Capital Sports

Backsill Ab Trainer

From 11 Customer
25,99 € 17,99 €
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Top features
  • Suitable for professional use in the studio or for use at home
  • Solid foam padding for back support during exercises
  • Works all abdominal muscles depending on exercise and also increases the level of intensity
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Backsill Ab Trainer
25,99 € 17,99 €

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Backsill AbMat Trainer Back Trainer Mat Sit-Ups Black

The Capital Sports Backsill Ab Mat foam core mat is a practical aid for intensive abdominal exercises with repetitive movements.

Whether used for sit-ups or handstand push-ups, its ergonomic design and soft padding with leatherette cover protect against injury, support the spine during exercising and also increase the level of exercise intensity .

Thanks to its compact size, light weight and suitability for a range of different exercises, the Capital SportsBacksill AB Mat Ab trainer mat is ideally suited for both professional use in studio or use at home.

Product details

Top features:

  • Suitable for professional use in the studio or for use at home

  • Solid foam padding for back support during exercises

  • Works all abdominal muscles depending on exercise and also increases the level of intensity

  • Ergonomic design with leatherette cover and logo stitching

  • Supports the spine
  • Protects against injury
  • Quick and effective to use
  • Easy operation
  • Light weight
  • Colour: Black
Scope of delivery:
  • 1 x mat
  • Please note that no instructions manual is included.
  • 30 x 7 x 37 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 755 g
Customer opinions
From 11 Customer


From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 18.03.2021

Preis Leistung ist gut - Nächte in Ordnung.

Price-performance ratio is good - nights OK.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 11.11.2020

Habe mich bewusst für diese entschieden,da wir sie in der Box u.a. nutzen u ich die klasse finde. In erster Linie habe ich sie mir eher für HSPU bestellt,als für situps. Auf jeden fall mag ich,die hier oft defizitär empfunde, "härte".

I deliberately chose these because we use them in the box and I think they're great. I ordered them primarily for HSPU rather than sit-ups. In any case, I like the "hardness" that is often perceived as lacking here.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 20.06.2019

Bin mit dem Produkt zufrieden.

I am satisfied with the product.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 28.03.2019

Ich benutze die Abmat von Capital Sports seit ca. 1 Monat regelmäßig. Ich finde sie, wie schon mehrfach erwähnt, sehr hart. Das ist mir letzte Woche wieder aufgefallen, als ich auf einer neuen Abmat eines anderen Herstellers lag und diese den Rücken gut unterstützt hat, ohne das Gefühl eines Steins zu geben. Manche scheinen damit ja gut zurecht zu kommen. Zumindest die Stickerei ist schön (CS Symbol). Vielleicht wird es ja nach 10-20t Situps irgendwann weicher. Vermutlich werde ich mir aber eine andere Mat zulegen. Daher für mich ein Fehlkauf, da man für den gleichen Preis auch bei anderen Herstellern einkaufen kann.

I have been using the Abmat from Capital Sports regularly for about a month. As I have mentioned several times, I find it very hard. I noticed this again last week when I was lying on a new Abmat from another manufacturer and it supported my back well without making it feel like a stone. Some people seem to get on well with it. At least the embroidery is nice (CS symbol). Maybe after 10-20 sit-ups it will get softer at some point. I will probably get a different mat though. So it was a bad buy for me, as you can buy from other manufacturers for the same price.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 04.08.2018

Super Unterstützung für das Training und hilft super dabei, geringe Körperhaltungen um inneren Kern des Schwerpunktpols zu stabilisieren. TOP und immer wieder gerne.

Great support for training and helps a lot to stabilize low body positions around the inner core of the center of gravity. TOP and always happy to use.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 14.06.2018

Super Verarbeitung. Die Abmate ist sehr hart was ich aber persönlich gut finde. Der Preis ist ebenfalls Top ein muss für jedes Homegym.

Great workmanship. The material is very hard, which I personally think is good. The price is also great, a must for every home gym.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 15.11.2017

Sehr gute AbMat. Etwas härter als diejenigen, die ich aus dem Studio kenne, was ich persönlich sehr gut finde. Die Verarbeitung ist auch OK

Very good AbMat. A little harder than the ones I know from the studio, which I personally find very good. The workmanship is also OK

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 02.08.2016

Habe die Ab-Mat für mein Homegym bestellt und hier nach einer günstigeren Alternative als Rogue gesucht - welche ich aus der Box gewohnt bin. Die CS-Ab-Mat ist sehr gut verarbeitet und der Hersteller ist von den Klammern weggegangen und hah seitlich einen Klett angebracht wodurch man den Schaumstoff wechseln kann. Zur nötigen Stabilisation ist eine Pressspanplatte unter dem Schaumstoff. (Siehe Bilder!) Der Schaumstoff ist wirklich hart, was mich persönlich nicht stört im Vergleich zu anderen Modellen allerdings auffällt. Ich denke alle allerdings das sich das mit der Zeit bessern wird. Die ersten 100 Sit ups waren wegen der Härte etwas ungewohnt aber keineswegs schlechter als auf anderen Modellen! Kann die Ab-Mat für die Box zuhause nur empfehlen. Freitag Abend bestellt und Dienstag früh geliefert, also alles im grünen Bereich was den Versand angeht,

I ordered the Ab-Mat for my home gym and was looking for a cheaper alternative to the Rogue - which I'm used to from the box. The CS-Ab-Mat is very well made and the manufacturer has moved away from the clamps and has attached Velcro on the side so that you can change the foam. There is a chipboard under the foam for the necessary stabilization. (See pictures!) The foam is really hard, which doesn't bother me personally but is noticeable compared to other models. I think that this will improve over time. The first 100 sit-ups were a bit unusual because of the hardness but by no means worse than on other models! I can only recommend the Ab-Mat for the box at home. Ordered on Friday evening and delivered on Tuesday morning, so everything is fine as far as shipping is concerned.

From sheila Rated at 14.04.2016

Praticare attività fisica permette di proprio corpo di rimanere in forma. Il sangue circola meglio, i polmoni ossigenano perfettamente il nostro corpo, i muscoli, tendini e ossa mantengono inalterate le loro funzioni e la loro operatività permettendoci di stare in salute più a lungo. C'è chi si ritaglia il tempo per andare in palestra con frequenza e chi come me non può avere questo privilegio a causa della famiglia numerosa e degli impegni quotidiani. Per questo motivo ho deciso di scegliere degli attrezzi semplici e compatti, salvaspazio per creare una sorta di palestrina a casa mia per poter fare gli esercizi per mantenermi in salute tra le mura domestiche. Per non fare errori da principiante ho scelto questo cuscino imbottito per poterlo usare come sedile o come appoggia schiena per gli esercizi di mantenimento e come base per gl addominali bassi. DESCRIZIONE PRODOTTO: prima cosa la forma del cuscino è sagomata per permetterci più utilizzi e le misure sono davvero minime 30x7x37. L'imbottitura è di gommapiuma mentre il materiale di rivestimento è di ecopelle. Arriva in una confezione imbustata quindi ha un po' di odore al momento dell'apertura risolto con un paio di ore in terrazzo. IMPRESSIONI IN FASE DI USO: La forma del cuscino, essendo studiata per la corretta postura della nostra schiena rende il suo appoggio abbastanza confortevole anche durante l'impatto in sede di esercizi addominali o durante la fase del riposo dopo la serie di esercizi. Il cuscino non è antisdrucciolo ma non si muove se appoggiato ad una superficie come un tappetino da ginnastica o un tappeto normale mentre su un pavimento liscio c'è un minimo di scivolamento che può risultare fastidioso. PORTATILE: Il cuscino è leggerissimo e le sue dimensioni ci permettono anche di metterlo in uno zaino o nella borsa da palestra nel caso in cui andiamo a fare ginnastica dolce e abbiamo problemi di mal di schiena. PULIZIA: La pulizia è semplice e veloce. se non usate un asciugamanino per coprirlo durante l'uso basta usare una spugnetta bagnata. I tempi di asciugatura sono rapidissimi. CONSIDERAZIONI FINALI: Il cuscino è ideale per gli esercizi a casa per rimetterci in forma e per avere la pancia piatta e snella. In questo modo non dobbiamo partire da terra con la schiena, ma leggermente sollevati mantenendo una postura corretta per evitare il mal di schiena e l'impatto della schiena, di ritorno dall'esercizio è attutito dolcemente. In questo modo ogni esercizio a terra diventa meno doloroso anche quelli a pancia in giù. Basta appoggiarsi sul cuscino che tutti i movimenti che col semplice tappetino risultavano dolorosi come gli addominali a bicicletta o quelli isometrici in questo modo diventano più dolci e più piacevoli da fare. Il cuscino è talmente piccolo che si può conservare ovunque, anche in uno spiraglio tra un mobile e l'altro vista l'altezza di soli 7 cm. Io sono contenta di questa scelta, mi trovo molto bene, la seduta della schiena è confortevole e mi permette di fare esercizi che prima mi provocavano forti dolori, la facilità di pulizia e le dimensioni salvaspazio regalano al prodotto un meritato dieci e lode. Prodotto ricevuto per recensione onesta e imparziale.

Practicing physical activity allows your body to stay in shape. The blood circulates better, the lungs oxygenate our body perfectly, the muscles, tendons and bones maintain their functions and functioning unaltered, allowing us to stay healthy for longer. There are those who carve out time to go to the gym frequently and those like me who cannot have this privilege due to a large family and daily commitments. For this reason I decided to choose simple and compact, space-saving tools to create a sort of gym in my home so I can do exercises to keep myself healthy at home. To avoid making beginner mistakes, I chose this padded cushion to be able to use it as a seat or as a backrest for maintenance exercises and as a base for the lower abdominals. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: first of all, the shape of the cushion is shaped to allow multiple uses and the measurements are really minimal 30x7x37. The padding is made of foam while the covering material is made of eco-leather. It arrives in a wrapped package so it has a bit of a smell when opened, which was resolved with a couple of hours on the terrace. IMPRESSIONS DURING USE: The shape of the cushion, being designed for the correct posture of our back, makes its support quite comfortable even during the impact during abdominal exercises or during the rest phase after the series of exercises. The cushion is not non-slip but it does not move if placed on a surface such as a gym mat or a normal carpet, while on a smooth floor there is a minimum of slipping which can be annoying. PORTABLE: The cushion is very light and its dimensions also allow us to put it in a backpack or gym bag in case we go for gentle exercise and have back pain problems. CLEANING: Cleaning is quick and easy. if you don't use a towel to cover it during use, just use a wet sponge. Drying times are very quick. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The pillow is ideal for home exercises to get back into shape and to have a flat and slim stomach. In this way we do not have to start from the ground with our back, but slightly raised while maintaining a correct posture to avoid back pain and the impact of the back, when returning from the exercise is softly cushioned. In this way every exercise on the floor becomes less painful, even those on the stomach. Just lean on the pillow and all the movements that were painful with a simple mat, such as bicycle sit-ups or isometric ones, become gentler and more pleasant to do in this way. The cushion is so small that it can be stored anywhere, even in a gap between one piece of furniture and another given the height of only 7 cm. I am happy with this choice, I feel very comfortable, the seat on my back is comfortable and allows me to do exercises that previously caused me severe pain, the ease of cleaning and the space-saving dimensions give the product a well-deserved ten out of ten. Product received for honest and impartial review.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 29.08.2015

Die Capital Sports Bauchtrainer-Unterlage eignet sich für den Zweck, ein Hohlkreuz beim Training zu vermeiden. Die Polsterung fällt dementsprechend "hart" aus. Für mich persönlich ist sie leider etwas zu hart geraten. Der Kunstleder-Bezug macht einen soliden Eindruck. Dummerweise ist dieser an der Rückseite geklammert. Deswegen muß man noch etwas unterlegen, sonst zerkratzten die Klammern womöglich den Parkettboden. Die Klammerung selbst ist auch nicht so sauber, wie erhofft, ein Montagsmodell eben. Sehr gut geeignet ist das Produkt jedoch, um den Büroalltag zu erleichtern. Man sitzt dann automatisch aufrecht und nicht gekrümmt. Aber auch hier muß man aufpassen, daß man sich kein Loch in den Ledersessel mit den Klammern reißt. Der Hersteller sollte sich diesbezüglich eine andere Lösung einfallen lassen.

The Capital Sports abdominal trainer pad is suitable for the purpose of preventing a hollow back during training. The padding is accordingly "hard". Unfortunately, for me personally, it is a bit too hard. The artificial leather cover makes a solid impression. Unfortunately, it is stapled on the back. That is why you have to put something underneath, otherwise the staples might scratch the parquet floor. The staples themselves are not as neat as hoped - a Monday model. However, the product is very suitable for making everyday office life easier. You then automatically sit upright and not hunched over. But here too, you have to be careful not to tear a hole in the leather chair with the staples. The manufacturer should come up with another solution in this regard.

From Gabriele Rated at 16.08.2015

Questo cuscino per allenamento di addominali e dorsali è fondamentale per tutti gli sportivi e per chi si avvicina a questo mondo. Si tratta di un prodotto economico e ben realizzato da avere assolutamente. CONFEZIONE Contiene solo il cuscino, e nessun manuale, che effettivamente non servirebbe COSTRUZIONE & CARATTERISTICHE Il Cuscino di Capital Sport è quasi un quadrato avente dimensioni pari a 30 x 7 x 37 cm e un peso di circa 800g, quindi trasportabilissimo. La base di appoggio al pavimento è rivestita e molto ben resistente, la parte superiore è invece in simil pelle, molto morbida e con il logo ricamato. Dati tecnici: • Sostiene la colonna vertebrale • Protegge contro gli infortuni • Rapidamente ed efficacemente utilizzabile • Maneggevole • Leggero • Colore: Nero Il prodotto risulta quindi essere ideale a chi effettua flessioni con numerosi ripetizioni o a chi ama curare i propri dorsali, grazie a una perfetta tenuta della colonna vertebrale.Utilissimo anche per le flessioni, da posizionare sotto il petto, per evitare spiacevoli impatti con il pavimento dovuti alla stanchezza. Si tratta quindi di un prodotto economico e ideale a tutti gli sportivi sia professionisti che amatoriali che amano tenersi in forma!!!

This abdominal and back training cushion is essential for all athletes and for those new to this world. This is an affordable and well-made product that you absolutely must have. PACKAGE Contains only the cushion, and no manual, which would actually be of no use CONSTRUCTION & FEATURES The Capital Sport cushion is almost a square with dimensions equal to 30 x 7 x 37 cm and a weight of approximately 800g, therefore very transportable. The base resting on the floor is covered and very resistant, while the upper part is in imitation leather, very soft and with the embroidered logo. Technical data: • Supports the spine • Protects against injuries • Quickly and effectively usable • Easy to handle • Lightweight • Colour: Black The product is therefore ideal for those who perform push-ups with numerous repetitions or for those who love to take care of their back muscles, thanks to a perfect support for the spine. Also very useful for push-ups, to be positioned under the chest, to avoid unpleasant impacts with the floor due to tiredness. It is therefore an economical product and ideal for all professional and amateur athletes who love to keep fit!!!

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Customer opinions
Backsill Ab Trainer
  • Suitable for professional use in the studio or for use at home
  • Solid foam padding for back support during exercises
  • Works all abdominal muscles depending on exercise and also increases the level of intensity
25,99 € 17,99 €
incl. VAT
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