
Smoothy 2G Blender

From 6 Customer
64,99 € 41,99 €
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Top features
  • Multifunctional 4-in-1 blender for pureeing, mixing, crushing, grinding, chopping, beating, stirring and juicing
  • Powerful 220W motor with pulse or fixed operation
  • Extensive, 18-piece accessory set: includes two stainless steel blade utensils (cross blade and blade grinder), juicer module, blender jar, keep-fresh lid and more
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Smoothy 2G Blender
64,99 € 41,99 €

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Smoothy 2G Multifunctional Stand Mixer Blender 4-in-1 220W BPA-Free Silver

Active and healthy - delicious smoothies and shakes in no time! The oneConcept Smoothy 2G Smoothie Maker mixes easily-digestible smoothie creations, creamy milkshakes and sunny juices at your fingertips. Discover the variety of a vitamin-rich diet: ready portions, ready to go!

‘The healthy blender: smoothies, milkshakes and juices at your fingertips.’

The oneConcept Smoothy 2G Stand mixer is the small all-rounder that fits in every kitchen, and with 18 parts and 220 watts of power, it is prepared for all blending operations. Two stainless steel blade utensils and a juicer module allow you to grind, mix, chop, puree and juice whatever you fancy. The three interchangeable blender cups always allow you to make the correct portion size, whether a single portion for you or more to enjoy with others after a workout session. The four sealable cups provide vitamins that give you wings throughout the day, allowing you to enjoy a healthy, varied diet anytime.

‘The all-round power pack with 220W and 18 parts: mixing, grinding, crushing, blending and juicing.’

Whenever and wherever, like always, the oneConcept Smoothy 2G Standmixer makes a healthy and varied diet with delicious fruit drinks easy.

Product details

Top features:

  • Multifunctional 4-in-1 blender for pureeing, mixing, crushing, grinding, chopping, beating, stirring and juicing

  • Powerful 220W motor with pulse or fixed operation

  • Extensive, 18-piece accessory set: includes two stainless steel blade utensils (cross blade and blade grinder), juicer module, blender jar, keep-fresh lid and more

  • Three different-sized blender containers for different preparation needs and four party cups

  • Reusable stainless steel precision filter to remove fruit pulp or for the production of soy milk

  • Cross blade: ideal for chopping, mixing, stirring, grating and pureeing soft ingredients
  • Flat blade: ideal for grinding, chopping, beating, whipping firm ingredients
  • Volume mixer pitcher: 1150ml
  • Volume large blender cup: 400ml
  • Volume small blender cup: 200ml
  • Volume party cups: 400ml
  • Operation via LED-illuminated knob
  • Ready to go: watertight closable screw cap for keeping cup contents fresh and for easy transport 
  • Party cups with handles and colourful drinking rings for immediate consumption
  • Perforated lid to use a shaker top for herbs or for steaming in the microwave
  • Accessory parts are dishwasher safe for easy cleaning
  • Space-saving dimensions: fits in any kitchen
  • Secure positioning non-slip rubber feet
  • Power supply: 230V, 50Hz
Scope of delivery:
  • Dimensions (device base): 12 x 16.5 cm (ØxH)
  • Dimensions (large blender cup): 9 x 15 cm (ØxH)
  • Dimensions (small blender cup): 9 x 10 cm (ØxH)
  • Dimensions (mixer jug): 19 x 18.5 cm (ØxH)
  • Dimensions (party cup): 12 x 14 cm (ØxH)
  • Dimensions (lid): 9 x 1.5 cm (ØxH)
  • Dimensions (drinking ring): 9 x 1.5 cm (ØxH)
  • Dimensions (steam cooking lid): 9 x 1.5 cm (ØxH)
  • Dimensions (cross blade attachment): 9 x 5 cm (ØxH)
  • Dimensions (flat blade attachment): 9 x 4 cm (ØxH)
  • Dimensions (shredder attachment): 14 x 13.5 cm (ØxH)
  • Dimensions (filter insert): 8 x 17 cm (ØxH)
  • Dimensions (cover): 12 x 3 cm (ØxH)
  • Dimensions (plunger): 7 x 18 cm (ØxH)
  • Cable length: about 1.20 m
  • Weight (device base): 1 kg
  • Weight (large blender cup): about 110 g
  • Weight (small blender cup): about 75 g
  • Weight (mixer jug): about 225 g
  • Weight (party cups): about 130 g
  • Weight (filter insert): about 70g
  • Weight (cover): about 40 g
  • Weight (ram): about 60 g
  • Weight (lid): about 20 g
  • Weight (drinking ring): about 10 g
  • Weight (steam cooking lid): about 20 g
  • Weight (cross blade attachment): about 110 g
  • Weight (flat blade attachment): about 100 g
Customer opinions
From 6 Customer


From Anne Rated at 27.01.2017

Sur le modèle du célèbre Magic Bullet, cet appareil ménager a l'avantage d'avoir de nombreux accessoires. L'accessoire pour les jus ne sert strictement à rien, mais les autres sont vraiment pratique et utile. Au moins on a un pichet d'une grande contenance (plus d'un litre).Malette très pratique pour tout ranger, personnellement je laisse au placard le minimum et le reste est à la cave! Le manuel comporte de nombreuses images, donc pratique, mais par défaut n'est pas en français. Par contre on peut l'obtenir par email si nécessaire.Le moteur est à 218W et suffit largement pour ce que j'en fais. Beaucoup de plastique, mais ça se conserve bien dans le temps.Mon premier essai: un smoothie banane-myrtille, un délice,même avec la lame plate. Mieux avec la lame incurvée.Deuxième essai: un chocolat froid: du chocolat en poudre, du lait d'avoine, et du beurre de noisette, un délice avec la lame plate.Et le top c'est le pichet de grande contenance pour faire la mayonnaise puisqu'on peut verser l'huile pendant que ça tourne.Quand au lavage, tout passe à la machine à laver (sauf le moteur!) et ressort tip top. Sous l'eau chaude avec du savon c'est bien aussi.Simple et efficace dans un espace tout petit, facile à ranger dans un placard, ou à laisser dehors sur le plan de travail.Prix raisonnable pour des performances approuvées.

On the model of the famous Magic Bullet, this household appliance has the advantage of having many accessories. The juice accessory is absolutely useless, but the others are really practical and useful. At least we have a pitcher with a large capacity (more than a liter). Very practical case for storing everything, personally I leave the minimum in the cupboard and the rest is in the cellar! The manual has many images, so practical, but by default is not in French. On the other hand, it can be obtained by email if necessary. The motor is 218W and is more than enough for what I do with it. Lots of plastic, but it keeps well over time. My first try: a banana-blueberry smoothie, delicious, even with the flat blade. Better with the curved blade.Second try: a cold chocolate: powdered chocolate, oat milk, and hazelnut butter, a delight with the flat blade.And the top is the large capacity pitcher to make mayonnaise since you can pour the oil while it's running. When washing, everything goes to the washing machine (except the motor!) and comes out tip top. Under warm water with soap is good too. Simple and effective in a very small space, easy to store in a cupboard, or leave outside on the counter. Reasonable price for proven performance.

From simona Rated at 14.12.2015

Questo accessorio per la cucina è molto utile perchè a differenza dei comuni frullatori ha molte più funzioni e a mio parere svolge delle funzioni che neanche il mitico bimby riesce a compiere! Per quanto riguarda il design è molto grazioso e si adatta a qualsiasi stile. La base è di colore acciaio ed è stabile sul piano di appoggio grazie a delle gommine presenti. Il Kit è composto dalla base che è l'unità principale del frullatore, due lame di cui quella a stella serve per sminuzzare, frullare, mescolare, grattuggiare e miscelare e quella piatta serve per macinare e montare a neve. Il frullatore può diventare anche un dispositivo per i party grazie ai 4 contenitori contraddistinti da anelli colorati con i quali è possibile preparare bevande ghiacciate direttamente nel bicchiere. Il contenitore grande ha tutte le funzioni di un frullatore tradizionale. E' adatto per preparare grandi quantità di pancake, cocktail.. In dotazione ci sono anche due bicchieri di dimensioni differenti che servono per frullare, cuocere e conservare gli alimenti. Diversamente dai frullatori tradizionali, la preparazione degli alimenti non termina necessariamente dopo aver frullato gli ingredienti perchè è possibile introdurre entrambi i bicchieri nel microonde e cuocere gli alimenti. E' possibile coprire i contenitori con i coperchi in dotazione. Il coperchio con i fori più piccoli serve per cuocere a vapore nel microonde, quello con i fori più grandi invece per shakerare. Inoltre dopo aver preparato gli alimenti è possibile consevarli grazie ai due coperchi salvafreschezza inclusi nella consegna da applicare al bicchiere alto e basso. Un'altra funzione che mi ha colpito è quella di spremiagrumi... Diversamente da altri dispositivi, questo riesce a separare il liquido dalle parti solide, permettendo cosi' la preparazione di diverse bevande e succhi come il latte di mandorla!!! E' dotato infatti di uno spremiagrumi e mortaio.

This kitchen accessory is very useful because unlike common blenders it has many more functions and in my opinion it performs functions that not even the legendary bimby can perform! As for the design, it is very graceful and adapts to any style. The base is steel in color and is stable on the support surface thanks to the rubber pads present. The Kit consists of the base which is the main unit of the blender, two blades of which the star one is used for chopping, blending, mixing, grating and mixing and the flat one is used for grinding and whipping. The blender can also become a party device thanks to the 4 containers marked by colored rings with which it is possible to prepare frozen drinks directly in the glass. The large container has all the functions of a traditional blender. It is suitable for preparing large quantities of pancakes, cocktails.. Also supplied are two glasses of different sizes which are used for blending, cooking and storing food. Unlike traditional blenders, food preparation doesn't necessarily end after blending the ingredients because you can place both cups in the microwave and cook the food. It is possible to cover the containers with the lids provided. The lid with the smaller holes is for steaming in the microwave, the one with the larger holes for shaking. Furthermore, after preparing the food, it is possible to preserve it thanks to the two freshness-saving lids included in the delivery to be applied to the tall and short glass. Another function that struck me is that of a citrus juicer... Unlike other devices, this one manages to separate the liquid from the solid parts, thus allowing the preparation of different drinks and juices such as almond milk!!! It is in fact equipped with a juicer and mortar.

From margherita Rated at 01.12.2015

E' un elettrodomestico ad hoc, davvero multi funzionale che racchiude 4 tipi appunto di funzioni, perchè con solo 400W di potenza può mixare, macinare, tritare o centrifugare. Un aiutante per la casa davvero unico e funzionale, dotato di tutti gli accessori utili.Il corpo è la base che costituisce l'unità principale del frullatore e utilizzarlo è semplice basta posare i vari bicchieri e contenitori sul corpo già integrati dalle lame che vengono inserite a parte. Le lame presenti sono di due tipi : piatte e a stella. L'attacco piatto e macina serve appunto per macinare, quello a stella permette l'uso blender(miscelatore, frullatore, mescolatore) e smoothie maker (bevande di frutta cremose).A secondo la quantità che dovete mixare, sono presenti due bicchieri in plastica rigida e robusta con capacità differente (400 ml e 200 ml), che servono a cuocere, conservare e frullare che vanno inseriti sulla base del frullatore, una volta agganciate le lame in un senso rotatorio ad incastro. Una volta pronto il trito o il frullato, potete benissimo capovolgere il corpo del frullatore (è abbastanza leggero), svitare il contenitore che si presenta anche stabile sul piano grazie a dei piedi rettangolari. In entrambi bicchieri per mixare si trovano appositi coperchi che li trasformano in comodi contenitori per trasportare e mantenere fresche le vostre creazioni, senza bisogno di travasare.Questo stesso contenitore può essere coperto con ulteriori coperchi in dotazione che servono per cuocere a vapore o shakerare. Il coperchio con i fori più piccoli è ottimo per cuocere a vapore nel microonde, oppure per macinare finemente le spezie, quello con fori più grandi utile per shakerare, per ingredienti grossolani come parmigiano. Inoltre son presenti ben 4 bicchieri per i party dotati di anelli per bere da applicare e manico per poter brindare immediatamente con smoothie, cocktail o frullati, appena creati direttamente dal mixer, senza travasare. Si presentano grandi , in plastica rigida robusta e sono davvero molto pratici.Oltre a questi contenitori c'è il bicchiere molto più grande con coperchio adeguato, una vera e propria una brocca da 1150ml che serve ad accontentare tutta la famiglia e nonostante la grandezza occupa poco spazio. Il contenitore è adatto per preparare grandi quantità di milk shake, pancake o cocktail ed è dotato di un coperchio per introdurre gli ingredienti da frullare senza sporcare eccessivamente. La verità mi diverto anche a fare la ricetta delle crepe!Ultimi due accessori trasformano il frullatore in uno spremiagrumi : spremiagrumi e mortaio. Per la preparazione di succhi è possibile applicare un filtro alla brocca per mixare, trasformando il dispositivo in una centrifuga. Per poter essere riempito anche in funzione centrifuga sono a disposizione un pestello e un piccolo misurino. Metterlo in funzione è semplicissimo: avvitare il contenitore per mixare con le lame alla base del dispositivo, spingere verso il basso e il motore entra automaticamente in funzione. Per un funzionamento prolungato e che non impegni le mani è possibile fissare le lame. La pulizia è inoltre semplice considerando che sono lavabili anche in lavastoviglie. Le lame sono robuste e mi hanno permesso di fare tante cose: triturare formaggio, caffè, ghiaccio, cioccolato, miscelare le ricette generiche, frullati di verdure, pappine dietetiche, montare, macinare finemente spezie, frutta secca Il design con il suo colore argento è elegante lineare e si presenta bene in cucina, la rende innovativa, tecnologica e anche bella. Sono rimasta davvero contenta di questo elettrodomestico multifunzionale che mi supporta su tante cose in cucina! Nella confezione è presente un attimo libretto delle istruzioni che vi aiuta passo passo su tutto.

It is an ad hoc, truly multi-functional appliance that contains 4 types of functions, because with only 400W of power it can mix, grind, mince or centrifuge. A truly unique and functional helper for the home, equipped with all the useful accessories. The body is the base that forms the main unit of the blender and using it is simple, just place the various glasses and containers on the body already integrated by the blades that are inserted apart from. The blades present are of two types: flat and star. The flat and grinder attachment is used for grinding, the star attachment allows the use of a blender (mixer, blender, stirrer) and smoothie maker (creamy fruit drinks). According to the quantity you need to mix, there are two plastic cups rigid and robust with different capacities (400 ml and 200 ml), which are used to cook, preserve and blend which are inserted on the base of the blender, once the blades have been hooked in an interlocking rotational direction. Once the mince or smoothie is ready, you can very well turn the body of the blender upside down (it is quite light), unscrew the container which is also stable on the surface thanks to the rectangular feet. In both mixing glasses there are special lids that transform them into comfortable containers for transporting and keeping your creations fresh, without the need to decant. This same container can be covered with additional lids supplied which are used for steaming or shaking. The lid with the smaller holes is excellent for steaming in the microwave, or for finely grinding spices, the one with the larger holes useful for shaking, for coarse ingredients such as parmesan. There are also 4 party glasses equipped with drink rings to apply and a handle to be able to toast immediately with smoothies, cocktails or smoothies, freshly created directly from the mixer, without decanting. They are large, made of sturdy rigid plastic and are really very practical. In addition to these containers there is a much larger glass with an adequate lid, a real 1150ml jug that serves to satisfy the whole family and despite its size occupies little space. The container is suitable for preparing large quantities of milk shakes, pancakes or cocktails and is equipped with a lid to introduce the ingredients to be blended without excessively dirtying. The truth is, I also enjoy making the crepe recipe! The last two accessories transform the blender into a juicer: juicer and mortar. For the preparation of juices it is possible to attach a filter to the mixing jug, transforming the device into a juicer. In order to be filled even in centrifugal function, a pestle and a small measuring cup are available. Putting it into operation is very simple: screw the mixing container with the blades to the base of the device, push down and the motor starts automatically. For prolonged and hands-free operation, the blades can be fixed. Cleaning is also simple considering that they are also dishwasher safe. The blades are sturdy and have allowed me to do many things: shredding cheese, coffee, ice, chocolate, mixing generic recipes, vegetable smoothies, diet baby food, whipping, finely grinding spices, dried fruit The design with its silver color is elegant linear and looks good in the kitchen, making it innovative, technological and also beautiful. I was really happy with this multifunctional appliance that supports me on so many things in the kitchen! In the package there is an instant instruction booklet that helps you step by step on everything.

From Mariangela Rated at 29.10.2015

In passato ho usato il ""Magic Bullet"" e posso dire che questo mini frullatore ne è praticamente il clone. Nella descrizione del prodotto, ed anche nel manuale, vi è indicata una potenza massima di 400W. In realtà credo si tratti di uno sbaglio, infatti, nella targhetta presente nella base vi è indicata una potenza di 218W. Anche il Magic Bullet ha un motore da circa 250W (spesso i venditori arrotondano in eccesso). Il manuale è in: tedesco, inglese, italiano, spagnolo. Non vi sono ricette, ma in rete si trovano quelle del suo gemello per fare vari piatti in pochi secondi. Si tratta di un piccolissimo frullatore sempre a portata di mano, tutte le parti a contatto con il cibo sono facili da pulire e possono essere messe in lavastoviglie. Si possono fare varie cose sfiziose in pochi secondi e sporcando poco. La centrifuga spremiagrumi non serve a niente. Meglio buttarla o dimenticarsene. Se dovete fare dei succhi comprate uno slowjuicer.

I have used the ""Magic Bullet"" in the past and I can say that this mini blender is practically its clone. In the product description, and also in the manual, a maximum power of 400W is indicated. In reality I think it is a mistake, in fact, the plate on the base indicates a power of 218W. The Magic Bullet also has a motor of around 250W (sellers often round up). The manual is in: German, English, Italian, Spanish. There are no recipes, but on the net you can find those of its twin to make various dishes in seconds. It is a very small blender that is always at hand, all parts in contact with food are easy to clean and can be placed in the dishwasher. You can do various delicious things in seconds and with little mess. The citrus juicer is useless. Better to throw it away or forget about it. If you have to make juices buy a slowjuicer.

From Stefano Rated at 20.10.2015

Devo dire che è un prodotto davvero instancabile, sia nell'utilizzo mixer/shaker e sia nell'utilizzo frullatore anche con la frutta secca o il ghiaccio non mostra segni di fatica. L'accessorio che uso di più è sicuramente la capsula piccola (circa 200ml) con la base a 4 lame (2 a 45° e due parallele al fondo) e mi risolve la maggior parte delle necessità dal peperoncino tritato a pesto. La capsula grande 8circa 400ml) la preferisco solo per grandi occasioni o per preparare salse in barattolo. Molto simpatico l'accessorio per centrifugare che utilizzo meno avendo una centrifuga dedicata ma spesso al mattino mi resta comodo visto la facilità con cui può essere pulito. L'utilizzo è molto semplice, una volta chiusa la capsula scelta con la base con le lame è sufficiente inserirla nel motore e premere verso il basso. Su una superficie liscia il motore è super stabile grazie alle 4 ventose sulla parte inferiore. Sui taglieri in legno è preferibile tenere la base motore con la mano. Considerando che è meno costoso e più potente di quello che avevo lo promuovo con 5 stelle! Consigliatissimo

I must say that it is a truly tireless product, both in mixer/shaker use and in blender use, even with dried fruit or ice, it shows no signs of fatigue. The accessory I use the most is definitely the small capsule (about 200ml) with a 4-blade base (2 at 45° and two parallel to the bottom) and it solves most of my needs from crushed chilli to pesto. I prefer the large capsule (about 400ml) only for special occasions or to prepare sauces in jars. The accessory for centrifuging is very nice, which I use less having a dedicated centrifuge but often in the morning it is comfortable for me given the ease with which it can be cleaned. The use is very simple, once the chosen capsule is closed with the base with the blades, it is sufficient to insert it in the motor and press downwards. On a smooth surface the motor is super stable thanks to the 4 suction cups on the bottom. On wooden chopping boards it is preferable to hold the motor base by hand. Considering it's cheaper and more powerful than the one I had I'm giving it 5 stars! Highly recommended

From noella Rated at 12.10.2015

reçu rapidement, bien emballé petit mais puissant  !   facile à utiliser,ranger ou nettoyer, il a tous d'un grand , faire des jus avec la centrifugeuse devient un jeu d'enfant, les smoothies prennent plus de temps pour le dire que les faire, pratique les gobelets fournies,couvercles,pour y mettre les préparations deux jeux de lames pour tout broyer/hacher, oignons, persil , ail et même le sucre en morceaux pour faire du sucre glace et même de la mayonnaise avec le grand récipient car on peut ajouter des ingrédients  stable et pas trop bruyant(ça reste très raisonnable) , attention à bien mettre les sécurités et bien mettre le couvercle très beau design aussi et bonne qualité, il ne quitte plus ma cuisine pas de notice en français mais disponible sur simple demande au service clients,  bien qu'il y a beaucoup de dessins donc tout de même compréhensible

received quickly, well packaged small but mighty! easy to use, store or clean, it's all great, juicing with the juicer becomes child's play, smoothies take longer to say than to do, practical cups provided, lids, for put the preparations there two sets of blades to grind / chop everything, onions, parsley, garlic and even sugar in pieces to make icing sugar and even mayonnaise with the large container because you can add stable ingredients and not too noisy (it's still very reasonable), be careful to put the safeties on and put the lid on very nice design too and good quality, it no longer leaves my kitchen no instructions in French but available on request from customer service, although it there are a lot of drawings so all the same understandable

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Customer opinions
Smoothy 2G Blender
  • Multifunctional 4-in-1 blender for pureeing, mixing, crushing, grinding, chopping, beating, stirring and juicing
  • Powerful 220W motor with pulse or fixed operation
  • Extensive, 18-piece accessory set: includes two stainless steel blade utensils (cross blade and blade grinder), juicer module, blender jar, keep-fresh lid and more
64,99 € 41,99 €
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