
Touchstream BK Stand Fan

From 8 Customer
77,99 € 59,99 €
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Top features
  • Black pedestal fan with 17 cm rotor and 45 watts of power and touch panel operation
  • Two-stage leanable fan housing with switchable oscillation
  • Three different fan speeds and adjustable timer
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Touchstream BK Stand Fan
77,99 € 59,99 €

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Touchstream BK Stand Floor Fan 45W Touch Remote Control

Black fan with 17 cm rotor, 45 watts of power and touch-sensitive touch panel operation.

Space-saving design with two-stage tilting fan housing, switchable oscillation and timer.

Includes handy remote control.

As soon as summer approaches and the days get longer and warmer, the workplace threatens to turn into a stuffy greenhouse and the four walls of the office resemble more and more an ideal habitat for cold-blooded animals.

The Klarstein Touchstream stand fan blows air to you in three different speed levels to provide fresh cooling. The powerful blower allows for a high air throughput with wide, multi-directional airflow, while still being extremely quiet in operation. Because hot air rises and collects under the ceiling, the rotor head can tilt in two stages. This carries the warm air from the ceiling and passes it to your cold feet. Thanks to these flexible features, the direction, intensity and duration of the fan can be adjusted according to your own wishes. 

The striking design of the Touchstream blends beautifully into your office or living room, and is optically neutral enough to fit into classic environments. In addition, the device is also ideal as a complement to existing air conditioning systems to facilitate a controlled circulation of air.

The fan speed and oscillation of the Klarstein Touchstream pedestal fan can be controlled via the touch-sensitive control panel or the supplied remote control, and the timer can be programmed for up to 4 hours. 

Product details

Top features:

  • Black pedestal fan with 17 cm rotor and 45 watts of power and touch panel operation

  • Two-stage leanable fan housing with switchable oscillation

  • Three different fan speeds and adjustable timer

  • Low operating noise and high air flow with wide, multi-directional airflow

  • Incl. convenient remote control for comfortable operation

  • Timer: 1, 2, 4 hours
  • Constant and uniform ventilation
  • Fan guard
  • Remote control recess
  • Anti-slip rubber pads
  • Power supply: AC 220-240V, 50Hz
Scope of delivery:
  • Diameter: 25cm
  • Height: 20cm
  • Weight: about 2.2kg
Customer opinions
From 8 Customer


From Jean-Marie Rated at 02.02.2017

Je n'ai que des éloges à faire sur ce ventilateur. Tout d'abord son efficacité , on sent bien le souffle d'air à plusieurs mètres de distance. Ensuite sa discrétion, totalement silencieux en petite vitesse. Les petites led du panneau de commande ne sont pas gênantes, on peut donc dormir à côté sans être dérangé. Encore mieux, on peut programmer l'extinction jusqu'à 7 heures et non pas 4 comme écrit dans l'annonce et si on veut l'arrêter avant, la jolie télécommande vous permet de le faire du lit. Mais là où il se distingue des autres modèles c'est par sa conception originale et extrêmement bien pensée. Tout d'abord, il se replie pour le rangement mais on peut aussi l'ouvrir à 45°. Dans cette position, posé sur le sol de la chambre, on sent l'air frais sans être directement exposé au courant d'air. C'est très agréable. Le système d'oscillation fonctionne dans les 3 positions car ce n'est pas seulement le bloc hélice qui pivote mais tout le corps du ventilateur. Seul le socle de 3 cm est fixe. Autre avantage, les fentes des différentes grilles sont suffisamment étroites pour empêcher qu'un petit enfant y passe les doigts et se blesse. Enfin il y a à l'arrière du bloc hélice un emplacement pour glisser les doigts et le transporter facilement, même ouvert. La télécommande se range dans un emplacement entre les deux blocs qui, une fois refermés, l'empêche de tomber et de l'égarer. Ne pas oublier de retirer la languette de protection pour que la télécommande fonctionne. Encore bravo à celui qui a conçu cette machine originale et terriblement efficace.

I have nothing but praise for this fan. First of all its effectiveness, you can feel the breath of air several meters away. Then its discretion, totally silent at low speed. The small LEDs on the control panel are not annoying, so you can sleep next to them without being disturbed. Even better, you can program the switch-off for up to 7 hours and not 4 as written in the ad and if you want to stop it before, the pretty remote control allows you to do it from bed. But where it stands out from other models is its original and extremely well thought-out design. First of all, it folds up for storage but you can also open it to 45°. In this position, placed on the floor of the room, you can feel the fresh air without being directly exposed to the draft. It's very nice. The oscillation system works in all 3 positions because it is not only the propeller block that rotates but the entire body of the fan. Only the 3 cm base is fixed. Another advantage is that the slots in the different grids are narrow enough to prevent a small child from passing their fingers through them and getting injured. Finally, there is a place at the back of the propeller block to slide your fingers in and transport it easily, even open. The remote control is stored in a location between the two blocks which, once closed, prevents it from falling and misplacing it. Don't forget to remove the protective tab for the remote control to work. Congratulations again to the person who designed this original and terribly efficient machine.

From mariarosa Rated at 16.05.2016

Iniziamo ad attrezzarci per la stagione estiva, per combattere il caldo delle giornate che stanno per arrivare. Il ventilatore è arrivato nei tempi previsti, e ben confezionato. Sono soddisfattissima al 100% di quest'acquisto. Il packaging e molto bello, e sta benissimo con qualsiasi tipo di arredamento. Grazie anche al meccanismo salva spazio, possiamo ripiegarlo su se stesso quando non viene utilizzato. NELLA CONFEZIONE TROVIAMO: - VENTILATORE - TELECOMANDO - MANUALE L'utilizzo è molto semplice, grazie ai comandi touch che troviamo frontalmente. La struttura del ventilatore Touchstream fa si che l'aria aspirata, che passa attraverso le pale del ventilatore, si compatti e venga soffiata fuori a forte velocità. Si ottiene quindi una velocità maggiore rispetto ai comuni ventilatori, il che consente di far raggiungere al flusso d'aria una distanza superiore agli otto metri. Così da far percepire che l'aria, anche in stanze di grani dimensioni, come uffici, sta circolando e non si creeranno delle zone dove l'aria è più calda. Questo effetto può persino essere rafforzato se si indirizza il flusso d'aria verso il soffitto o le pareti, per poi essere distribuito indirettamente in tutto l'ambiente. Anche se le sue prestazioni sono indubbiamente potenti il ventilatore Klarsteins Touchstream con soli 35W di potenza assorbita è un dispositivo a basso consumo, e anche se ne facessimo un'uso eccessivo il costo della bolletta non lieviterà alle stelle per niente. Per quanto riguarda le caratteristiche tecniche il ventilatore non ha nulla da invidiare ad altri modelli simili. Sulla parte frontale abbiamo i comandi, il primo in alto serve per regolare l'oscillazione, poi troviamo il tasto timer da 1, 2 e 4 ore, con esso possiamo far in modo che il ventilatore si spenga in automatico una volta che la durata di tempo in funzione che è stata impostata è terminata. Poi troviamo il tasto della velocità, che può essere regolata in modo da scegliere la velocità del flusso d'aria, tra ALTA - MEDIA - BASSA. Per ultimo, il tasto per accendere e spegnere il ventilatore. L'azienda a pensato bene di inserire un telecomando con le stesse funzioni di quelle riportate direttamente sull'apparecchio in modo da rendere il tutto più comodo se siamo l'ontani dal ventilatore e vogliamo accenderlo o spegnerlo. Il telecomando ha un pratico scomparto dietro al ventilatore, dove possiamo riporlo quando non lo usiamo, così da non rischiare di perderlo. La testa del ventilatore oscilla avanti ed indietro di 90°. Oltre a ciò è possibile farla inclinare anche su due livelli. Un livello con un inclinazione di 45° gradi verso l'alto ed un livello con un'inclinazione di 90° frontale in avanti. Che dire, per me è un prodotto che merita le mie 5 stelline, è bello, resistente, e fa più di quello che mi aspettavo.

Let's start gearing up for the summer season, to combat the heat of the days that are about to arrive. The fan arrived on time and well packaged. I am 100% satisfied with this purchase. The packaging is very beautiful, and goes great with any type of decor. Thanks also to the space-saving mechanism, we can fold it on itself when not in use. IN THE PACKAGE WE FIND: - FAN - REMOTE CONTROL - MANUAL Use is very simple, thanks to the touch controls on the front. The structure of the Touchstream fan means that the air sucked in, which passes through the fan blades, compacts and is blown out at high speed. A higher speed is therefore obtained compared to common fans, which allows the air flow to reach a distance of more than eight metres. So as to make it clear that the air, even in large rooms, such as offices, is circulating and no areas will be created where the air is warmer. This effect can even be strengthened if you direct the air flow towards the ceiling or walls, and then distribute it indirectly throughout the room. Although its performance is undoubtedly powerful, the Klarsteins Touchstream fan with only 35W of absorbed power is a low consumption device, and even if we use it excessively the cost of the bill will not skyrocket at all. As regards the technical characteristics, the fan has nothing to envy from other similar models. On the front we have the controls, the first at the top is used to adjust the oscillation, then we find the 1, 2 and 4 hour timer button, with it we can make sure that the fan turns off automatically once the duration of running time that was set has ended. Then we find the speed button, which can be adjusted to choose the speed of the air flow, between HIGH - MEDIUM - LOW. Lastly, the button to turn the fan on and off. The company has seen fit to include a remote control with the same functions as those reported directly on the device in order to make everything more convenient if we are away from the fan and want to turn it on or off. The remote control has a practical compartment behind the fan, where we can store it when not in use, so as not to risk losing it. The fan head swings back and forth 90°. In addition to this, it is also possible to make it tilt on two levels. One level with a 45° upward inclination and one level with a 90° forward inclination. What can I say, for me it is a product that deserves my 5 stars, it is beautiful, resistant, and does more than I expected.

From Filippo Rated at 12.08.2015

Diamo un tocco di eleganza, diciamo addio ai vecchi ventilatori, questo prodotto vi sorprenderà. 1)Non c'è bisogno di avvicinarsi al ventilatore per accenderlo o impostare determinate funzioni, il telecomando in dotazione (batterie incluse) farà questo per voi: a) Possibilità di accendere e spegnere. b) Impostare il grado di velocità, fino a 3 modalità: basso, medio, alto. c) Attivare la rotazione sull asse orizzontale che coprirà un movimento a 90°. d) Impostare il timer, disponibile 3 livelli di durata, 1,2,4 ore, dopodiché il ventilatore si spegnerà in automatico. 2)Le medesime funzioni si possono svolgere direttamente dai pulsanti posti sulla base del ventilatore. 3)Il flusso d'aria è abbastanza potente anche se si è abbastanza lontani, nonostante ciò riesce ad essere molto silenzioso!!

Let's give a touch of elegance, say goodbye to old fans, this product will surprise you. 1)You don't need to get close to the fan to turn it on or set certain functions, the supplied remote control (batteries included) will do this for you: a) Ability to turn on and off. b) Set the speed level, up to 3 modes: low, medium, high. c) Activate rotation on the horizontal axis which will cover a 90° movement. d) Set the timer, 3 duration levels available, 1,2,4 hours, after which the fan will turn off automatically. 2)The same functions can be carried out directly from the buttons located on the base of the fan. 3)The air flow is quite powerful even if you are quite far away, despite this it manages to be very silent!!

From Jetta Rated at 01.06.2015

Sieht gut aus für wenig Geld. Ich hätte kein Problem mit der Lieferung Zeit, tolles Gerät! Danke!

Looks good for little money. I would have no problem with the delivery time, great device! Thanks!

From Frank Rated at 18.05.2015

Top Ventilator der leicht in der Bedienbarkeit ist. Bei den paar heißen Tagen in Jahr, ist der Ventilator top sowohl optisch als auch für den Preis! Kann ich nur weiterempfehlen.

Great fan that is easy to use. With the few hot days a year, the fan is great both visually and for the price! I can only recommend it.

From Luca Rated at 16.05.2015

Für unser kleines 3 Mann Büro zugelegt. Gerade jetzt wo es wieder heißer wird ein absoluter Segen. Einfach Bedienung über Touchpanel und läuft auch sehr leise. Mit Timer Funktion perfekt. Die Stimmung in unserer ""Sauna"" ist nun eindeutig besser.

Bought for our small 3-man office. An absolute blessing, especially now that it's getting hotter again. Easy to operate via touch panel and runs very quietly. Perfect with timer function. The atmosphere in our "sauna" is now definitely better.

From Stephan Rated at 13.05.2015

Design Top, Performance Top - was will man mehr?! Für den Preis in kombination mit der optik ist es echt gut.

Top design, top performance - what more could you want?! For the price in combination with the optics it is really good.

From Marck Rated at 08.04.2015

Dieser ventilator ist super schick und hält auch funktional was er optisch verspricht. Leider kam der Sommer in diesem Jahr noch nicht so richtig in Schwung aber 3, 4 mal hatten wir das gerät schon im Einsatz. Er ist sehr ruhig und lässt sich intuitiv bedienen. Der richtige Ventilator ist also schonmal da, jetzt fehlt nur noch der richtige Sommer.

This fan is super stylish and also keeps its functionality as it promises visually. Unfortunately, summer hasn't really got going this year, but we've already used the device 3 or 4 times. It's very quiet and intuitive to use. So we've got the right fan, now all we need is the right summer.

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Touchstream BK Stand Fan
  • Black pedestal fan with 17 cm rotor and 45 watts of power and touch panel operation
  • Two-stage leanable fan housing with switchable oscillation
  • Three different fan speeds and adjustable timer
77,99 € 59,99 €
incl. VAT
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