in den vier Wänden etwas Sport treiben möchten. Sollte sich an der Stabilität oder ähnlichen etwas ändern, gibt es logischerweise ein Update. U

The X-Bike 700 is delivered as a kit in a large box. Everything is wrapped in bags or cardboard so that nothing can break during transport. ASSEMBLY The instructions provided are illustrated and the text is clearly written. All the tools needed to assemble the device are included in the delivery. I took the liberty of trying to assemble the device myself. With the tools provided, assembly takes a little longer. The stated 15 minutes are basically right. With a pair of scissors, everything can be unpacked quickly and basically only screws need to be pushed through and fastened. The tools themselves are sufficient, but they take longer. So if you want to set it up in 15 minutes and have it 100% secure, you should use your own high-quality tools. I had the sports equipment up after 20 minutes. FIRST IMPRESSION I have to admit that both my husband and I were positively surprised by the device. It is surprisingly stable, sturdy and everything is included. However, the small details show that this is an inexpensive product. For example, the seat is stapled from below with huge staples, which just looks cheap. But it can be easily folded up and put back up again, which is very practical when you don't have much room. IN USE The seat can be easily adjusted to the desired height thanks to a rotary wheel and various holes. 30 seconds and my seat, which is ideal for 165cm, can be adjusted to fit my 187cm husband. The last hole is still good for him, but one more wouldn't hurt. The arm position cannot be changed, but my husband found it just as comfortable as I did. Thanks to the padding, you don't slip even with wet hands. The resistance can be adjusted using the rotary wheel. Here, too, you notice the price. I have had various exercise bikes, cross trainers, etc., but none of the models had such a rickety rotary wheel. Every setting clicks extremely loudly. So if you constantly change your training level with different levels to simulate inclines or declines, you could get annoyed in the long run. You can clearly feel the resistance when you ride. Completely sufficient for beginners. With a lot of leg muscles, you can handle even the toughest resistance without much effort. I didn't have that after pregnancy, as I had to lie down a lot, and I noticed how exhausting it became after just a few minutes. I think it's a shame that it doesn't run so smoothly anymore. If you have to really exert yourself, it gets incredibly jerky as the resistance increases. I trained on a spinning bike before pregnancy and can only say that I'm not used to it. You can hardly pedal at the end if you set too much resistance, but the movements are never choppy, but still fairly smooth. THE ON-BOARD COMPUTER Actually, no trainer should be without one. It is powered by batteries that are included. We almost threw them away because they were glued to a piece of Styrofoam. It is a very simple on-board computer. It can display your pulse, calories burned, distance, speed or time. To check your pulse, you have to put your hands on the plates on the handles. However, the pulse is significantly lower compared to my watch, which I usually use to monitor my heart rate. It is not very accurate because beats are not recorded. So assume that it is 10-15 beats faster. However, this is a shortcoming of many cheap devices. CONCLUSION - X BIKE 700 The device is surprisingly stable and even after a week of use, it is still fun. It is a cheap device that is particularly suitable for beginners who have little space but still want to do some exercise within their four walls. If anything changes in terms of stability or something similar, there will obviously be an update. U

From Lars Rated at 19.12.2016

Der Heimtrainer ist eigentlich grundsolide verarbeitet für das Preissegment und ist für gelegentliche Einsätze im Wohnzimmer vollkommen ausreichend. Wer wie ich bis vor kurzem noch vor der Frage stand, was mir ein Heimtrainer im unteren Preissegment überhaupt bringen kann, dem kann ich zum Besten geben, dass Leistungsprinzip! Das Klarfit X-Bike 700 ist mit Sicherheit kein unzerstörbarer Bolide an Heimtrainingsgerät, aber dennoch hat er mich für meine persönlichen Belange aufgrund des guten und stimmigen Ganzen doch größtenteils überzeugen können. Ich bin 183 cm groß und wiege ca. 82 kg. Für mich ist das X-Bike 700 somit noch gerade so optimal ausgelegt. Ich denke ab 190 cm + X könnte es größentechnisch schon an seine Grenzen stoßen. Was mir an dem Gerät überhaupt nicht gefällt ist der wirklich sehr antiquierte Computer, vielleicht ein Kompromiss den man eingehen kann, aber wer Wert auf detaillierte und gut ablesbare Werte legt, nicht unbedingt eingehen muss. Die Zahlen sind gut ablesbar und die ""Wertung"" schaltet sich ein, sobald man anfängt in die Pedalen zu treten. Nach 4 minütiger Pause am Gerät schaltet sich der Computer wieder von selber in den ""Off-Modus"". Da das X-Bike 700 nur knappe 18 kg auf die Waage bringt ist ein rasantes Training nicht unbedingt das Richtige. Der Heimtrainer wackelt, dies aber auch nur wenn man noch Luft übrig hat um z. B. einen finalen Pedal-Spurt hinzulegen. Ich bin eher der Ausdauer-Fahrer und komme somit über den Faktor Zeit mit dem Gerät an meine persönlichen Ziele und Grenzen. Die Materialvearbeitung ist nicht zu beanstanden. Einzig der Computer ist sehr einfach konzipiert. Hier hätte ich mir ein paar mehr Funktionen gewünscht.

The exercise bike is actually very solidly made for the price segment and is perfectly adequate for occasional use in the living room. If you, like me, were wondering until recently what an exercise bike in the lower price segment could actually do for you, I can tell you the principle of performance! The Klarfit X-Bike 700 is certainly not an indestructible home training device, but it has nevertheless largely convinced me for my personal needs due to the good and harmonious overall design. I am 183 cm tall and weigh around 82 kg. For me, the X-Bike 700 is just about ideal. I think from 190 cm + X it could reach its limits in terms of size. What I don't like about the device at all is the really antiquated computer, perhaps a compromise that you can make, but if you value detailed and easy-to-read values, you don't necessarily have to. The numbers are easy to read and the "score" switches on as soon as you start pedaling. After a 4-minute break on the device, the computer switches itself back to "off mode". Since the X-Bike 700 only weighs 18 kg, a fast workout is not necessarily the right thing. The exercise bike wobbles, but only when you still have the energy left to do a final pedal sprint, for example. I am more of an endurance rider and so I use the time factor to reach my personal goals and limits with the device. There is nothing to complain about the material processing. Only the computer is very simply designed. I would have liked a few more functions here.

From Richard Rated at 15.12.2016

Die meisten Hometrainer sind groß und klobig. So etwas möchte ich aber nicht in meinem Wohnzimmer stehen haben. Ich suchte nach etwas kleinem, dass ich schnell und einfach weg räumen kann. Das Klarfit X-Bike 700 erschien mir eine gute Lösung und deshalb habe ich es damit mal probiert. Das ganze kommt in vielen Teilen in einem stabilen Karton. Innen ist alles sehr gut verpackt und geschützt. Die Einzelteile sind nochmal in eine Folie gepackt. Kratzer werden so vermieden. Der Aufbau ist gut in der Anleitung beschrieben und ich habe ihn allein gut hinbekommen. Man braucht kein Werkzeug, denn das wird gleich mitgeliefert. Auspacken und gleich anfangen ist also angesagt. Ich denke ich habe ca. 20 Minuten gebraucht bis es fertig war. Der Hauptteil mit dem Schwungrad ist schon montiert und man muss nur noch die anderen Teile zusammen bauen und dran montieren. Der Computer funktioniert mit Batterien, die im Lieferumfang enthalten sind. Das ganze ist in schwarz/orange gehalten, was typisch für Klarfit ist. Die Metallelemente sind pulverbeschichtet und matt. Sitz, Rückenlehne und Griffe sind gepolstert. Es sieht gut aus und macht optisch was her. Ich habe keinerlei Schäden entdecken können. Es blieb am Ende nur ein Teil über. In der Beschreibung wird es Klammer der Fernbedienung genannt und soll mit 2 Schrauben am Rahmen angebracht werden. Schrauben dazu fehlten und ich sehe auch keinen Sinn in dem Teil. Es ist wohl die Halterung für eine Fernbedienung, aber es gibt keine für diesen Hometrainer. Vielleicht für die TV Fernbedienung damit man dabei Fernsehen schauen kann? :D Für ein Getränk ist es leider zu flach. Ich habe es einfach weg gelassen. Man stellt das Rad mit einem großen Drehknopf am Rahmen ein. Von 1 bis 8 kann man verschiedene Stufen des Widerstandes angeben. Umso schwieriger wird das Treten und man nutzt mehr Kraft. Unter 5 finde ich es sehr leicht und denke es ist optimal für Senioren oder jemanden der nach einem Unfall seine Muskeln wieder trainiert. Mit 5 fängt man am besten an, wenn man noch nie oder schon lange nicht mehr trainiert hat und arbeitet sich dann hoch. Der Computer zeigt alle wichtige Daten an. Puls, Geschwindigkeit, Kalorien, Zeit und Distanz. Sie werden immer wieder in einer gewissen Reihenfolge angezeigt. Für die Pulsanzeige muss man während des Fahrens die Hände auf die korrekten Stellen am Griff haben, ansonsten bleibt das bei null. Ob die Angaben wirklich zu 100% stimmen kann ich nicht sagen, aber sie sind ein guter Richtwert und ich kann mich so gut steigern. Der Sitz ist bequem und wenn man länger radelt, tut einem der Po nicht weh. Die Lehne ist ganz angenehm zu haben. Man muss sich nicht anlehnen, aber kann es bei Bedarf. Die Pedale sind gut und die Halter darüber lassen sich verstellen. So sitzen die Füße fest drauf und man rutscht nicht ab. Das einzige was ich persönlich etwas störe ist die Höhe des Rahmens am X Punkt. Dort muss man einsteigen und wenn man wie ich etwas kleiner ist, muss man schon sehr hoch drüber steigen. Trotzdem ist das X-Bike 700 echt toll. Es ist recht klein und kann dank Rollen gut an verschiedene Orte gestellt werden. Es ist stabil und man kann mit bis zu 100kg Körpergewicht darauf trainieren. Die Einstellungen sind leicht gemacht und so kann man gut zu seinem eigenen Widerstand trainieren.

Most exercise bikes are big and bulky. But I don't want one of those in my living room. I was looking for something small that I could put away quickly and easily. The Klarfit X-Bike 700 seemed like a good solution, so I gave it a try. The whole thing comes in many parts in a sturdy box. Inside, everything is very well packaged and protected. The individual parts are wrapped in foil. This prevents scratches. The assembly is well described in the instructions and I managed it well on my own. You don't need any tools, because they are included. So it's time to unpack it and get started. I think it took me about 20 minutes to finish. The main part with the flywheel is already assembled and you just have to put the other parts together and attach them. The computer works with batteries, which are included in the delivery. The whole thing is black/orange, which is typical for Klarfit. The metal elements are powder-coated and matt. The seat, backrest and handles are padded. It looks good and looks good. I couldn't find any damage. In the end, only one part was left. In the description it is called the remote control bracket and is supposed to be attached to the frame with 2 screws. The screws for this were missing and I don't see any point in the part. It is probably the holder for a remote control, but there isn't one for this exercise bike. Maybe for the TV remote control so you can watch TV at the same time? :D Unfortunately it is too flat for a drink. I just left it out. You adjust the bike with a large knob on the frame. You can set different levels of resistance from 1 to 8. The harder it is to pedal, the more force you use. I find under 5 very easy and think it is ideal for seniors or someone who is training their muscles again after an accident. It is best to start with 5 if you have never trained before or haven't trained for a long time and then work your way up. The computer shows all the important data. Pulse, speed, calories, time and distance. They are displayed again and again in a certain order. To display the pulse you have to have your hands on the correct places on the handlebars while riding, otherwise it stays at zero. I can't say whether the information is 100% correct, but it's a good guideline and I can improve a lot. The seat is comfortable and if you cycle for a long time, your bottom doesn't hurt. The backrest is very comfortable. You don't have to lean on it, but you can if you need to. The pedals are good and the holders above are adjustable. This means your feet sit firmly on them and you don't slip. The only thing that bothers me personally is the height of the frame at the X point. You have to get in there and if you're a bit short like me, you have to climb very high over it. Despite that, the X-Bike 700 is really great. It's quite small and can be easily moved to different places thanks to the wheels. It's stable and you can train on it with up to 100kg body weight. The settings are easy to make and so you can train at your own resistance.

From Rated at 16.11.2016

~~~ Lieferumfang ~~~ Der Heimtrainer wurde gut verpackt in einem Karton geliefert. ~~~ Beschreibung / Beschaffenheit ~~~ Klarfit X-Bike 700 Fahrradtrainer Heimtrainer Bein- und Ausdauertrainer ( inkl. Pulsmesser, Trainingscomputer, klappbar ) in schwarz / orange. Maße: 44 x 113 x 90 cm ( B x H x T ) gefaltet nur 45cm tief Materialen: Stahl, Hartplastik 7-stufig verstellbare Sattelhöhe - extraweiche Polsterung des Sattels Fitnesscomputer mit Funktionen wie Kalorienverbrauch, Zeit, Distanz, Geschwindigkeit, Puls durch Handmessung. Maximale Belastbarkeit 100 kg ~~~ Funktion ~~~ Für den Sport zu Hause wollten wir uns einige Geräte anschaffen. Daher sind wir auf diesen Heimtrainer gestoßen. Hier sollte klar sein, dass so ein Heimtrainer nicht mit einem hochwertigen Gerät in einem Studio vergleichbar ist, jedoch als Trainingsgerät, für zu Hause absolut ausreichend. Der Trainer lässt sich ganz unkompliziert und schnell zusammenbauen. Der Computer ist batteriebetrieben ( 2 x AAA ) - ist zwar recht einfach gehalten, zeigt meines Erachtens aber ausreichend an was man benötigt. Auch die Pulsfunktion funktioniert sehr gut. Die Griffe sind aus gepolstertem PU-Schaumstoff. Der ergonomische Sattel hat eine extraweiche Polsterung. Zusätzlich bietet der Heimtrainer auch eine stützende Rückenlehne. Die Pedale sind rutschsicher und haben verstellbare Fußlaschen. Die Sitzhöhe lässt sich in 7 Stufen einstellen. Wir sind 167 cm und 173 cm und hier ist die Einstellung der Höhe kein Problem. Der Trainings-Widerstand am Heimtrainer lässt sich 8-stufig einstellen. Ich finde die Sitzposition auf dem Trainer gut, auch wenn die Füße etwas weiter nach vorne stehen. Der Fahrradtrainer hat einen guten stand, so lange man keine Rennen fahren möchte. Entspanntes Ausdauertraining lässt sich hiermit sehr gut durchführen. Auch ist der Geräuschpegel wirklich leise, sodass man ohne weiteres TV dabei schauen kann. Auch ist es ideal zum Aufwärmen, wenn man anschließend bspw. die Klarfit Ultimate Gym 5000 Trainingsstation nutzen möchte. Benutzt man den Trainer nicht, kann man ihn platzsparend zusammenklappen. ~~~ Mein Fazit ~~~ Für den Heimgebrauch ein sehr gutes Gerät zu einem guten Preis. Wir sind zufrieden. *** Dies ist ein vergünstigtes / kostenfreies Produkt eines Produkttestes, was jedoch keinen Einfluss auf meine objektive Bewertung des Produktes hat. ***

~~~ Scope of delivery ~~~ The exercise bike was delivered well packaged in a box. ~~~ Description / properties ~~~ Klarfit X-Bike 700 bicycle trainer exercise bike leg and endurance trainer (including heart rate monitor, training computer, foldable) in black / orange. Dimensions: 44 x 113 x 90 cm (W x H x D) folded only 45cm deep Materials: steel, hard plastic 7-stage adjustable saddle height - extra-soft padding on the saddle Fitness computer with functions such as calorie consumption, time, distance, speed, heart rate via hand measurement. Maximum load capacity 100 kg ~~~ Function ~~~ We wanted to buy some equipment for exercise at home. That's why we came across this exercise bike. It should be clear here that an exercise bike like this cannot be compared to a high-quality device in a studio, but as a training device it is absolutely sufficient for use at home. The trainer is quick and easy to assemble. The computer is battery-operated (2 x AAA) - although it is quite simple, I think it shows you what you need. The pulse function also works very well. The handles are made of padded PU foam. The ergonomic saddle has extra-soft padding. The exercise bike also offers a supportive backrest. The pedals are non-slip and have adjustable foot straps. The seat height can be adjusted to 7 levels. We are 167 cm and 173 cm tall and adjusting the height is no problem here. The training resistance on the exercise bike can be adjusted to 8 levels. I think the sitting position on the trainer is good, even if your feet are a little further forward. The bike trainer has a good base as long as you don't want to race. Relaxed endurance training can be done very well with it. The noise level is also really quiet, so you can watch TV without any problems. It is also ideal for warming up if you want to use the Klarfit Ultimate Gym 5000 training station afterwards, for example. If you are not using the trainer, you can fold it up to save space. ~~~ My conclusion ~~~ A very good device for home use at a good price. We are satisfied. *** This is a discounted / free product from a product test, but this does not affect my objective evaluation of the product. ***

From Vincenzo Rated at 07.11.2016

E’ una cyclette con un livello qualitativo dei materiali e delle prestazioni di tutto rispetto, anche se si colloca nella fascia di prezzo bassa del mercato. Nonostante il volano abbia un peso di soli 3 kg, presenta un sistema di resistenza magnetica a 8 livelli piuttosto efficace per cui si riesce anche ad ottenere una pedalata abbastanza impegnativa. Permette di ottenere anche un buon allenamento cardiovascolare se usata con una certa intensità Si può anche usare anche solo per pochi minuti al giorno, per rilassarsi per es. mentre si guarda la TV e si ottengono in ogni caso dei risultati, per esempio un miglioramento nella circolazione delle gambe. Essendo dotata di una cinghia di trasmissione in gomma è silenziosissima per cui non c’è il rischio di disturbare qualcuno anche se si usa di notte. Il sedile, regolabile in altezza ed inclinazione è davvero comodo( anche fin troppo morbido secondo me) con la caratteristica degna di nota del poggia schiena, anch’esso regolabile in altezza. Facilmente trasportabile ( anche grazie alle piccole ruote anteriori di cui è dotata) si può anche richiudere per occupare pochissimo spazio. Secondo me comunque si tratta di una cyclette non adatta a persone più alte di 1.70 m circa. Al di là più o meno di questo limite non si riescono a distendere bene le gambe nel punto più basso della pedalata. Inoltre persone con una ridotta mobilità articolare potrebbero avere qualche problema a sedersi perché lo snodo che collega i 2 tubi principali è un po’ alto. La pedalata è fluida e la cyclette è stabile. Purtroppo non è possibile pedalare in piedi sui pedali, a causa delle dimensioni piuttosto contenute. Completano la dotazione di questa cyclette i pedali con cinghie regolabili, il manubrio ergonomico con sensori per il rilevamento delle pulsazioni ed il computerino( alimentato a batterie) con l’indicazione di tempo, calorie, distanza, velocità, pulsazioni.

It is an exercise bike with a very respectable quality level of materials and performance, even if it is placed in the low price range of the market. Although the flywheel weighs only 3 kg, it has a rather effective 8-level magnetic resistance system so it is also possible to achieve a fairly demanding pedal stroke. It also allows you to get a good cardiovascular workout if used with a certain intensity. It can also be used for just a few minutes a day, to relax for example. while watching TV and you get results in any case, for example an improvement in circulation in the legs. Being equipped with a rubber transmission belt it is very silent so there is no risk of disturbing anyone even if used at night. The seat, adjustable in height and inclination, is really comfortable (even too soft in my opinion) with the noteworthy feature of the back rest, which is also adjustable in height. Easily transportable (also thanks to the small front wheels with which it is equipped) it can also be folded up to take up very little space. In my opinion, however, it is an exercise bike not suitable for people taller than approximately 1.70 m. Beyond more or less this limit it is not possible to stretch the legs well at the lowest point of the pedal stroke. Furthermore, people with reduced joint mobility may have some problems sitting down because the joint that connects the 2 main tubes is a little high. The pedaling is smooth and the exercise bike is stable. Unfortunately it is not possible to pedal standing on the pedals, due to their rather small dimensions. The features of this exercise bike are completed by the pedals with adjustable straps, the ergonomic handlebar with sensors for detecting pulse and the computer (battery powered) with the indication of time, calories, distance, speed and pulse.

From simona Rated at 04.11.2016

Non posso che dare un 5 stelle a questa cyclette. Vediamone insieme le caratteristiche. I materiali di cui è costituita sono plastica resistente, a livello della base su cui appoggiano i pedali e i pedali stessi, acciaio in tutto lo scheletro. Il montaggio è stato molto semplice ed intuitivo, ho impiegato un 15 minuti nell'assemblaggio utilizzando solo i materiali in dotazione. Vi è un manuale d'istruzione in tedesco e inglese ma non l'ho utilizzato. Il sellino e lo schienale sono in simil pelle e sono molto comodi, le due basi che poggiano a terra evitano che il pavimento si rovini e in quella posteriore sono presenti delle ruote che ne permettono il trasporto facilmente. I pedali sono antiscivolo e grazie alla cinghia in dotazione si può pedalare tranquillamente senza che il piede esca fuori dal pedale. Ammetto che il montaggio delle cinghie è risoltato un pò difficile ma tutto sommato fattibile. Il sellino ergonomico con imbottitura extramorbida è regolabile, vi sono ben 7 livelli di regolazione grazie ad una manopola posta sulla parte inferiore dello stesso. In corrispondenza del manubrio vi è un computer di allenamento con schermo in LCD che funziona tramite 2 pile AAA che vengono poste nel vano inferiore e che comunque sono in dotazione. Le funzioni indicate nel display sono: tempo, distanza, velocità, consumo calorie, puls, scan . Si può regolare la tensione grazie ad una manopola posta anteriormente e si può scegliere fino a 8 livelli. Trovo questa cyclette di ottima qualità. Nonostante abbia ricevuto questo articolo con un forte sconto, la mia recensione è onesta e obiettiva

I can only give a 5 stars to this exercise bike. Let's look at its characteristics together. The materials it is made of are resistant plastic, at the level of the base on which the pedals and the pedals themselves rest, and steel throughout the skeleton. Assembly was very simple and intuitive, I spent 15 minutes assembling using only the materials supplied. There is an instruction manual in German and English but I have not used it. The seat and backrest are in imitation leather and are very comfortable, the two bases that rest on the ground prevent the floor from being ruined and the rear one has wheels that allow it to be transported easily. The pedals are non-slip and thanks to the supplied strap you can pedal easily without your foot coming out of the pedal. I admit that assembling the straps was a little difficult but all in all feasible. The ergonomic saddle with extra-soft padding is adjustable, there are 7 levels of adjustment thanks to a knob located on the lower part of the same. Corresponding to the handlebars there is a training computer with an LCD screen which works using 2 AAA batteries which are placed in the lower compartment and which are in any case supplied. The functions indicated on the display are: time, distance, speed, calorie consumption, pulse, scan. The tension can be adjusted thanks to a knob on the front and you can choose up to 8 levels. I find this exercise bike to be of excellent quality. Although I received this item at a steep discount, my review is honest and objective

From Rita Rated at 01.11.2016

La cyclette è un attrezzo molto famoso ed il suo utilizzo costante fa indubbiamente bene alla salute, sia per il benessere del corpo che della mente. E' adatta a tutte le età e non ha controindicazioni particolari, rimette in moto il sistema cardiocircolatorio ed aiuta a bruciare i grassi, quindi anche a dimagrire. Questa meravigliosa cyclette è ideale per chi vuole tenersi in forma direttamente in casa propria, o per chi magari non ha tempo di recarsi in palestra. E' leggera e maneggevole, ma allo stesso tempo è solida e robusta da reggere fino ad un peso massimo di 100Kg. L'intera struttura è realizzata con materiali in acciaio e plastica, pesa circa 16Kg ed è anche salvaspazio, infatti, una volta chiusa, la superficie di appoggio occupa solo 45cm x 44cm di spazio. Arriva in un grande cartone, con le parti da assemblare, con un set di montaggio incluso, compresa anche una chiave ed un manuale d'uso solo in inglese ed in tedesco. Devo ammettere che la mancanza di istruzioni in italiano ha reso leggermente più difficile il montaggio ma, grazie alle illustrazioni fotografiche e ad alcune parti già quasi montate, in meno di mezz'ora era pronta all'uso. Si può aprire e chiudere all'occorrenza, basta inserire un gancio per fissarla che va poi tolto quando vogliamo richiuderla. Le parti che toccano a terra sono chiuse nei lati da coperchi in materiale antiscivolo, che garantiscono non solo una presa al suolo ferma e solida ma anche zero rischi per qualsiasi tipo di pavimento. Comode anche le due ruote quasi invisibili che ci permettono di spostarla con estrema facilità. Ha un sellino comodo ed ergonomico, regolabile su 7 livelli, ed è dotata anche di uno schienale imbottito per sorreggere la schiena. La resistenza può essere regolata su 8 livelli grazie alla semplice manopola manuale, così da scegliere la forza della pedalata dalla più leggera alla più pesante. La più leggera simula una pedalata in pianura, mentre la più pesante simula una pedalata in salita, dove ci vuole più sforzo fisico. La seduta per l'allenamento nel complesso risulta davvero ottimale, troviamo un manubrio con le maniglie imbottite ed i pedali sono antiscivolo, con le cinghie regolabili, per garantire un appoggio stabile e sicuro. A completare la bellezza e la funzionalità di questo attrezzo, troviamo un computer di allenamento che, grazie al display LCD, ci permette di tenere sotto controllo la distanza percorsa, le calorie bruciate, la velocità, il tempo ed anche le pulsazioni. Per una misurazione precisa delle pulsazioni troviamo un misuratore integrato nelle maniglie, che trasmette direttamente i dati al computer. Il computer per funzionare ha bisogno di 2 batterie AAA che sono incluse nella confezione e, per navigare tra le opzioni, troviamo un piccolo pulsantino al centro. Per un risultato ottimale si consiglia un allenamento graduale, partendo da 5 o 10 minuti per volta, 3 volte a settimana ed aumentando poi man mano, sia la durata che la resistenza. CONSIGLIATA!

The exercise bike is a very famous tool and its constant use is undoubtedly good for your health, both for the well-being of the body and the mind. It is suitable for all ages and has no particular contraindications, it restarts the cardiovascular system and helps to burn fat, therefore also to lose weight. This wonderful exercise bike is ideal for those who want to keep fit directly at home, or for those who perhaps don't have time to go to the gym. It is light and easy to handle, but at the same time it is solid and robust to hold up to a maximum weight of 100kg. The entire structure is made of steel and plastic materials, weighs approximately 16kg and is also space-saving, in fact, once closed, the support surface takes up only 45cm x 44cm of space. It arrives in a large carton, with the parts to be assembled, with an assembly set included, also including a key and a user manual in English and German only. I must admit that the lack of instructions in Italian made assembly slightly more difficult but, thanks to the photographic illustrations and some parts already almost assembled, it was ready for use in less than half an hour. It can be opened and closed when necessary, just insert a hook to secure it which then needs to be removed when we want to close it again. The parts that touch the ground are closed on the sides by covers in non-slip material, which guarantee not only a firm and solid grip on the ground but also zero risks for any type of floor. The two almost invisible wheels are also convenient and allow us to move it with extreme ease. It has a comfortable and ergonomic saddle, adjustable to 7 levels, and is also equipped with a padded backrest to support your back. The resistance can be adjusted to 8 levels thanks to the simple manual knob, so as to choose the pedaling force from lightest to heaviest. The lightest simulates pedaling on the flat, while the heaviest simulates pedaling uphill, where more physical effort is required. The training seat overall is truly optimal, we find a handlebar with padded handles and the pedals are non-slip, with adjustable straps, to guarantee a stable and safe support. To complete the beauty and functionality of this tool, we find a training computer which, thanks to the LCD display, allows us to monitor the distance travelled, calories burned, speed, time and even pulse. For precise pulse measurement we find a meter integrated into the handles, which transmits the data directly to the computer. To function, the computer requires 2 AAA batteries which are included in the package and, to navigate through the options, we find a small button in the center. For optimal results, we recommend gradual training, starting from 5 or 10 minutes at a time, 3 times a week and then gradually increasing both duration and resistance. RECOMMENDED!

From Silvia Rated at 01.11.2016

Attrezzo ideale per chi vuole mantenersi in forma in modo tranquillo senza grandi pretese agonistiche. La cyclette è una ottima entry-level con ottime caratteristiche. Arriva ben imballata e completamente smontata. L’assemblaggio e facile e abbastanza immediato anche per chi non è molto pratico. Essendo una cyclette “salvaspazio” credevo che potesse risultare un po’ traballante e invece i materiali sono veramente ottimi e la cyclette è molto robusta e resistente. La sella è ottima e sopratutto è comodissima. Ottimo anche lo schienale che permette di rimanere diritti senza affaticare la schiena. Un po’ distante (dipende dall’altezza) la posizione del manubrio che purtroppo non è regolabile ma anch’esso realizzato in modo impeccabile con maniglie antiscivolo e antisudore. Posizionati sul manubrio ci sono i sensori per il rilevamento del battito cardiaco che funzionano in modo abbastanza buono. Il computerino fornisce dati abbastanza precisi sia come velocità che come chilometri percorsi e calorie bruciate. Una cosa che mi ha colpito è stata la silenziosità di tutte le meccaniche.Una volta chiusa, la cyclette occupa veramente poco spazio ed essendo molto leggera è facile da riporre senza alcuno sforzo. Un attrezzo molto consigliato.

Ideal tool for those who want to keep fit in a quiet way without great competitive demands. The exercise bike is an excellent entry-level bike with excellent features. Arrives well packaged and completely disassembled. Assembly is easy and quite immediate even for those who are not very familiar with it. Being a "space-saving" exercise bike, I thought it might be a little shaky but instead the materials are really excellent and the exercise bike is very sturdy and resistant. The saddle is excellent and above all it is very comfortable. The backrest is also excellent, allowing you to remain upright without tiring your back. The position of the handlebar is a little distant (depending on height), which unfortunately is not adjustable but is also impeccably made with anti-slip and anti-sweat handles. Positioned on the handlebars are the heart rate sensors which work quite well. The computer provides fairly precise data both in terms of speed, kilometers traveled and calories burned. One thing that struck me was the silence of all the mechanics. Once closed, the exercise bike takes up very little space and being very light it is easy to store without any effort. A highly recommended tool.

From Vincenzo Rated at 28.10.2016

E’ una cyclette con un livello qualitativo dei materiali e delle prestazioni di tutto rispetto, anche se si colloca nella fascia di prezzo bassa del mercato. Nonostante il volano abbia un peso di soli 3 kg, presenta un sistema di resistenza magnetica a 8 livelli piuttosto efficace per cui si riesce anche ad ottenere una pedalata abbastanza impegnativa. Permette di ottenere anche un buon allenamento cardiovascolare se usata con una certa intensità Si può anche usare anche solo per pochi minuti al giorno, per rilassarsi per es. mentre si guarda la TV e si ottengono in ogni caso dei risultati, per esempio un miglioramento nella circolazione delle gambe. Essendo dotata di una cinghia di trasmissione in gomma è silenziosissima per cui non c’è il rischio di disturbare qualcuno anche se si usa di notte. Il sedile, regolabile in altezza ed inclinazione è davvero comodo( anche fin troppo morbido secondo me) con la caratteristica degna di nota del poggia schiena, anch’esso regolabile in altezza. Facilmente trasportabile ( anche grazie alle piccole ruote anteriori di cui è dotata) si può anche richiudere per occupare pochissimo spazio. Secondo me comunque si tratta di una cyclette non adatta a persone più alte di 1.75 m. Al di là più o meno di questo limite non si riescono a distendere bene le gambe nel punto più basso della pedalata. Inoltre persone con una ridotta mobilità articolare potrebbero avere qualche problema a sedersi perché lo snodo che collega i 2 tubi principali è un po’ alto. La pedalata è fluida e la cyclette è stabile, ma quello che mi ha stupito di più è che si riesce anche a pedalare in piedi sui pedali, nonostante abbia dimensioni piuttosto contenute. Completano la dotazione di questa cyclette i pedali con cinghie regolabili, il manubrio ergonomico con sensori per il rilevamento delle pulsazioni ed il computerino( alimentato a batterie) con l’indicazione di tempo, calorie, distanza, velocità, pulsazioni.

It is an exercise bike with a very respectable quality level of materials and performance, even if it is placed in the low price range of the market. Although the flywheel weighs only 3 kg, it has a rather effective 8-level magnetic resistance system so it is also possible to achieve a fairly demanding pedal stroke. It also allows you to get a good cardiovascular workout if used with a certain intensity. It can also be used for just a few minutes a day, to relax for example. while watching TV and you get results in any case, for example an improvement in circulation in the legs. Being equipped with a rubber transmission belt it is very silent so there is no risk of disturbing anyone even if used at night. The seat, adjustable in height and inclination, is really comfortable (even too soft in my opinion) with the noteworthy feature of the back rest, which is also adjustable in height. Easily transportable (also thanks to the small front wheels with which it is equipped) it can also be folded up to take up very little space. In my opinion, however, it is an exercise bike not suitable for people taller than 1.75 m. Beyond more or less this limit it is not possible to stretch the legs well at the lowest point of the pedal stroke. Furthermore, people with reduced joint mobility may have some problems sitting down because the joint that connects the 2 main tubes is a little high. The pedaling is fluid and the exercise bike is stable, but what amazed me most is that you can also pedal standing on the pedals, despite its rather small dimensions. The features of this exercise bike are completed by the pedals with adjustable straps, the ergonomic handlebar with sensors for detecting pulse and the computer (battery powered) with the indication of time, calories, distance, speed and pulse.

From Vincenzo Rated at 28.10.2016

E’ una cyclette con un livello qualitativo dei materiali e delle prestazioni di tutto rispetto, anche se si colloca nella fascia di prezzo bassa del mercato. Nonostante il volano abbia un peso di soli 3 kg, presenta un sistema di resistenza magnetica a 8 livelli piuttosto efficace per cui si riesce anche ad ottenere una pedalata abbastanza impegnativa. Permette di ottenere anche un buon allenamento cardiovascolare se usata con una certa intensità Si può anche usare anche solo per pochi minuti al giorno, per rilassarsi per es. mentre si guarda la TV e si ottengono in ogni caso dei risultati, per esempio un miglioramento nella circolazione delle gambe. Essendo dotata di una cinghia di trasmissione in gomma è silenziosissima per cui non c’è il rischio di disturbare qualcuno anche se si usa di notte. Il sedile, regolabile in altezza ed inclinazione è davvero comodo( anche fin troppo morbido secondo me) con la caratteristica degna di nota del poggia schiena, anch’esso regolabile in altezza. Facilmente trasportabile ( anche grazie alle piccole ruote anteriori di cui è dotata) si può anche richiudere per occupare pochissimo spazio. Secondo me comunque si tratta di una cyclette non adatta a persone più alte di 1.75 m. Al di là più o meno di questo limite non si riescono a distendere bene le gambe nel punto più basso della pedalata. Inoltre persone con una ridotta mobilità articolare potrebbero avere qualche problema a sedersi perché lo snodo che collega i 2 tubi principali è un po’ alto. La pedalata è fluida e la cyclette è stabile, ma quello che mi ha stupito di più è che si riesce anche a pedalare in piedi sui pedali, nonostante abbia dimensioni piuttosto contenute. Completano la dotazione di questa cyclette i pedali con cinghie regolabili, il manubrio ergonomico con sensori per il rilevamento delle pulsazioni ed il computerino( alimentato a batterie) con l’indicazione di tempo, calorie, distanza, velocità, pulsazioni.

It is an exercise bike with a very respectable quality level of materials and performance, even if it is placed in the low price range of the market. Although the flywheel weighs only 3 kg, it has a rather effective 8-level magnetic resistance system so it is also possible to achieve a fairly demanding pedal stroke. It also allows you to get a good cardiovascular workout if used with a certain intensity. It can also be used for just a few minutes a day, to relax for example. while watching TV and in any case you get results, for example an improvement in circulation in the legs. Being equipped with a rubber transmission belt it is very silent so there is no risk of disturbing anyone even if used at night. The seat, adjustable in height and inclination, is really comfortable (even too soft in my opinion) with the noteworthy feature of the back rest, which is also adjustable in height. Easily transportable (also thanks to the small front wheels with which it is equipped) it can also be folded up to take up very little space. In my opinion, however, it is an exercise bike not suitable for people taller than 1.75 m. Beyond more or less this limit it is not possible to stretch the legs well at the lowest point of the pedal stroke. Furthermore, people with reduced joint mobility may have some problems sitting down because the joint that connects the 2 main tubes is a little high. The pedaling is fluid and the exercise bike is stable, but what amazed me most is that you can also pedal standing on the pedals, despite its rather small dimensions. The features of this exercise bike are completed by the pedals with adjustable straps, the ergonomic handlebar with sensors for detecting pulse and the computer (battery powered) with the indication of time, calories, distance, speed and pulse.

From Vincenzo Rated at 28.10.2016

E’ una cyclette con un livello qualitativo dei materiali e delle prestazioni di tutto rispetto, anche se si colloca nella fascia di prezzo bassa del mercato. Nonostante il volano abbia un peso di soli 3 kg, presenta un sistema di resistenza magnetica a 8 livelli piuttosto efficace per cui si riesce anche ad ottenere una pedalata abbastanza impegnativa. Permette di ottenere anche un buon allenamento cardiovascolare se usata con una certa intensità Si può anche usare anche solo per pochi minuti al giorno, per rilassarsi per es. mentre si guarda la TV e si ottengono in ogni caso dei risultati, per esempio un miglioramento nella circolazione delle gambe. Essendo dotata di una cinghia di trasmissione in gomma è silenziosissima per cui non c’è il rischio di disturbare qualcuno anche se si usa di notte. Il sedile, regolabile in altezza ed inclinazione è davvero comodo( anche fin troppo morbido secondo me) con la caratteristica degna di nota del poggia schiena. Facilmente trasportabile ( anche grazie alle piccole ruote anteriori di cui è dotata) si può anche richiudere per occupare pochissimo spazio. Secondo me comunque si tratta di una cyclette non adatta a persone più alte di 1.75 m. Al di là più o meno di questo limite non si riescono a distendere bene le gambe nel punto più basso della pedalata. Inoltre persone con una ridotta mobilità articolare potrebbero avere qualche problema a sedersi perché lo snodo che collega i 2 tubi principali è un po’ alto. Quello che mi ha stupito di più di questa cyclette è che si riesce anche a pedalare in piedi sui pedali, nonostante abbia dimensioni piuttosto contenute Completano la dotazione di questa cyclette i pedali con cinghie regolabili, il manubrio ergonomico con sensori per il rilevamento delle pulsazioni ed il computerino( alimentato a batterie) con l’indicazione di tempo, calorie, distanza, velocità, pulsazioni.

It is an exercise bike with a very respectable quality level of materials and performance, even if it is placed in the low price range of the market. Although the flywheel weighs only 3 kg, it has a rather effective 8-level magnetic resistance system so it is also possible to achieve a fairly demanding pedal stroke. It also allows you to get a good cardiovascular workout if used with a certain intensity. It can also be used for just a few minutes a day, to relax for example. while watching TV and you get results in any case, for example an improvement in circulation in the legs. Being equipped with a rubber transmission belt it is very silent so there is no risk of disturbing anyone even if used at night. The seat, adjustable in height and inclination, is really comfortable (even too soft in my opinion) with the noteworthy feature of the back rest. Easily transportable (also thanks to the small front wheels with which it is equipped) it can also be folded up to take up very little space. In my opinion, however, it is an exercise bike not suitable for people taller than 1.75 m. Beyond more or less this limit it is not possible to stretch the legs well at the lowest point of the pedal stroke. Furthermore, people with reduced joint mobility may have some problems sitting down because the joint that connects the 2 main tubes is a little high. What amazed me most about this exercise bike is that it is also possible to pedal standing on the pedals, despite its rather small dimensions. The features of this exercise bike are completed by the pedals with adjustable straps, the ergonomic handlebar with sensors for detecting the pulse and the computer (battery powered) with the indication of time, calories, distance, speed, pulse.

From Nicole Rated at 28.10.2016

Schon seid einiger Zeit bin ich auf der Suche nach eine Fitnessgerät was ich auch in einer kleiner Wohnung ohne extremen Platzverlust aufstellen kann. Meist ist es so, man hat ein Gerät, das sehr klobig ist, wie z.B. mein alter Heimtrainer/Rad, was einfach nur ein Staubfänger und Platzräuber war. Zwar bin ich da noch ab und an drauf gegangen, aber mit der zeit war es auch schon zu alt und ausgelaugt. Wenn man nun so die neuen Trainingsgeräte sieht, dann kommt man vom Glauben ab. Zu groß zu klobig, nehmen einfach zu viel Platz weg und sind dazu auch noch viel zu teuer. Ich suche ein kompaktes Gerät, was mein altes rad ersetzt und was nicht mehr so viel Platz in Anspruch nimmt. Nach sehr langer Suche wurde ich fündig und ich entschied mich für den Klarfit X-Bike 700 Fahrrad-Heimtrainer Ergometer mit Pulsmesser, klappbar bis 100 Kg. Meine Entscheidung war einfach, weil der Klarfit X-Bike 700 Fahrrad-Heimtrainer Ergometer mit Pulsmesser, klappbar bis 100 Kg, alles hat was ich will. Er ist klappbar, er ist farblich und nicht so grau in grau, hat einen Pulsmesser und man kann sich bequem drauf setzen um zu Trainieren. Preislich passte auch alles, denn zu teuer sollte es ja auch nicht sein. ich bestellte es und hab auf den Paketboten gewartet, der sich angekündigt hatte, wegen Termin ""Sperrgutlieferung"" kaum angekommen wuchtete er mein Trainingsgerät ins Wohnzimmer. Das Auspacken war etwas schwer, denn das Gerät selbst wiegt ohne Verpackung schon 16 Kg, mit Verpackung aber locker über 20 kg. Ausgepackt musste ich dann erst die ganzen Einzelteile die ich selbst montieren muss, ordentlich an die Seite legen und die Schutzfolie entfernen. Alle Einzelteile plus der große vormontierte Korpus, sehbar aufgestellt bzw. hingelegt. Nun geht es ans Eingemachte, Bedienungsanleitung rausgeholt, die auf Deutsch sehr gut beschrieben ist und step by step alles zusammengebaut/geschraubt. das nimmt schon einiges an Zeit in Anspruch, aber mit dem Werkzeug was mitgeliefert wurde, klappte es ganz gut. Wobei ich hier Ehrlich sein muss, mein Freund hat mir mit professionellen Werkzeug geholfen, denn alle Verschraubungen sollten fest angezogen werden. Hier sollte man nur wenn man kann eigenes Werkzeug hat, das mitgelieferte Werkzeug benutzen. Mir ist völlig klar, das man kein hochwertiges Werkzeug als Zugabe beipacken kann, daher auch kein Punktabzug. Nachdem ich nun mit meinem Freund alles zusammengebaut habe, musste noch eine geeignete Stellfläche gefunden werden. da es mit 16 Kg nicht zu schwer ist, bekommt man es auch alleine hin. Die Abmessungen sind wichtig, und mit einer breite von nur 44 cm, bei einer Tiefe von 90 cm ausgeklappt und 45 cm zugeklappt und einer Höhe von 113 cm, kann man es fast überall hinstellen. Der Klarfit X-Bike 700 Fahrrad-Heimtrainer Ergometer mit Pulsmesser, klappbar bis 100 Kg. ist Ergonomisch geformt, das bedeutet wenn ich mach auf das Gerät setze um zu trainieren, sitze ich auch noch gesunde, da ich ergonomisch sitze. Man kann sich da nicht falsch drauf setzen, weil es die Form nicht zulässt. Hört sich sicherlich etwas bescheiden an, aber wenn man es ausprobiert, sieht man und merkt man es einfach. Man sitzt ja nach hinten gebeugt, dann muss man mit den Füßen nach vorne zu den Pedalen und um an den Lenker zu kommen, muss man sich vorbeugen, so hat man die perfekte Haltung um zu trainieren. Die Pedale sind mit Schlaufen versehen, hier steckt man seine Füße rein um ein Abrutschen zu verhindern. Am Lenkrad selbst befinden sich Pulssensoren, die messen während des Trainings den Puls, dieser wird dann auf dem Computer am Gerät angezeigt. Das Display des Computers ist sehr gut ablesbar und sieht durch die Orange Farbe auch noch sehr gut aus. Optisch ist das Gerät komplett in Schwarz/Orange gehalten, einfach sehr modern. Der Computer misst alles, wie Zeit, Distanz, Geschwindigkeit, Kalorienverbrauch, Puls, und Scan, d.h. es wird wechselhaft angezeigt, so hat man alles im Blick und kann sein Training selbst steuern, bzw. gestallt

For some time now I have been looking for a piece of fitness equipment that I can set up in a small apartment without losing too much space. Most of the time you have a piece of equipment that is very bulky, like my old exercise bike, which was just a dust collector and took up too much space. I did use it from time to time, but over time it was too old and worn out. When you see the new training equipment, you lose faith. Too big, too bulky, it takes up too much space and is also far too expensive. I am looking for a compact device to replace my old bike that doesn't take up so much space. After a very long search I found what I was looking for and I decided on the Klarfit X-Bike 700 exercise bike ergometer with heart rate monitor, foldable up to 100 kg. My decision was easy because the Klarfit X-Bike 700 exercise bike ergometer with heart rate monitor, foldable up to 100 kg, has everything I want. It is foldable, it is colored and not so grey on grey, it has a heart rate monitor and you can sit comfortably on it to train. The price was also right, because it shouldn't be too expensive. I ordered it and waited for the delivery man who had announced his arrival, and as soon as he arrived because of the "bulky goods delivery" date, he lugged my training device into the living room. Unpacking was a bit difficult, because the device itself weighs 16 kg without packaging, but easily over 20 kg with packaging. Once unpacked, I had to put all the individual parts that I have to assemble myself to the side and remove the protective film. All the individual parts plus the large pre-assembled body were placed or laid down where they could be seen. Now it's time to get down to business: I got out the instruction manual, which is very well described in German, and assembled/screwed everything together step by step. That takes a lot of time, but with the tools that were included, it worked quite well. I have to be honest here, my friend helped me with professional tools, because all screw connections should be tightened firmly. Here you should only use the tools provided if you have your own. I am fully aware that you cannot include high-quality tools as an extra, so no points deducted. After my friend and I had put everything together, we still had to find a suitable place to put it. As it is not too heavy at 16 kg, you can manage it alone. The dimensions are important, and with a width of just 44 cm, a depth of 90 cm when unfolded and 45 cm when folded, and a height of 113 cm, you can put it almost anywhere. The Klarfit X-Bike 700 exercise bike ergometer with heart rate monitor, foldable up to 100 kg, is ergonomically shaped, which means that when I sit on the device to train, I am also sitting healthily because I am sitting ergonomically. You can't sit on it incorrectly because the shape doesn't allow it. It certainly sounds a bit modest, but when you try it out, you can see and notice it. You sit bent backwards, then you have to put your feet forward to the pedals and to reach the handlebars you have to bend over, so you have the perfect posture for training. The pedals have loops, you put your feet in here to prevent slipping. There are pulse sensors on the handlebars themselves, which measure your pulse during training, which is then displayed on the computer on the device. The display of the computer is very easy to read and also looks very good thanks to the orange color. Visually, the device is completely black/orange, simply very modern. The computer measures everything, such as time, distance, speed, calorie consumption, pulse, and scan, i.e. it is displayed alternately, so you have everything in view and can control or organize your training yourself.

From Karola Rated at 28.10.2016

Ich habe den Fahrrad-Heimtrainer kostenlos im Rahmen eines Produkttests erhalten. Die Lieferung erfolgte zügig und die Ware kam unbeschädigt bei mir an. Im Lieferumfang enthalten war ein Selbstaufbausatz des Fahrrad-Heimtrainer. Der Aufbau ging relativ einfach. Schrauben waren schon vorgeschraubt und somit waren es nicht so viele kleine Teile. Werkzeug zum Zusammenbau war auch mit dabei. Das Fahrrad für den Heimgebrauch dient zum Konditionstraining oder einfach nur um sich sportlich zuhause zu betätigen. In kalten Jahreszeiten ist so was gerade für Sportler die nicht unbedingt ins Fitnesscenter wollen. Damit spart man auch Geld. Die Farbe des Heimtrainers sieht recht witzig aus mit dem schwarzorange. Zudem ist das Fahrrad auch für kleine Haushalte geeignet. Man kann es Zusammenklappen und in eine Ecke stellen. Der Heimtrainer verfügt über eine schlichte Ausstattung, ein kleiner Computer kontrolliert den Puls über Sensoren am Lenker (Handinnenflächen rauflegen), die Geschwindigkeit und andere Sachen. Der Sitz ist recht breit und sehr bequem. Die Rückenlehne kann man runterklappen wenn man das Fahrrad wegstellt. Alles in allem ein schöner Heimtrainer der nicht viel kostet. Er verfügt sogar über ein Rad an der Mittelstange zum einstellen der Schweregrade. Ein kleiner Behälter darunter ist für Handys oder so gedacht, dann kann man Musik hören beim Training. Der Heimtrainer ist gut verarbeitet und ich empfehle ihn gerne weiter. Das Preisleistungsverhältnis ist gut und ich gebe gerne volle Punktzahl.

I received the exercise bike for free as part of a product test. Delivery was prompt and the goods arrived undamaged. The delivery included a self-assembly kit for the exercise bike. Assembly was relatively easy. Screws were already screwed in so there weren't so many small parts. Tools for assembly were also included. The bike for home use is for fitness training or just for exercising at home. In cold seasons, this is especially useful for athletes who don't necessarily want to go to the gym. It also saves money. The color of the exercise bike looks quite funny with the black and orange. The bike is also suitable for small households. You can fold it up and put it in a corner. The exercise bike has simple features, a small computer controls the pulse via sensors on the handlebars (put your palms on them), the speed and other things. The seat is quite wide and very comfortable. The backrest can be folded down when you put the bike away. All in all, a nice exercise bike that doesn't cost much. It even has a wheel on the center bar for adjusting the level of difficulty. There is a small container underneath for cell phones or something like that, so you can listen to music while you train. The exercise bike is well made and I would happily recommend it. The price/performance ratio is good and I would happily give it full marks.

From margherita Rated at 27.10.2016

Devo essere sincera sono rimasta davvero soddisfatta da questa bike da camera , il prezzo a cui viene venduta è ottimo in quanto parliamo di una cyclette completa, comoda, davvero di buona qualità, soprattutto stabile e di di ottima fattura. Arriva in una confezione da montare, ma l'assemblaggio è davvero veloce e semplice , ci ho impiegato poco meno di mezz'ora, in quanto comunque bisogna collegare fra loro solo le parti più grandi : manubrio , sella, poggia spalla e pedali, il corpo motore è unico. Viene tutto fornito per il montaggio comprese due chiavi utili. Innanzitutto la prima comodità è nella parte del sellino che è abbastanza morbido, certo non è gomma piuma, ma confronto ad altre cyclette è ottimo visto che comunque non si presenta piccolo, è abbastanza grande e possiamo posarci anche con i glutei un poco più grossi. Ma ciò che ho amato a prima vista di questa cyclette è anche la possibilità di posare la spalla allo schienale! Non ci credete, ma per me è davvero comodo, visto che soffro di dolori di spalla. Possiedo una vecchia cyclette che sono riuscita ad usare solo un paio di volte proprio per la scomodità di utilizzo: mancanza di schienale, sedile duro e il risultato finale era che quando mi alzavo non riuscivo a mettere la spalla dritta e i glutei doloranti! Appena sono salita su questa bike ho emesso un prolungato sospiro di sollievo. Naturalmente il il sedile è anche regolabile in base alla nostra altezza, si blocca nella parte posteriore attraverso un gancio e dei fori. Anche i pedali sono abbastanza larghi e comodi, sono presenti delle cinghie gommate che fanno bloccare i piedi, ma devo essere sincera non scivolano ugualmente neanche se non inserisci tali cinghie Sulla parte davanti è presente una rondella che vi permette di regolare la resistenza della cyclette fino ad 8 livelli e in questo caso procede molto lineare non si ""inceppa"". C'è anche un supporto in plastica da montare magari per tenere il cellulare o mp3 e ascoltare radio mentre fate la cyclette in camera. Possiede un computer digitale alimentato da 2 batterie comprese nella confezione Tale computer digitale misura la velocità, la distanza , le calorie perse , il tempo e soprattutto ha la funzione cardio, basta che posate le mani sulle maniglie in metallo mentre la utilizzate. La distanza fra sellino e manubrio è molto comoda, infatti vi permette di pedalare in posizione retta sulla spalliera. Che grande cosa! Ma ..ma non è finita! Questa meraviglia ha la possibilità di essere ripiegata e posata in un angolo per non occupare troppo spazio, nel momento in cui vi serve, potete trasportarla in un punto più comodo grazie a delle rotelle posteriori che la farà camminare come un trolley e aprirla in pochi secondi! Può essere scelta anche l'inclinazione da pianura o da montagna E' già da qualche giorno che la uso in modo regolare, il computer funziona bene e non ho avuto nessuna impressione negativa! . La superficie di appoggio che non rovina il pavimento e l'equilibrio del dispositivo impediscono di rovinare le superfici o di produrre fastidiosi rumori.

I have to be honest, I was really satisfied with this exercise bike, the price at which it is sold is excellent as we are talking about a complete, comfortable, really good quality exercise bike, above all stable and of excellent workmanship. It arrives in a package to be assembled, but the assembly is really quick and simple, it took me just under half an hour, as in any case only the largest parts need to be connected together: handlebars, saddle, shoulder rest and pedals, the engine body is unique. Everything is supplied for assembly including two useful keys. First of all, the first comfort is in the seat part which is quite soft, it is certainly not foam rubber, but compared to other exercise bikes it is excellent given that it does not appear small, it is quite large and we can sit on it even with slightly larger buttocks. But what I loved at first sight about this exercise bike is also the possibility of placing your shoulder against the backrest! Don't believe it, but it's really comfortable for me, since I suffer from shoulder pain. I own an old exercise bike that I was only able to use a couple of times due to its inconvenience: lack of backrest, hard seat and the end result was that when I stood up I couldn't get my shoulder straight and my buttocks were sore! As soon as I got on this bike I let out a long sigh of relief. Of course the seat is also adjustable according to our height, it locks in the back through a hook and holes. The pedals are also quite large and comfortable, there are rubberized straps that lock the feet, but I have to be honest they still don't slip even if you don't insert these straps. On the front there is a washer that allows you to adjust the resistance of the exercise bike up to at 8 levels and in this case it proceeds very linearly and does not "jam". There is also a plastic support to mount perhaps to hold your cell phone or MP3 and listen to the radio while you do the exercise bike in the room. It has a digital computer powered by 2 batteries included in the package. This digital computer measures speed, distance, calories lost, time and above all it has a cardio function, just place your hands on the metal handles while using it. The distance between the saddle and the handlebars is very comfortable, in fact it allows you to pedal in an upright position on the back rest. What a great thing! But...but it's not over! This wonder can be folded and placed in a corner so as not to take up too much space, when you need it, you can transport it to a more convenient place thanks to the rear wheels which will make it walk like a trolley and open it in a few seconds ! The flat or mountain inclination can also be chosen. I've been using it regularly for a few days now, the computer works well and I haven't had any negative impressions! . The support surface that does not damage the floor and the balance of the device prevent damaging surfaces or producing annoying noises.

From "Uta " Rated at 26.10.2016

Hier bekommt man für wenig Geld ein Top Gerät. Der Fahrradtrainer funktioniert ganz ohne Strom. Nur der Computer benötigt 2 x AAA Batterien. Der Computer zeigt alle wichtigen Daten im Wechsel an. Ob Zeit, Strecke, Puls, Kalorien… Der Fahrradtrainer hat ein kaum hörbares Laufgeräusch. Selbst beim abendlichen Fernsehschauen stört er nicht. Und will man ihn wegstellen, benötigt er nur eine kleine Ecke, weil er zusammenklappbar ist. Wir sind mit dem Gerät jedenfalls sehr zufrieden und absolvieren seither jeden Tag unsere Strecke.

Here you get a top device for little money. The bike trainer works without any electricity. Only the computer needs 2 x AAA batteries. The computer displays all the important data in rotation. Whether time, distance, pulse, calories... The bike trainer has a barely audible running noise. It doesn't even disturb you when you're watching TV in the evening. And if you want to put it away, it only takes up a small corner because it can be folded up. In any case, we are very happy with the device and have been doing our route every day since then.

From Lorita Rated at 22.10.2016

Prendere una cyclette richiudibile, pratica e professionale, che potete riporre facilmente dopo l'uso anche nel più piccolo spazio a disposizione. Dopo aver finito l’allenamento si può tranquillamente ripiegare e grazie alle piccole rotelle spostare per casa. L’attrezzo ginnico Klarfit X-Bike 700 è realizzata con materiali resistenti in acciaio, ha un display per l’allenamento sulla parte davanti al manubrio che calcola le pulsazioni del cuore, il tempo, la velocità, il consumo di calorie e la distanza. E’ un attrezzo per l’attività fitness o rassodamento, ma anche per chi ha bisogno di fare un percorso riabilitativo dopo una grave malattia. Ha 8 livelli di regolazione per la resistenza e un design ergonomico, infatti la cyclette ha un sedile di dimensioni ridotte e uno schienale imbottito per sostenere la schiena. L’attrezzo ginnico oltre che per la riabilitazione è utilissimo per tonificare e dimagrire, basta impostare un livello 2 e pedalare per almeno 40 minuti al giorno!!! I livelli sono importanti per ottenere un allenamento più pesante o più leggero, per esempio il livello basso sarà come pedalare in pianura mentre il livello alto sarà come pedalare in montagna. I particolari della cyclette la contraddistinguono dalle altre, i pedali antiscivolo hanno delle fibbie, mentre la superficie di appoggio non rovinerà mai il pavimento. Il controllo delle pulsazioni avvengono tramite dei sensori sulle maniglie, poi visibili sul display ( inserite due batterie AAA già incluse nella confezione). Potrete così visualizzare le calorie bruciate, i chilometri effettuati e il tempo impiegato. La cyclette arriva a casa completamente smontata quindi dovrete assemblarla, ma vi assicuro che è semplice. Si consiglia di non usare la cyclette se il vostro peso supera i 100 kg. Inoltre potrete regolare il sedile in altezza. La cyclette non è magnetica ma funziona con la cinghia, è molto silenziosa. Perché comprarla? 1) E' Resistente 2) E' Pratica 3) E'Salva spazio 4) E'Utile Naturalmente se usate la cyclette per attività dimagrante aumentate i livelli e i minuti gradualmente!!

Get a foldable, practical and professional exercise bike, which you can easily store after use even in the smallest space available. After finishing your workout you can easily fold it up and move it around the house thanks to the small wheels. The Klarfit It is a tool for fitness or toning activities, but also for those who need to undertake a rehabilitation program after a serious illness. It has 8 levels of resistance adjustment and an ergonomic design, in fact the exercise bike has a small seat and a padded backrest to support the back. The exercise machine, as well as for rehabilitation, is very useful for toning up and losing weight, just set level 2 and pedal for at least 40 minutes a day!!! The levels are important to obtain a heavier or lighter workout, for example the low level will be like pedaling on the plain while the high level will be like pedaling in the mountains. The details of the exercise bike distinguish it from others, the non-slip pedals have buckles, while the support surface will never ruin the floor. The pulse is controlled via sensors on the handles, which are then visible on the display (insert two AAA batteries already included in the package). You will then be able to view the calories burned, the kilometers traveled and the time taken. The exercise bike arrives at home completely disassembled so you will have to assemble it, but I assure you it is simple. We recommend not using the exercise bike if your weight exceeds 100 kg. You can also adjust the seat height. The exercise bike is not magnetic but works with the belt, it is very silent. Why buy it? 1) It's resistant 2) It's practical 3) It saves space 4) It's useful Of course, if you use the exercise bike for slimming activities, increase the levels and minutes gradually!!

From Muriel Rated at 20.06.2016

C'est un article conseillé par un service d'une clinique de rééducation cardio vasculaire et pou moi il serait parfait car on m'a posé 4 stent en deux ans et je dois faire de l'exercice approprié à mon état de santé. cordialement. Muriel BREMOND

It is an article recommended by a department of a cardiovascular rehabilitation clinic and for me it would be perfect because I have had 4 stents installed in two years and I must do exercise appropriate to my state of health. Sincerely. Muriel BREMOND

From Sylwia Rated at 20.12.2015

idealny na warunki domowe, prosty montaż, modny design i funkcjonalność na 6 !! do tego szybka wysyłka polecam gorąco

perfect for home conditions, simple assembly, fashionable design and functionality for 6!! plus fast shipping, I highly recommend it

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Customer opinions
X-Bike 700 Exercise Bike
  • Ergometer with training computer for supervising and organizing your training session
  • Integrated pulse sensor for precise power control on the training computer
  • Fast assembly thanks to detailed, illustrated manual
249,90 € 164,99 €
incl. VAT
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