
Osaka 1 Rice Cooker

From 28 Customer
37,99 € 27,99 €
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Top features
  • 400W rice cooker
  • 1 litre volume – up to 6 cups of rice
  • Automatically stops cooking as soon as the rice is done
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Osaka 1 Rice Cooker
37,99 € 27,99 €

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Osaka 1 Electric Rice Cooker 1L Keep Warm Function Red

Versatile rice cooker with 400W power, 1 litre capacity and keep warm function.

Includes glass lid, rice spoon and measuring cup.

The Klarstein Osaka 1 lets you prepare various rice dishes – such as traditionally cooked rice and risotto – for the whole family. The Osaka doesn't only cook rice, it's perfect for easily cooking grains and semolina as well.

Operation of the rice cooker is extremely easy. Simply flick the switch on the front and the Osaka gets started. As soon as your rice is cooked, the Klarstein rice cooker switches automatically to warming mode to keep the contents at an optimal temperature, even for hours at a time. This is perfect for buffets and for when you are preparing sushi dishes.

The 1-litre volume is perfect for cooking up to 6 cups of rice. The measuring cup included with the cooker lets you easily measure out just the right amount of rice. A rice spoon is also included for serving. The cooker's glass lid allows you to keep an eye on everything while in use.

Thanks to its non-stick coating, cleaning the rice cooker couldn't be easier. Its bright red metal exterior makes the Klarstein Osaka 1 an elegant eye-catcher and adds a little Far East charm to any kitchen.

User manual PDF
Product details

Top features:

  • 400W rice cooker

  • 1 litre volume – up to 6 cups of rice

  • Automatically stops cooking as soon as the rice is done

  • Keep warm mode

  • Fire-red metal chassis with black plastic features

  • Incl. glass lid, rice spoon and measuring cup

  • Easy operation and cleaning
  • Non-stick coating
  • One-button operation
  • Safety circuit
  • Low liquid level control
  • Side handles
  • LED indicator
  • Feet
  • Power supply: 220-240V, 50/60Hz
Scope of delivery:
  • 1 x device
  • 1 x cooking pot
  • 1 x glass lid
  • 1 x rice spoon
  • 1 x measuring cup
  • 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)
  • 28 x 21.5 x 23 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 1.4kg
Customer opinions
From 28 Customer


From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 17.09.2022

Klasse für zwei Personen. Haben den Reiskocher für unseren Wohnwagen gekauft und sind vollkommen zufrieden

Class for two people. Bought the rice cooker for our caravan and are completely satisfied

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 23.06.2022

Dieser Reiskocher ist einfach nur perfekt. Ich habe ihn schon länger selbst und jetzt habe ich ihn meiner Schwester zum GeburtytG geschenkt und Uch sie ist ganz begeistert.

This rice cooker is just perfect. I've had it myself for a long time and now I gave it to my sister for her birthday and she is very enthusiastic.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 17.03.2022

Wir kochen Reis mit dem Gerät. Sehr gutes Ergebnis. Wie sind sehr zufrieden.

We cook rice with the device. Very good result. We are very satisfied.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 21.02.2022

Das Ergebnis ist top...gelingt mit normalem Topf niemals... der Reis ist locker und optimal !! Handhabung ist easy.. Kann ich nur empfehlen !!

The result is great... never succeeds with a normal pot... the rice is fluffy and optimal !! Handling is easy. I can only recommend it!

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 18.02.2022

Ich habe lange überlegt ob ich mir einen Reiskocher kaufen soll und habe mich dennoch dafür entschieden und es noch nicht bereit. Macht was er soll. Einfache Bedienung. Preis-Leistungsverhältnis absolut in Ordnung. Daumen hoch.

I thought for a long time whether I should buy a rice cooker and still decided to do it and it's not ready yet. Does what he should. Easy handling. Value for money absolutely fine. Thumbs up.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 17.01.2022

I like everything about it. Value for money

I like everything about it. Value for money

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 30.12.2021

Ich habe ein Neues gebraucht und dieses Gerät hat alles gezeigt, was ich gesucht habe.

I needed a new one and this device showed everything I was looking for.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 14.08.2021

Läuft super. Allerdings ist die Beschichtung innen wirklich nicht die beste und man sollte dann doch mehr Geld in die Hand nehmen und einen anderen Kocher wählen. Wer das Teil allerdings seltener in Anspruch nimmt, könnte sehr zufrieden sein. Ich benutze einen Reiskocher wöchentlich.

Goes great. However, the coating on the inside is really not the best and you should spend more money and choose another stove. However, those who use the part less often could be very satisfied. I use a rice cooker weekly.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 30.04.2021

It makes perfect amount of rice for two people. Easy to use, easy to clean. Comes with a cup and a rice scoop. I use two cups of rice with two and a half cup of water. However, i do not use the "keep warm" function, it will just make a crust of rice that will get hard to clean. So i just turn it off when it's done cooking.

It makes perfect amount of rice for two people. Easy to use, easy to clean. Comes with a cup and a rice scoop. I use two cups of rice with two and a half cup of water. However, i do not use the "keep warm" function, it will just make a crust of rice that will get hard to clean. So i just turn it off when it's done cooking.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 29.04.2021

Der Reiskocher war ein Geschenk und der beschenkt ist zufrieden und begeistert von diesem Reiskocher

The rice cooker was a gift and the recipient is satisfied and enthusiastic about this rice cooker

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 26.03.2021

Ich bin seit Jahren begeisterte Basmati-kocherin/Esserin und ist mir dabei eine bestimmte Konsistenz wichtig, die das Gericht perfekt macht. Bei dem Karlstein-Osaka Reiskocher hat mich irritiert, dass der Deckel mit einem Loch versehen ist. - Nach perischer Kochart kommt zwischen Topfrand und Deckel ein "Polster", damit während des Kochvorgangs kein Dampf entweichen kann. Ich vermute, dass das der wesentliche Unterschied ist, und das wirkt sich auch auf das Endprodukt aus. - Eine bemerkenswert kurze Kochzeit ist anzumerken, was aber im Endeffekt - s.o. - nicht wirklich nützt. Die Größe des Reiskochers wurde - endlich - auch eine gute Alternative für den kleinen Haushalt gefunden.

I have been an enthusiastic basmati cooker/eater for years and it is important to me to have a certain consistency that makes the dish perfect. What irritated me about the Karlstein-Osaka rice cooker is that the lid has a hole. - According to the Persian cooking method, there is a "cushion" between the edge of the pot and the lid so that no steam can escape during the cooking process. I suspect that's the main difference, and it carries over to the end product. - A remarkably short cooking time is to be noted, but in the end - so - not really useful. The size of the rice cooker was - finally - also found a good alternative for the small household.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 08.11.2020

Die Entscheidung zu diesem Reiskocher ist mir nicht leicht gefallen, weil nicht wenige Rezensenten meinen, der Reis brenne immer an. Letzten Endes habe ich es dann aber doch gewagt, ihn mir zu bestellen und bin bislang sehr zufrieden. Ich habe mir den 1,5 Liter-Kocher bestellt, da dieser auch einen Dampfgar-Aufsatz beinhaltet, welcher aus Aluminium besteht, und einen separaten An/Aus-Schalter hat. Nachdem ich sämtliche mit Lebensmittel in Berührung kommende Teile gründlich abgewaschen hatte, war der Reiskocher bereit für den ersten Test. Als erstes habe ich lediglich eine Portion Reis (1/2 Becher Reis und 1 Becher Wasser) nach gründlichem Reiswaschen und unter Hinzugabe von einer Prise Salz gekocht. Wäre der Test schief gegangen, hätte ich wenig Essen wegwerfen müssen. Zum Glück hat aber alles wunderbar funktioniert. Zwar sagte die Anleitung, man solle den Reis noch 15 Minuten im Warmhaltemodus belassen, aber davon habe ich Abstand genommen, ich ging davon aus, dass der Reis ansonsten zu sehr anbacken könnte, schließlich war nur 1/2 Becher trockener Reis in dem großen Topf. Meine Entscheidung war absolut richtig, denn der Reis war tatsächlich an der Unterseite ein wenig krosser und hatte eine leicht bräunliche Farbe. Ich konnte aber fast alles mit meinem Silikonlöffel von Kochblume aus dem Topf kratzen, ohne die Beschichtung des Topfes zu beschädigen und fand den Reis sehr wohlschmeckend. Der zweite Versuch beinhaltete 2 Portionen Reis (1 Becher) und 2 volle Becher Wasser mit einer Prise Salz. In den Dampfgar-Aufsatz habe ich 1 rote Paprikaschote und eine große Möhre in mundgerechten Stücken bereitet. Alles zusammen zum Kochen gebracht und danach noch 5 Minuten warmhalten lassen. Das Resultat war hervorragend. Nichts Krosses, nichts angebacken und das Gemüse gar, aber bissfest. Eine Linie Olivenöl darüber und fertig war mein Essen. Lecker! Heute habe ich den Reiskocher zum dritten Mal verwendet und 3 Portionen Reis (1,5 Becher Reis und 2 Becher Wasser) mit einer Tomate in der Mitte direkt im Topf nach einem Vorschlag von Chef John via YouTube bereitet sowie im Dampfgar-Aufsatz einen kleinen Brokkoli in Röschen und den Stiel in Stücken, 3 bunte Möhren und 1/2 rote Paprika in mundgerechten Stücken gleichzeitig gedämpft. Die "Kochzeit" lag bei etwa 20 Minuten, und ich habe das Ganze noch ca. 5 Minuten im Warmhaltemodus gelassen. Das Resultat ist einfach umwerfend! Eine Linie Olivenöl darüber und etwas Sojasoße, und fertig ist ein vollwertiges vegetarisches, vielleicht sogar veganes, Gericht. Nichts ist angebacken, der Reis ist genauso wie ich ihn haben wollte und durch die Tomate, die anschließend entweder mit dem mitgelieferten Reislöffel oder einem Kochlöffel aus Holz bzw. Silikon zerteilt und unter den Reis gemischt wird, ganz besonders schmackhaft. Hier habe ich auf die Prise Salz verzichtet, weil ich mit Sojasoße ergänzen wollte, die ohnehin salzig schmeckt. Kurz und gut: Ich kann diesen Reiskocher von Klarstein wirklich sehr empfehlen!

The decision to buy this rice cooker was not easy for me, because quite a few reviewers think that the rice always burns. In the end I dared to order it and I am very satisfied so far. I ordered the 1.5 liter cooker because it also includes a steamer attachment, which is made of aluminum, and has a separate on/off switch. After thoroughly washing all parts that come into contact with food, the rice cooker was ready for the first test. First, I only cooked a portion of rice (1/2 cup rice and 1 cup water) after washing the rice thoroughly and adding a pinch of salt. If the test had failed, I would have had to throw away a little food. Fortunately, everything worked wonderfully. Although the instructions said that you should leave the rice in warm mode for another 15 minutes, I refrained from doing so, I assumed that the rice could otherwise bake too much, after all there was only 1/2 cup of dry rice in the large pot . My decision was absolutely right, because the rice was actually a little crispy on the bottom and had a slightly brownish color. However, I was able to scrape almost everything out of the pot with my silicone spoon from Kochblume without damaging the coating of the pot and found the rice to be very tasty. The second trial included 2 portions of rice (1 cup) and 2 full cups of water with a pinch of salt. In the steamer attachment I have prepared 1 red pepper and a large carrot in bite-sized pieces. Bring everything to a boil and then let it warm for another 5 minutes. The result was excellent. Nothing crispy, nothing baked and the vegetables are cooked, but firm to the bite. A line of olive oil on top and my meal was ready. Yummy! Today I used the rice cooker for the third time and prepared 3 portions of rice (1.5 cups of rice and 2 cups of water) with a tomato in the middle right in the pot following a suggestion from Chef John via YouTube and a small broccoli in the steamer attachment in florets and the stalk in pieces, 3 colorful carrots and 1/2 red pepper in bite-sized pieces steamed at the same time. The "cook time" was about 20 minutes and I left it on keep warm mode for about 5 more minutes. The result is simply stunning! A line of olive oil and some soy sauce and you have a full-fledged vegetarian, maybe even vegan, dish. Nothing is baked on, the rice is exactly how I wanted it and the tomato, which is then divided up either with the supplied rice spoon or a wooden or silicone cooking spoon and mixed into the rice, is particularly tasty. Here I left out the pinch of salt because I wanted to add soy sauce, which tastes salty anyway. In short: I can really recommend this rice cooker from Klarstein!

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 30.09.2020

Der Reiskocher tut absolut was er soll. Hier ein kleiner Tipp, wie man so einen Reiskocher benutzt: Jeden Reis vorher unbedingt waschen bis das Wasser fast klar ist und nicht mehr so weiß eintrübt. Dann bleibt auch der,von der Gröse genau richtige Deckel drauf und es gibt keine Sauerei. Den Behälter, BEVOR man ihn in das Gerät gibt, einmal mit dem Geschirrtuch trocknen, dann hällt das Gerät auch länger. ist schließlich ein Elektrogerät. Wenn der Schalter nach oben schnappt, mit dem Reislöffel mal ordentlich durchmischen, dass der Reis, der unten rum liegt, nicht anbrennt. Die Warmhaltefunktion ist gut, nur muss man den Reis gelegentlich durch mischen damit er nicht anbrennt. Mann muss halt richtig damit umgehen, notfalls im Internet etwas suchen.

The rice cooker does exactly what it is supposed to do. Here is a little tip on how to use such a rice cooker: Be sure to wash each rice beforehand until the water is almost clear and no longer cloudy white. Then the lid, which is exactly the right size, remains on it and there is no mess. Dry the container with a tea towel BEFORE you put it in the device, then the device will last longer. is an electrical device after all. When the switch snaps upwards, mix well with the rice spoon so that the rice lying around at the bottom doesn't burn. The keep-warm function is good, but you have to stir the rice occasionally so that it doesn't burn. You just have to deal with it properly, if necessary look for something on the Internet.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 15.09.2020

An sich bin ich zufrieden .. also man kann das Produkt eigentlich kaufen. Aber lest weiter Jetzt ein bisschen Kritik. Das Gerät besitzt eine „Koch“ und eine „Warmhalte-Funktion“ Sofern ich das richtig verstehe sollte, sobald der Reis fertig ist die Warmhalte-Funktion an gehen. Das tut sie aber nicht. Ich muss das selbst machen sobald der Reis fertig ist. Sonst brennt er an. Wo ist jetzt der Vorteil zum Kochtopf ? Trotzdem ständig im Gebrauch und Verarbeitung etc. ist absolut akzeptabel. #Reiskocher

In itself I am satisfied .. so you can actually buy the product. But read on Now some criticism. The device has a "cook" and a "keep warm function" If I understand correctly, as soon as the rice is ready, the keep warm function goes on. But she doesn't. I have to do this myself once the rice is ready. Otherwise it will burn. Where is the advantage to the saucepan now? Nevertheless, constant use and processing etc. is absolutely acceptable. #rice cooker

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 06.08.2020

Ich habe nach einem kleinen Reiskocher für einen 2-Personen-Haushalt gesucht und bin auf dieses Gerät gestossen. Ich verwende überwiegend Oryza Langkornreis und hatte anfangs das Problem, das der Reis anfing zu schäumen und Wasser aus dem Entlüftungsloch des Deckels blubberte. Nachdem ich den Reis nun vorher wasche hat sich das Problem weitgehend erledigt. Angebrannt ist mir der Reis bisher nicht, es bildet sich aber eine dünne weiße Kruste am Boden. Der Topf ist leider aus recht dünnem Material. Nachdem er mit herunter fiel, war am oberen Seitenrand eine kleine Delle und der Deckel schließt nicht mehr ganz. Das betrachte ich aber angesichts der Preisklasse nicht als Mangel. Mein Fazit ist insgesamt positiv und ich würde das Gerät wieder kaufen.

I was looking for a small rice cooker for a 2-person household and came across this device. I mainly use Oryza long grain rice and initially had the problem that the rice started to foam and water bubbled out of the vent hole in the lid. After washing the rice beforehand, the problem has largely gone. The rice hasn't burned on me yet, but a thin white crust forms on the bottom. The pot is unfortunately made of quite thin material. After it fell down, there was a small dent on the upper side edge and the lid no longer closes completely. But given the price range, I don't see that as a defect. My conclusion is overall positive and I would buy the device again.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 22.02.2020

Ist zwar ein günstiger Reiskocher, aber der Reis brennt sich immer unten fest. Mich stört das aber nicht da man bei dem Preis nicht mehr erwarten darf. Ich nutze den Reiskocher generell für Reis, also mache den nicht im Kochtopf, und empfehle ihn weiter. Auch wenn der Reis sich festbrennt kann man ihn gut reinigen bzw. in die Maschine zum Spülen geben. Viel Spaß mit dem Gerät.

It's a cheap rice cooker, but the rice always burns at the bottom. But that doesn't bother me because you can't expect more for the price. I generally use the rice cooker for rice, so don't do it in the saucepan, and I recommend it to others. Even if the rice burns, you can clean it well or put it in the machine for rinsing. Have fun with the device.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 03.01.2019

Bei dem Preis ist klar, dass der Reiskocher kein Porsche ist. Komplizierte Sensorenelektronik gibt es erst in ganz anderen Preisklassen. Zur einfachen Reiszubereitung reicht der Topf aber völlig, und nach diesem Kriterium bewerte ich ihn auch. Beim ersten Einsatz war der Basmati-Reis nach dem Kochen und Ziehenlassen noch nicht ganz gar, also habe ich noch etwas Wasser zugegossen und erneut auf Kochen geschaltet. Danach war der Reis perfekt: körnig und kein bisschen klebrig, so wie ich ihn beim "freihändigen" Kochen nie hinbekomme. Unten war er etwas angehaftet und stellenweise leicht golden, ließ sich aber problemlos ablösen. Inzwischen gebe ich von vornherein mehr Wasser hinzu als angegeben, und das funktioniert prima. Vielleicht kommt es auch auf die Reissorte an, wie viel Wasser genau die richtige Menge ist - ausprobieren. Wichtig scheint mir, dass man den Reis vor dem Kochen gründlich wäscht, damit keine Stärke im Wasser herumschwimmt, die den Reis pappig macht und unten anhaften kann. Bin insgesamt sehr zufrieden!

At the price it is clear that the rice cooker is not a Porsche. Complicated sensor electronics are only available in completely different price ranges. For simple rice preparation, however, the pot is completely sufficient, and I rate it according to this criterion. When I used it for the first time, the basmati rice wasn't quite cooked after it had been boiled and left to stand, so I added some water and switched it on to the boil again. After that, the rice was perfect: grainy and not a bit sticky, which is something I never get with "hands-free" cooking. It was a bit stuck at the bottom and slightly golden in places, but was easy to peel off. I now add more water than indicated from the start and it works great. Maybe it also depends on the type of rice, how much water is just the right amount - try it out. It seems important to me that you wash the rice thoroughly before cooking so that no starch swims around in the water, which makes the rice sticky and can stick to the bottom. Overall I am very satisfied!

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 23.02.2017

Bin bisher mit dem Produkt sehr zufrieden. Habe ihm im Einsatz mit Sushi- sowie langkörnigem Basmatireis getestet. Beim ersten Kochen pappte der Reis sehr stark an und ich war schon kurz davor das Gerät zurückgehen zu lassen. Dann habe ich dem Gerät aber noch eine 2. Chance gegeben und es hat sich gelohnt. Beim zweiten Kochen habe ich dann immermal umgerührt und nichts ist angebrannt. Nur ein paar Anhaftungen waren am Boden aber damit kann ich leben. Ich ziehe dennoch einen Punkt ab für die Bedienungsanleitung. Ich habe noch nie eine Anleitung gelesen die derart voll von Fehlern war. Nicht nur Satzfehler die durch schlechte Übersetzung entstehen können, sondern auch Fehler die eine Erkennbarkeit des Wortes schwer machen.

So far I am very satisfied with the product. I have tested it in use with sushi and long-grain basmati rice. The first time the rice was cooked, it was very sticky and I was about to return the appliance. But then I gave the device a second chance and it was worth it. I kept stirring the second time I boiled it and nothing burned. There were only a few build ups on the floor but I can live with that. I'll take a point off for the manual though. I have never read a manual that was so full of errors. Not only typographical errors that can result from bad translation, but also errors that make it difficult to recognize the word.

From "Christophe " Rated at 27.03.2016

J'en suis très satisfait, Il fonctionne parfaitement et ne prend pas beaucoup de place. Côté finition et assemblage, il m'a l'air de très bonne qualité, son design en noir me plait bien. Son utilisation est très simple, il y a un seul bouton pour le mettre en route et ensuite il s'occupe lui même de la cuisson et garde au chaud une fois que c'est cuit. Côté nettoyage c'est top, la cuve est amovible, anti-adhésive (téflon) et passe au lave vaisselle. Il y a aussi une spatule en plastique et un doseur (dans la notice, en anglais ou allemand il y a les indications pour mettre les bonnes doses de riz par rapport à l'eau, ex : 2 en riz, 2/2.5 en eau, 4 en riz, 4/4.5 en eau etc..) Sur mon plan de travail, il tient bien en place et ne glisse pas. Une fois rangé, il ne prend pas trop de place dans l'armoire. J'en suis super content pour le moment, et je ne peux que le recommander..

I am very satisfied with it, it works perfectly and does not take up much space. In terms of finish and assembly, it seems to me to be of very good quality, I like its design in black. Its use is very simple, there is a single button to start it and then it takes care of the cooking itself and keeps it warm once it is cooked. On the cleaning side, it's great, the tank is removable, non-stick (Teflon) and dishwasher-safe. There is also a plastic spatula and a measuring cup (in the instructions, in English or German, there are indications for putting the right doses of rice in relation to water, eg: 2 in rice, 2/2.5 in water , 4 in rice, 4/4.5 in water etc.) On my work surface, it stays in place and does not slip. Once stored, it does not take up too much space in the wardrobe. I'm super happy with it so far, and I can only recommend it.

From simona Rated at 25.02.2016

Si presenta di colore rosso e le rifiniture nere ed ha una forma rotonda. Le dimensioni sono 28 x 21,5 x 23 cm (LxAxP) con un peso di circa 1,4 kg. Alla base presenta dei piedini che ne permettono la stabilità. Lateralmente vi sono due maniglie nere, nella parte frontale vi è il tasto cook per la cottura e il tasto warm per mantenere il riso caldo una volta cotto. Nella parte posteriore vi è il tasto di accensione. All'interno si trova una vaschetta antiaderente adatta ad ospitare il riso e l'acqua. Il cuociriso funziona con la corrente elettrica e il filo che ne permette il collegamento alla presa è abbastanza lungo da permetterne il posizionamento anche a distanza dalla presa. In dotazione vi è oltre al manuale d'istruzione in tedesco e inglese, un misurino e un cucchiaio in plastica. Questo è bianco e puntellato cosi' da facilitare il mescolamento durante la cottura. Il misurino, invece, è trasparente e da una parte sono indicate le dosi di riso ( 40- 80- 120-160) dall'altra le corrispondenti dosi d'acqua che vanno aggiunte ( 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 ). Infine il coperchio trasparente in vetro ne permette una cottura ottimale senza la necessità di dover alzarlo continuamente per vedere a che stato è la cottura. La capacità massima è di 1 litro riuscendo ad ospitare circa 6 tazze di riso. Bisogna fare attenzioni alle giuste dosi riso/acqua perchè rischierete o di far attaccare il riso sul fondo se l'acqua è troppo poca o di ottenere un riso scotto se l'acqua è troppa. Per regolarvi quanta acqua aggiungere in proporzione al riso potrete aiutarvi con la tabella presente nel manuale d'istruzioni: Per 2 tazze di riso bisogna aggiungere 2 tazze e 1/4 di acqua, per 4 tazze di riso bisogna aggiungere 4 tazze e 1/2 di acqua e cosi' via. Per una buona riuscita vi consiglio di provare più volte in modo da rendervi effettivamente conto delle giuste dosi. Il cuociriso ha una potenza di 400W ed è a basso consumo.. Per il funzionamento basta scegliere le giuste dosi di acqua e riso e inserirle nella vaschetta nera, poi inserire il coperchio e collegare la spina alla presa di corrente. Pigiando il tasto cook nella parte frontale della pentola, si accenderà il led sotto tale scritta e la levetta inferiore scatterà automaticamente verso il basso. Ciò indicherà l'inizio della cottura..Non appena il riso sarà cotto si spegnerà il pulsante cook e si accenderà warm e la levetta ritornerà nella sua posizione originaria. La caratteristica che più ha attirato la mia attenzione è la funzione warm in quanto non tutte le pentole permettono di mantenere il riso caldo una volta cotto...inoltre potrete cucinare senza dover star li a girare il riso ma potrete fare anche le faccende domestiche in tutta tranquillità perchè la pentola non permette che il riso si attacchi al fondo. Per quanto concerne la pulizia basta lavare la vaschetta con del sapone non aggressivo e una spugnetta non abrasiva per evitare che il materiale di cui è composta si graffi e danneggi perdendo le sue spiccate qualità! La Klarstein ha avuto un'ottima idea, facilitando la vita di noi donne!! Ne consiglio l'acquisto perchè mi sono trovata molto bene! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAwQD661N-0

It has a red color and black finishes and has a round shape. The dimensions are 28 x 21.5 x 23 cm (WxHxD) with a weight of approximately 1.4 kg. At the base it has feet that allow for stability. On the side there are two black handles, on the front there is the cook button for cooking and the warm button to keep the rice warm once cooked. At the back is the power button. Inside there is a non-stick tray suitable for holding rice and water. The rice cooker works with electricity and the wire that allows it to be connected to the socket is long enough to allow it to be positioned even at a distance from the socket. In addition to the instruction manual in German and English, a measuring cup and a plastic spoon are included. This is white and dotted so as to facilitate mixing during cooking. The measuring cup, on the other hand, is transparent and on one side the doses of rice are indicated (40-80-120-160) on the other the corresponding doses of water which must be added (1/4, 1/2, 3/4 ). Finally, the transparent glass lid allows optimal cooking without the need to constantly lift it to see what state the cooking is in. The maximum capacity is 1 liter managing to accommodate about 6 cups of rice. You have to pay attention to the right rice/water doses because you risk either having the rice stick to the bottom if the water is too little or getting overcooked rice if the water is too much. To regulate how much water to add in proportion to the rice you can help yourself with the table in the instruction manual: For 2 cups of rice you need to add 2 and 1/4 cups of water, for 4 cups of rice you need to add 4 and 1/2 cups of water and so on. For a good result I suggest you try several times in order to actually realize the right doses. The rice cooker has a power of 400W and is low consumption. For operation, just choose the right doses of water and rice and insert them in the black tray, then insert the lid and connect the plug to the socket. By pressing the cook button on the front of the pot, the LED under this wording will turn on and the lower lever will automatically spring downwards. This will indicate the start of cooking. As soon as the rice is cooked the cook button will go out and warm will come on and the lever will return to its original position. The feature that most attracted my attention is the warm function as not all pans allow you to keep the rice hot once cooked ... furthermore you can cook without having to stand there to turn the rice but you can also do household chores in peace of mind because the pot does not allow the rice to stick to the bottom. As far as cleaning is concerned, just wash the tray with non-aggressive soap and a non-abrasive sponge to prevent the material of which it is made from being scratched and damaged, losing its outstanding qualities! Klarstein had a great idea, making life easier for us women!! I recommend the purchase because I found myself very well! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAwQD661N-0

From lucia Rated at 08.02.2016

Per chi ama mangiare il cibo giapponese e non solo, questa pentola cuociriso è l'ideale. Innanzitutto c'è da dire che ha una potenza di 400 Watt e la capacità di un litro, quindi possiamo cuocere al suo interno 6 tazze di riso. Si presta molto bene per realizzare il riso per il sushi, il riso in bianco e anche i risotti in tutta comodità. Si presenta con un design semplice e colorato che si adatta bene ad ogni tipo di cucina, all'interno della confezione che ci arriva, troviamo: cuociriso manuale di istruzioni in lingua inglese un misurino un cucchiaio da riso coperchio Il suo utilizzo è molto semplice, basta inserire al suo interno il riso e l'acqua o il brodo necessario a farlo cuocere, impostare la cottura utilizzando la manopola che troviamo sulla parte anteriore del cuociriso e il gioco è fatto! Quando il riso sarà cotto, in automatico il dispositivo si spegne e mantiene in caldo il cibo. Per l'accensione porta il pulsante ON/OFF sulla parte posteriore, ha un cavo di 1 metro che permette l'utilizzo anche a distanza di una presa se non abbiamo abbastanza spazio vicino ad essa. Misura 28 x 21,5 x 23 cm, per un peso pari a 1,4 kg, quindi non eccessivamente ingombrante. Alla base ha dei piedini in gomma che ne permettono la stabilità sul piano della cucina La paletta per girare il riso è in platica bianca con dei puntini in rilievo su entrambi i lati, per permetterci di mescolare in modo migliore il riso Per poterlo utilizzare, come in tutte le cose nuove, bisogna un pò prenderci la mano, soprattutto per ciò che concerne le dosi. In effetti, ognuno per una dose intende grammi diversi rispetto ad un altro, per me una porzione di riso corrisponde a 80gr. Il misurino contenuto nella confezione, ha già predisposto il peso di ogni singola porzione, in effetti è trasparente e a lato ha delle tacche con indicato il peso per ogni singola porzione, quindi 40 gr, 80 gr, 120 gr e 160 gr. Dalla parte opposta invece ha delle tacche con su scritto l'acqua da utilizzare per ogni singola porzione di riso. All'interno del cuociriso possiamo mettere al massimo un litro di acqua e un chilo di riso, ma dobbiamo stare molto attenti a dosare bene entrambi, altrimenti il riso potrebbe cuocere troppo o troppo poco, quindi dosare bene l'acqua è indispensabile. Proprio per questo ci sono le istruzioni che indicano quanta acqua utilizzare in base alla quantità di riso. All'incirca, per ogni tazza di riso, bisogna aggiungere una tazza e 1/2 di acqua, quindi per 2 tazze di riso, 3 tazze e 1/2 di acqua e così via. Basterà all'inizio guardare la tabella sul manuale e man mano che utilizzeremo il cuociriso diventeremo esperte e non avremo più bisogno di leggere. In poche parole, dovremo sempre far sì che l'acqua sia 2 cm più alta del riso. Il cuociriso è compostoda una parte inferiore in metallo con un dispositivo che serve a espandere in modo uniforme il calore e a mantenerlo anche una volta che il riso è pronto. Funziona tutto tramite il peso della ciotola, quando introduciamo il riso e mettiamo il coperchio, la pentola all'interno si abbassa e permette al dispositivo interno di far partire la cottura del riso..All'interno di questo primo dispositivo, si trova una ciotola in materiale antiaderente che servirà a contenere il riso e, infine, il coperchio in vetro temperato che ci permetterà di vedere all'interno del cuociriso la cottura dello stesso. Importantissimo, non togliere mai il coperchio durante la cottura, sia per evitare di ustionarsi e sia per la cottura stessa del riso, potrebbe non cuocere bene perdendo il vapore all'interno. Si clicca sul pulsante ON/OFF, quando imposteremo la modalità COOK o WARM, si accenderà un led rosso. Sotto alla scritta COOK e Warm, troviamo un pulsante che in automatico scatterà in base alla modalità che è impostata in quel momento, per cui, se si accende in modalità COOK, il pulsante si abbassa, mentre quando è in modalità WARM, il pulsante si alza, quindi anche i led si accenderan

For those who love to eat Japanese food and more, this rice cooker is ideal. First of all, it must be said that it has a power of 400 Watts and a capacity of one litre, so we can cook 6 cups of rice inside. It lends itself very well to making rice for sushi, white rice and even risottos in comfort. It comes with a simple and colorful design that adapts well to any type of kitchen, inside the package that arrives to us, we find: rice cooker instruction manual in English a measuring cup a rice spoon lid Its use is very simple, just insert the rice and the water or broth needed to cook it inside, set cooking using the knob on the front of the rice cooker and you're done! When the rice is cooked, the device automatically switches off and keeps the food warm. For ignition, it carries the ON / OFF button on the back, it has a 1 meter cable that allows the use of a socket even from a distance if we don't have enough space near it. It measures 28 x 21.5 x 23 cm, for a weight of 1.4 kg, therefore not excessively bulky. At the base it has rubber feet which allow it to remain stable on the kitchen top. The spatula for turning the rice is in white plastic with raised dots on both sides, to allow us to mix the rice in the best way. To be able to use it, as in all new things, you have to get a little carried away, especially as regards the doses. In fact, each one means different grams for a dose than another, for me a portion of rice corresponds to 80gr. The measuring cup contained in the package has already set the weight of each individual portion, in fact it is transparent and has notches on the side indicating the weight for each individual portion, therefore 40 g, 80 g, 120 g and 160 g. On the opposite side, however, it has notches with the water to be used for each individual portion of rice written on it. Inside the rice cooker we can put at most one liter of water and one kilo of rice, but we must be very careful to dose both well, otherwise the rice could cook too much or too little, so dosing the water well is essential. Precisely for this there are instructions that indicate how much water to use based on the amount of rice. Roughly, for every cup of rice, add 1 1/2 cups of water, then for 2 cups of rice, 3 1/2 cups of water, and so on. At the beginning it will be enough to look at the table in the manual and as we use the rice cooker we will become experts and we will no longer need to read. Simply put, we will always need to make the water 2cm higher than the rice. The rice cooker consists of a metal lower part with a device that serves to expand the heat evenly and to maintain it even once the rice is ready. It all works through the weight of the bowl, when we introduce the rice and put the lid on, the pot inside lowers and allows the internal device to start cooking the rice. Inside this first device, there is a bowl in non-stick material that will serve to contain the rice and, finally, the tempered glass lid that will allow us to see the cooking of the same inside the rice cooker. Very important, never remove the lid during cooking, both to avoid burns and for the cooking of the rice itself, it could not cook well, losing the steam inside. Click on the ON/OFF button, when we set the COOK or WARM mode, a red LED will light up. Under the words COOK and Warm, we find a button that will automatically fire according to the mode that is set at that moment, so if it is turned on in COOK mode, the button goes down, while when it is in WARM mode, the button raise, then the LEDs will also light up

From lucia Rated at 08.02.2016

Per chi ama mangiare il cibo giapponese e non solo, questa pentola cuociriso è l'ideale. Innanzitutto c'è da dire che ha una potenza di 400 Watt e la capacità di un litro, quindi possiamo cuocere al suo interno 6 tazze di riso. Si presta molto bene per realizzare il riso per il sushi, il riso in bianco e anche i risotti in tutta comodità. Si presenta con un design semplice e colorato che si adatta bene ad ogni tipo di cucina, all'interno della confezione che ci arriva, troviamo: cuociriso manuale di istruzioni in lingua inglese un misurino un cucchiaio da riso coperchio Il suo utilizzo è molto semplice, basta inserire al suo interno il riso e l'acqua o il brodo necessario a farlo cuocere, impostare la cottura utilizzando la manopola che troviamo sulla parte anteriore del cuociriso e il gioco è fatto! Quando il riso sarà cotto, in automatico il dispositivo si spegne e mantiene in caldo il cibo. Per l'accensione porta il pulsante ON/OFF sulla parte posteriore, ha un cavo di 1 metro che permette l'utilizzo anche a distanza di una presa se non abbiamo abbastanza spazio vicino ad essa. Misura 28 x 21,5 x 23 cm, per un peso pari a 1,4 kg, quindi non eccessivamente ingombrante. Alla base ha dei piedini in gomma che ne permettono la stabilità sul piano della cucina La paletta per girare il riso è in platica bianca con dei puntini in rilievo su entrambi i lati, per permetterci di mescolare in modo migliore il riso Per poterlo utilizzare, come in tutte le cose nuove, bisogna un pò prenderci la mano, soprattutto per ciò che concerne le dosi. In effetti, ognuno per una dose intende grammi diversi rispetto ad un altro, per me una porzione di riso corrisponde a 80gr. Il misurino contenuto nella confezione, ha già predisposto il peso di ogni singola porzione, in effetti è trasparente e a lato ha delle tacche con indicato il peso per ogni singola porzione, quindi 40 gr, 80 gr, 120 gr e 160 gr. Dalla parte opposta invece ha delle tacche con su scritto l'acqua da utilizzare per ogni singola porzione di riso. All'interno del cuociriso possiamo mettere al massimo un litro di acqua e un chilo di riso, ma dobbiamo stare molto attenti a dosare bene entrambi, altrimenti il riso potrebbe cuocere troppo o troppo poco, quindi dosare bene l'acqua è indispensabile. Proprio per questo ci sono le istruzioni che indicano quanta acqua utilizzare in base alla quantità di riso. All'incirca, per ogni tazza di riso, bisogna aggiungere una tazza e 1/2 di acqua, quindi per 2 tazze di riso, 3 tazze e 1/2 di acqua e così via. Basterà all'inizio guardare la tabella sul manuale e man mano che utilizzeremo il cuociriso diventeremo esperte e non avremo più bisogno di leggere. In poche parole, dovremo sempre far sì che l'acqua sia 2 cm più alta del riso. Il cuociriso è compostoda una parte inferiore in metallo con un dispositivo che serve a espandere in modo uniforme il calore e a mantenerlo anche una volta che il riso è pronto. Funziona tutto tramite il peso della ciotola, quando introduciamo il riso e mettiamo il coperchio, la pentola all'interno si abbassa e permette al dispositivo interno di far partire la cottura del riso..All'interno di questo primo dispositivo, si trova una ciotola in materiale antiaderente che servirà a contenere il riso e, infine, il coperchio in vetro temperato che ci permetterà di vedere all'interno del cuociriso la cottura dello stesso. Importantissimo, non togliere mai il coperchio durante la cottura, sia per evitare di ustionarsi e sia per la cottura stessa del riso, potrebbe non cuocere bene perdendo il vapore all'interno. Si clicca sul pulsante ON/OFF, quando imposteremo la modalità COOK o WARM, si accenderà un led rosso. Sotto alla scritta COOK e Warm, troviamo un pulsante che in automatico scatterà in base alla modalità che è impostata in quel momento, per cui, se si accende in modalità COOK, il pulsante si abbassa, mentre quando è in modalità WARM, il pulsante si alza, quindi anche i led si accenderan

For those who love to eat Japanese food and more, this rice cooker is ideal. First of all, it must be said that it has a power of 400 Watts and a capacity of one litre, so we can cook 6 cups of rice inside. It lends itself very well to making rice for sushi, white rice and even risottos in comfort. It comes with a simple and colorful design that adapts well to any type of kitchen, inside the package that arrives to us, we find: rice cooker instruction manual in English a measuring cup a rice spoon lid Its use is very simple, just insert the rice and the water or broth needed to cook it inside, set cooking using the knob on the front of the rice cooker and you're done! When the rice is cooked, the device automatically switches off and keeps the food warm. For ignition, it carries the ON / OFF button on the back, it has a 1 meter cable that allows the use of a socket even from a distance if we don't have enough space near it. It measures 28 x 21.5 x 23 cm, for a weight of 1.4 kg, therefore not excessively bulky. At the base it has rubber feet which allow it to remain stable on the kitchen top. The spatula for turning the rice is in white plastic with raised dots on both sides, to allow us to mix the rice in the best way. To be able to use it, as in all new things, you have to get a little carried away, especially as regards the doses. In fact, each one means different grams for a dose than another, for me a portion of rice corresponds to 80gr. The measuring cup contained in the package has already set the weight of each individual portion, in fact it is transparent and has notches on the side indicating the weight for each individual portion, therefore 40 g, 80 g, 120 g and 160 g. On the opposite side, however, it has notches with the water to be used for each individual portion of rice written on it. Inside the rice cooker we can put at most one liter of water and one kilo of rice, but we must be very careful to dose both well, otherwise the rice could cook too much or too little, so dosing the water well is essential. Precisely for this there are instructions that indicate how much water to use based on the amount of rice. Roughly, for every cup of rice, add 1 1/2 cups of water, then for 2 cups of rice, 3 1/2 cups of water, and so on. At the beginning it will be enough to look at the table in the manual and as we use the rice cooker we will become experts and we will no longer need to read. Simply put, we will always need to make the water 2cm higher than the rice. The rice cooker consists of a metal lower part with a device that serves to expand the heat evenly and to maintain it even once the rice is ready. It all works through the weight of the bowl, when we introduce the rice and put the lid on, the pot inside lowers and allows the internal device to start cooking the rice. Inside this first device, there is a bowl in non-stick material that will serve to contain the rice and, finally, the tempered glass lid that will allow us to see the cooking of the same inside the rice cooker. Very important, never remove the lid during cooking, both to avoid burns and for the cooking of the rice itself, it could not cook well and lose the steam inside. Click on the ON/OFF button, when we set the COOK or WARM mode, a red LED will light up. Under the words COOK and Warm, we find a button that will automatically fire according to the mode that is set at that moment, so if it is turned on in COOK mode, the button goes down, while when it is in WARM mode, the button raise, then the LEDs will also light up

From lucia Rated at 08.02.2016

Per chi ama mangiare il cibo giapponese e non solo, questa pentola cuociriso è l'ideale. Innanzitutto c'è da dire che ha una potenza di 400 Watt e la capacità di un litro, quindi possiamo cuocere al suo interno 6 tazze di riso. Si presta molto bene per realizzare il riso per il sushi, il riso in bianco e anche i risotti in tutta comodità. Si presenta con un design semplice e colorato che si adatta bene ad ogni tipo di cucina, all'interno della confezione che ci arriva, troviamo: cuociriso manuale di istruzioni in lingua inglese un misurino un cucchiaio da riso coperchio Il suo utilizzo è molto semplice, basta inserire al suo interno il riso e l'acqua o il brodo necessario a farlo cuocere, impostare la cottura utilizzando la manopola che troviamo sulla parte anteriore del cuociriso e il gioco è fatto! Quando il riso sarà cotto, in automatico il dispositivo si spegne e mantiene in caldo il cibo. Per l'accensione porta il pulsante ON/OFF sulla parte posteriore, ha un cavo di 1 metro che permette l'utilizzo anche a distanza di una presa se non abbiamo abbastanza spazio vicino ad essa. Misura 28 x 21,5 x 23 cm, per un peso pari a 1,4 kg, quindi non eccessivamente ingombrante. Alla base ha dei piedini in gomma che ne permettono la stabilità sul piano della cucina La paletta per girare il riso è in platica bianca con dei puntini in rilievo su entrambi i lati, per permetterci di mescolare in modo migliore il riso Per poterlo utilizzare, come in tutte le cose nuove, bisogna un pò prenderci la mano, soprattutto per ciò che concerne le dosi. In effetti, ognuno per una dose intende grammi diversi rispetto ad un altro, per me una porzione di riso corrisponde a 80gr. Il misurino contenuto nella confezione, ha già predisposto il peso di ogni singola porzione, in effetti è trasparente e a lato ha delle tacche con indicato il peso per ogni singola porzione, quindi 40 gr, 80 gr, 120 gr e 160 gr. Dalla parte opposta invece ha delle tacche con su scritto l'acqua da utilizzare per ogni singola porzione di riso. All'interno del cuociriso possiamo mettere al massimo un litro di acqua e un chilo di riso, ma dobbiamo stare molto attenti a dosare bene entrambi, altrimenti il riso potrebbe cuocere troppo o troppo poco, quindi dosare bene l'acqua è indispensabile. Proprio per questo ci sono le istruzioni che indicano quanta acqua utilizzare in base alla quantità di riso. All'incirca, per ogni tazza di riso, bisogna aggiungere una tazza e 1/2 di acqua, quindi per 2 tazze di riso, 3 tazze e 1/2 di acqua e così via. Basterà all'inizio guardare la tabella sul manuale e man mano che utilizzeremo il cuociriso diventeremo esperte e non avremo più bisogno di leggere. In poche parole, dovremo sempre far sì che l'acqua sia 2 cm più alta del riso. Il cuociriso è compostoda una parte inferiore in metallo con un dispositivo che serve a espandere in modo uniforme il calore e a mantenerlo anche una volta che il riso è pronto. Funziona tutto tramite il peso della ciotola, quando introduciamo il riso e mettiamo il coperchio, la pentola all'interno si abbassa e permette al dispositivo interno di far partire la cottura del riso..All'interno di questo primo dispositivo, si trova una ciotola in materiale antiaderente che servirà a contenere il riso e, infine, il coperchio in vetro temperato che ci permetterà di vedere all'interno del cuociriso la cottura dello stesso. Importantissimo, non togliere mai il coperchio durante la cottura, sia per evitare di ustionarsi e sia per la cottura stessa del riso, potrebbe non cuocere bene perdendo il vapore all'interno. Si clicca sul pulsante ON/OFF, quando imposteremo la modalità COOK o WARM, si accenderà un led rosso. Sotto alla scritta COOK e Warm, troviamo un pulsante che in automatico scatterà in base alla modalità che è impostata in quel momento, per cui, se si accende in modalità COOK, il pulsante si abbassa, mentre quando è in modalità WARM, il pulsante si alza, quindi anche i led si accenderan

For those who love to eat Japanese food and more, this rice cooker is ideal. First of all, it must be said that it has a power of 400 Watts and a capacity of one litre, so we can cook 6 cups of rice inside. It lends itself very well to making rice for sushi, white rice and even risottos in comfort. It comes with a simple and colorful design that adapts well to any type of kitchen, inside the package that arrives to us, we find: rice cooker instruction manual in English a measuring cup a rice spoon lid Its use is very simple, just insert the rice and the water or broth needed to cook it inside, set cooking using the knob on the front of the rice cooker and you're done! When the rice is cooked, the device automatically switches off and keeps the food warm. For ignition, it carries the ON / OFF button on the back, it has a 1 meter cable that allows the use of a socket even from a distance if we don't have enough space near it. It measures 28 x 21.5 x 23 cm, for a weight of 1.4 kg, therefore not excessively bulky. At the base it has rubber feet which allow it to remain stable on the kitchen top. The spatula for turning the rice is in white plastic with raised dots on both sides, to allow us to mix the rice in the best way. To be able to use it, as in all new things, you have to get a little carried away, especially as regards the doses. In fact, each one means different grams for a dose than another, for me a portion of rice corresponds to 80gr. The measuring cup contained in the package has already set the weight of each individual portion, in fact it is transparent and has notches on the side indicating the weight for each individual portion, therefore 40 g, 80 g, 120 g and 160 g. On the opposite side, however, it has notches with the water to be used for each individual portion of rice written on it. Inside the rice cooker we can put at most one liter of water and one kilo of rice, but we must be very careful to dose both well, otherwise the rice could cook too much or too little, so dosing the water well is essential. Precisely for this there are instructions that indicate how much water to use based on the amount of rice. Roughly, for every cup of rice, add 1 1/2 cups of water, then for 2 cups of rice, 3 1/2 cups of water, and so on. At the beginning it will be enough to look at the table in the manual and as we use the rice cooker we will become experts and we will no longer need to read. Simply put, we will always need to make the water 2cm higher than the rice. The rice cooker consists of a metal lower part with a device that serves to expand the heat evenly and to maintain it even once the rice is ready. It all works through the weight of the bowl, when we introduce the rice and put the lid on, the pot inside lowers and allows the internal device to start cooking the rice. Inside this first device, there is a bowl in non-stick material that will serve to contain the rice and, finally, the tempered glass lid that will allow us to see the cooking of the same inside the rice cooker. Very important, never remove the lid during cooking, both to avoid burns and for the cooking of the rice itself, it could not cook well, losing the steam inside. Click on the ON/OFF button, when we set the COOK or WARM mode, a red LED will light up. Under the writing COOK and Warm, we find a button that will automatically fire according to the mode that is set at that moment, so if it is turned on in COOK mode, the button goes down, while when it is in WARM mode, the button goes raise, then the LEDs will also light up

From lucia Rated at 08.02.2016

Per chi ama mangiare il cibo giapponese e non solo, questa pentola cuociriso è l'ideale. Innanzitutto c'è da dire che ha una potenza di 400 Watt e la capacità di un litro, quindi possiamo cuocere al suo interno 6 tazze di riso. Si presta molto bene per realizzare il riso per il sushi, il riso in bianco e anche i risotti in tutta comodità. Si presenta con un design semplice e colorato che si adatta bene ad ogni tipo di cucina, all'interno della confezione che ci arriva, troviamo: cuociriso manuale di istruzioni in lingua inglese un misurino un cucchiaio da riso coperchio Il suo utilizzo è molto semplice, basta inserire al suo interno il riso e l'acqua o il brodo necessario a farlo cuocere, impostare la cottura utilizzando la manopola che troviamo sulla parte anteriore del cuociriso e il gioco è fatto! Quando il riso sarà cotto, in automatico il dispositivo si spegne e mantiene in caldo il cibo. Per l'accensione porta il pulsante ON/OFF sulla parte posteriore, ha un cavo di 1 metro che permette l'utilizzo anche a distanza di una presa se non abbiamo abbastanza spazio vicino ad essa. Misura 28 x 21,5 x 23 cm, per un peso pari a 1,4 kg, quindi non eccessivamente ingombrante. Alla base ha dei piedini in gomma che ne permettono la stabilità sul piano della cucina La paletta per girare il riso è in platica bianca con dei puntini in rilievo su entrambi i lati, per permetterci di mescolare in modo migliore il riso Per poterlo utilizzare, come in tutte le cose nuove, bisogna un pò prenderci la mano, soprattutto per ciò che concerne le dosi. In effetti, ognuno per una dose intende grammi diversi rispetto ad un altro, per me una porzione di riso corrisponde a 80gr. Il misurino contenuto nella confezione, ha già predisposto il peso di ogni singola porzione, in effetti è trasparente e a lato ha delle tacche con indicato il peso per ogni singola porzione, quindi 40 gr, 80 gr, 120 gr e 160 gr. Dalla parte opposta invece ha delle tacche con su scritto l'acqua da utilizzare per ogni singola porzione di riso. All'interno del cuociriso possiamo mettere al massimo un litro di acqua e un chilo di riso, ma dobbiamo stare molto attenti a dosare bene entrambi, altrimenti il riso potrebbe cuocere troppo o troppo poco, quindi dosare bene l'acqua è indispensabile. Proprio per questo ci sono le istruzioni che indicano quanta acqua utilizzare in base alla quantità di riso. All'incirca, per ogni tazza di riso, bisogna aggiungere una tazza e 1/2 di acqua, quindi per 2 tazze di riso, 3 tazze e 1/2 di acqua e così via. Basterà all'inizio guardare la tabella sul manuale e man mano che utilizzeremo il cuociriso diventeremo esperte e non avremo più bisogno di leggere. In poche parole, dovremo sempre far sì che l'acqua sia 2 cm più alta del riso. Il cuociriso è compostoda una parte inferiore in metallo con un dispositivo che serve a espandere in modo uniforme il calore e a mantenerlo anche una volta che il riso è pronto. Funziona tutto tramite il peso della ciotola, quando introduciamo il riso e mettiamo il coperchio, la pentola all'interno si abbassa e permette al dispositivo interno di far partire la cottura del riso..All'interno di questo primo dispositivo, si trova una ciotola in materiale antiaderente che servirà a contenere il riso e, infine, il coperchio in vetro temperato che ci permetterà di vedere all'interno del cuociriso la cottura dello stesso. Importantissimo, non togliere mai il coperchio durante la cottura, sia per evitare di ustionarsi e sia per la cottura stessa del riso, potrebbe non cuocere bene perdendo il vapore all'interno. Si clicca sul pulsante ON/OFF, quando imposteremo la modalità COOK o WARM, si accenderà un led rosso. Sotto alla scritta COOK e Warm, troviamo un pulsante che in automatico scatterà in base alla modalità che è impostata in quel momento, per cui, se si accende in modalità COOK, il pulsante si abbassa, mentre quando è in modalità WARM, il pulsante si alza, quindi anche i led si accenderan

For those who love to eat Japanese food and more, this rice cooker is ideal. First of all, it must be said that it has a power of 400 Watts and a capacity of one litre, so we can cook 6 cups of rice inside. It lends itself very well to making rice for sushi, white rice and even risottos in comfort. It comes with a simple and colorful design that adapts well to any type of kitchen, inside the package that arrives to us, we find: rice cooker instruction manual in English a measuring cup a rice spoon lid Its use is very simple, just insert the rice and the water or broth needed to cook it inside, set cooking using the knob on the front of the rice cooker and you're done! When the rice is cooked, the device automatically switches off and keeps the food warm. For ignition, it carries the ON / OFF button on the back, it has a 1 meter cable that allows the use of a socket even from a distance if we don't have enough space near it. It measures 28 x 21.5 x 23 cm, for a weight of 1.4 kg, therefore not excessively bulky. At the base it has rubber feet which allow it to remain stable on the kitchen top. The spatula for turning the rice is in white plastic with raised dots on both sides, to allow us to mix the rice in the best way. To be able to use it, as in all new things, you have to get a little carried away, especially as regards the doses. In fact, each one means different grams for a dose than another, for me a portion of rice corresponds to 80gr. The measuring cup contained in the package has already set the weight of each individual portion, in fact it is transparent and has notches on the side indicating the weight for each individual portion, therefore 40 g, 80 g, 120 g and 160 g. On the opposite side, however, it has notches with the water to be used for each individual portion of rice written on it. Inside the rice cooker we can put at most one liter of water and one kilo of rice, but we must be very careful to dose both well, otherwise the rice could cook too much or too little, so dosing the water well is essential. Precisely for this there are instructions that indicate how much water to use based on the amount of rice. Roughly, for every cup of rice, add 1 1/2 cups of water, then for 2 cups of rice, 3 1/2 cups of water, and so on. At the beginning it will be enough to look at the table in the manual and as we use the rice cooker we will become experts and we will no longer need to read. Simply put, we will always need to make the water 2cm higher than the rice. The rice cooker consists of a metal lower part with a device that serves to expand the heat evenly and to maintain it even once the rice is ready. It all works through the weight of the bowl, when we introduce the rice and put the lid on, the pot inside lowers and allows the internal device to start cooking the rice. Inside this first device, there is a bowl in non-stick material that will serve to contain the rice and, finally, the tempered glass lid that will allow us to see the cooking of the same inside the rice cooker. Very important, never remove the lid during cooking, both to avoid burns and for the cooking of the rice itself, it could not cook well, losing the steam inside. Click on the ON/OFF button, when we set the COOK or WARM mode, a red LED will light up. Under the writing COOK and Warm, we find a button that will automatically fire according to the mode that is set at that moment, so if it is turned on in COOK mode, the button goes down, while when it is in WARM mode, the button goes raise, then the LEDs will also light up

From lucia Rated at 08.02.2016

Per chi ama mangiare il cibo giapponese e non solo, questa pentola cuociriso è l'ideale. Innanzitutto c'è da dire che ha una potenza di 400 Watt e la capacità di un litro, quindi possiamo cuocere al suo interno 6 tazze di riso. Si presta molto bene per realizzare il riso per il sushi, il riso in bianco e anche i risotti in tutta comodità. Si presenta con un design semplice e colorato che si adatta bene ad ogni tipo di cucina, all'interno della confezione che ci arriva, troviamo: cuociriso manuale di istruzioni in lingua inglese un misurino un cucchiaio da riso coperchio Il suo utilizzo è molto semplice, basta inserire al suo interno il riso e l'acqua o il brodo necessario a farlo cuocere, impostare la cottura utilizzando la manopola che troviamo sulla parte anteriore del cuociriso e il gioco è fatto! Quando il riso sarà cotto, in automatico il dispositivo si spegne e mantiene in caldo il cibo. Per l'accensione porta il pulsante ON/OFF sulla parte posteriore, ha un cavo di 1 metro che permette l'utilizzo anche a distanza di una presa se non abbiamo abbastanza spazio vicino ad essa. Misura 28 x 21,5 x 23 cm, per un peso pari a 1,4 kg, quindi non eccessivamente ingombrante. Alla base ha dei piedini in gomma che ne permettono la stabilità sul piano della cucina La paletta per girare il riso è in platica bianca con dei puntini in rilievo su entrambi i lati, per permetterci di mescolare in modo migliore il riso Per poterlo utilizzare, come in tutte le cose nuove, bisogna un pò prenderci la mano, soprattutto per ciò che concerne le dosi. In effetti, ognuno per una dose intende grammi diversi rispetto ad un altro, per me una porzione di riso corrisponde a 80gr. Il misurino contenuto nella confezione, ha già predisposto il peso di ogni singola porzione, in effetti è trasparente e a lato ha delle tacche con indicato il peso per ogni singola porzione, quindi 40 gr, 80 gr, 120 gr e 160 gr. Dalla parte opposta invece ha delle tacche con su scritto l'acqua da utilizzare per ogni singola porzione di riso. All'interno del cuociriso possiamo mettere al massimo un litro di acqua e un chilo di riso, ma dobbiamo stare molto attenti a dosare bene entrambi, altrimenti il riso potrebbe cuocere troppo o troppo poco, quindi dosare bene l'acqua è indispensabile. Proprio per questo ci sono le istruzioni che indicano quanta acqua utilizzare in base alla quantità di riso. All'incirca, per ogni tazza di riso, bisogna aggiungere una tazza e 1/2 di acqua, quindi per 2 tazze di riso, 3 tazze e 1/2 di acqua e così via. Basterà all'inizio guardare la tabella sul manuale e man mano che utilizzeremo il cuociriso diventeremo esperte e non avremo più bisogno di leggere. In poche parole, dovremo sempre far sì che l'acqua sia 2 cm più alta del riso. Il cuociriso è compostoda una parte inferiore in metallo con un dispositivo che serve a espandere in modo uniforme il calore e a mantenerlo anche una volta che il riso è pronto. Funziona tutto tramite il peso della ciotola, quando introduciamo il riso e mettiamo il coperchio, la pentola all'interno si abbassa e permette al dispositivo interno di far partire la cottura del riso..All'interno di questo primo dispositivo, si trova una ciotola in materiale antiaderente che servirà a contenere il riso e, infine, il coperchio in vetro temperato che ci permetterà di vedere all'interno del cuociriso la cottura dello stesso. Importantissimo, non togliere mai il coperchio durante la cottura, sia per evitare di ustionarsi e sia per la cottura stessa del riso, potrebbe non cuocere bene perdendo il vapore all'interno. Si clicca sul pulsante ON/OFF, quando imposteremo la modalità COOK o WARM, si accenderà un led rosso. Sotto alla scritta COOK e Warm, troviamo un pulsante che in automatico scatterà in base alla modalità che è impostata in quel momento, per cui, se si accende in modalità COOK, il pulsante si abbassa, mentre quando è in modalità WARM, il pulsante si alza, quindi anche i led si accenderan

For those who love to eat Japanese food and more, this rice cooker is ideal. First of all, it must be said that it has a power of 400 Watts and a capacity of one litre, so we can cook 6 cups of rice inside. It lends itself very well to making rice for sushi, white rice and even risottos in comfort. It comes with a simple and colorful design that adapts well to any type of kitchen, inside the package that arrives to us, we find: rice cooker instruction manual in English a measuring cup a rice spoon lid Its use is very simple, just insert the rice and the water or broth needed to cook it inside, set cooking using the knob on the front of the rice cooker and you're done! When the rice is cooked, the device automatically switches off and keeps the food warm. For ignition, it carries the ON / OFF button on the back, it has a 1 meter cable that allows the use of a socket even from a distance if we don't have enough space near it. It measures 28 x 21.5 x 23 cm, for a weight of 1.4 kg, therefore not excessively bulky. At the base it has rubber feet which allow it to remain stable on the kitchen top. The spatula for turning the rice is in white plastic with raised dots on both sides, to allow us to mix the rice in the best way. To be able to use it, as in all new things, you have to get a little carried away, especially as regards the doses. In fact, each one means different grams for a dose than another, for me a portion of rice corresponds to 80gr. The measuring cup contained in the package has already set the weight of each individual portion, in fact it is transparent and has notches on the side indicating the weight for each individual portion, therefore 40 g, 80 g, 120 g and 160 g. On the opposite side, however, it has notches with the water to be used for each individual portion of rice written on it. Inside the rice cooker we can put at most one liter of water and one kilo of rice, but we must be very careful to dose both well, otherwise the rice could cook too much or too little, so dosing the water well is essential. Precisely for this there are instructions that indicate how much water to use based on the amount of rice. Roughly, for every cup of rice, add 1 1/2 cups of water, then for 2 cups of rice, 3 1/2 cups of water, and so on. At the beginning it will be enough to look at the table in the manual and as we use the rice cooker we will become experts and we will no longer need to read. Simply put, we will always need to make the water 2cm higher than the rice. The rice cooker consists of a metal lower part with a device that serves to expand the heat evenly and to maintain it even once the rice is ready. It all works through the weight of the bowl, when we introduce the rice and put the lid on, the pot inside lowers and allows the internal device to start cooking the rice. Inside this first device, there is a bowl in non-stick material that will serve to contain the rice and, finally, the tempered glass lid that will allow us to see the cooking of the same inside the rice cooker. Very important, never remove the lid during cooking, both to avoid burns and for the cooking of the rice itself, it could not cook well, losing the steam inside. Click on the ON/OFF button, when we set the COOK or WARM mode, a red LED will light up. Under the writing COOK and Warm, we find a button that will automatically fire according to the mode that is set at that moment, so if it is turned on in COOK mode, the button goes down, while when it is in WARM mode, the button goes raise, then the LEDs will also light up

From "Ugo " Rated at 04.02.2016

CUOCIRISO OSAKA La pentola cuociriso è un aiuto piacevole per chi si appresta a fare il sushi homemade. È proprio la cottura del riso la parte più difficile da fare a regola d’arte: la cuociriso è sicuramente comoda, ci metti il riso, lo copri d’acqua (due centimetri oltre il livello del riso stesso), metti il coperchio e accendi, la cottura inizia e, quando termina, passa automaticamente allo stato “Warm” cioè tiene il riso in temperatura. La cuociriso di Klarstein si chiama Osaka e si presenta con una dinamica livrea rossa. Consta di una parte esterna con i vari comandi e le spie di accensione, all’interno si trova il contenitore di alluminio in cui cuocere il riso e il coperchio in vetro con il foro di uscita del vapore. Nella confezione si trovano anche un misurino, per le giuste quantità di riso e acqua, e un cucchiaio in plastica per il riso. Il funzionamento della pentola Osaka è a pressione per cui vapore e acqua schiacciano la molla posta sotto il contenitore d’alluminio, quando il riso è cotto e il vapore è stato espulso dal foro del coperchio in vetro, in pratica la molla si estende e passa automaticamente allo stato warm, mantenendo il riso in temperatura. Un avvertimento importante per l’utilizzatore è quello di non aprire mai il coperchio durante la cottura, per evitare di ustionarsi con il vapore e per non bloccare la cottura, vista la perdita di pressione. Importantissima è la quantità d’acqua che si mette per la cottura, deve essere assolutamente quei due centimetri sopra il livello del riso, la grandezza della Osaka varia a seconda del contenuto che è pari a 0,6 – 1,0 e 1,5 litri a seconda della versione. Già la versione più piccola è sufficiente per 4 persone e si cuoce tranquillamente il riso occorrente per almeno una trentina di Hosomaki e quattro porzioni di Chirashi Zushi contemporaneamente. La cuociriso Osaka non è predisposta per la cottura al vapore. Quale riso usare con la cuociriso? Quello per il sushi, il Basmati, il Jasmine, quello glutinoso.

OSAKA RICE COOKER The rice cooker is a pleasant aid for those preparing to make homemade sushi. Cooking the rice is the most difficult part to do perfectly: the rice cooker is certainly handy, you put the rice in it, cover it with water (two centimeters above the level of the rice itself), put the lid on and turn it on. , cooking begins and, when it ends, it automatically switches to the "Warm" status, i.e. it keeps the rice at temperature. The Klarstein rice cooker is called Osaka and comes in a dynamic red livery. It consists of an external part with the various controls and the power lights, inside there is the aluminum container in which to cook the rice and the glass lid with the steam outlet hole. The package also includes a measuring cup, for the right amount of rice and water, and a plastic spoon for the rice. The operation of the Osaka pot is under pressure so that steam and water crush the spring placed under the aluminum container, when the rice is cooked and the steam has been expelled from the hole in the glass lid, in practice the spring extends and passes automatically in the warm state, keeping the rice at the right temperature. An important warning for the user is to never open the lid during cooking, to avoid getting burned by the steam and not to block cooking, given the loss of pressure. The quantity of water that is put in for cooking is very important, it must absolutely be those two centimeters above the level of the rice, the size of the Osaka varies according to the content which is equal to 0.6 – 1.0 and 1.5 liters depending on the version. Even the smallest version is enough for 4 people and the rice needed for at least thirty Hosomaki and four portions of Chirashi Zushi can be cooked at the same time. The Osaka rice cooker is not designed for steam cooking. Which rice to use with the rice cooker? The one for sushi, the Basmati, the Jasmine, the glutinous one.

From Amazon-Benutzer Rated at 03.11.2015

Das ist ein Teil, was mir wirklich g r o ß e Freude macht! Mit zierlichen Außenmaßen , maximal 20 cm Durchmesser außen- innen etwa 18 cm , einer Außenhöhe von 15 cm, farblich und von der Form her ein Schmuckstück in einer kleinen Küche und mit sehr guter Isolierung nach außen hin stellt dieser Reiskocher auf bedienfreundliche Art ein sehr gutes Ergebnis für Liebhaber von Reisbeilagen dar. Begonnen habe ich mit Beutelreis , ich hatte einfach nichts anderes da, den ich natürlich heraus nahm, das Ergebnis war für meine Begriffe sehr gut beim Verwenden von 1 Teil auf 1,5 Teile Wasser. Für mich waren dann aber doch die Körner noch etwas zu klein, obwohl sie gar durch sind und auch schmecken- man ist ja erst mal den pappigen , größeren Reis aus dem Wassertopf gewöhnt und ich würde wahrscheinlich den gesamten Beutelinhalt ( 125 g Trocknreis ) verzehrt haben, von dem wir früher ( Wasserkochverfahren ) immer zu Zweit satt wurden- das wollte ich n i c h t ! Daher der zweite Versuch - erst einmal das Verhältnis 1:2 , der Reis, inzwischen Bioprodukt( nicht Arsen belastet-) von einem Drogeriemarkt, quoll sehr schön auf, es brannte nichts an, leichtes Ansetzen behob ich n i c h t mit dem dazu geliefertem Reislöffel aus Plastik sondern mit einem Teigschaber mit Stiel aus Weichplastik, weil ich die - von anderen Käufern erwähnte, empfindliche Beschichtung des herausnehmbaren Aluminium- Innentopfes nicht mutwillig ankratzen wollte. . Das Ergebnis des Quell-und Warmhaltevorganges war toll, die Körner hatten eine schöne Form, locker, pappten kaum aneinander, bei Salz würde man den Begriff "rieselfähig" verwenden- also prima. Nun interessierte mich natürlich, wie sich der Reis bei 1:3 verhält und wie der Topf damit klar(stein) kommt! Ich persönlich nehme einfach eine Tasse ( 150 g ) voll Reis, der Messbecher ist mir zu klein, sicher aber richtiges Maß für eine Mahlzeit einer einzigen Person sowie die gleiche Tasse, um das prozentual richtige Wassermaß zu haben. Mein nächster Versuch war folgender: Als der Reis 1:2 fertig war-wie gesagt-tolles Ergebnis-wartete ich einen Augenblick, bis sich die Cook-Taste ( BI - .Metall - Streifen-? ) wieder herunter drücken ließ und schüttete eine dritte Tasse heißes Wasser nach. Auch das nahm der Reis auf, es gluckste nichts, es spritzte nichts, das Wasser verzog sich in dem an sich fertigen, bissfestem Reis, dieser wurde noch fülliger, behielt die Konsistenz ansonsten , pappte kaum an und diese Variante gefällt m i r persönlich am besten. Im Kochtopf war bei mir das Verhältnis auch immer 1:3 Vielleicht sind Reisprofis nun erschüttert aber ich möchte wenig Kalorien für vollen Magen- also mehr oder weniger auch ab- und nicht zunehmen. Die weiteren Versuche: Ich schüttete gleich drei Tassen Wasser zu der einen Tasse Reis, der Prozess verlängert sich natürlich und dann kann es passieren, dass es nicht nur aus dem Abzugsloch des Deckels dampft sondern auch Spritzer von angereichertem Reiswasser mit entweichen und entsprechend , weiße Ablagerungen am Deckel und am Topf- Rand entstehen , das verschmutzt den Außenring des Innentopfes. Das passiert ansonsten überhaupt nicht.! Daher bleibe ich bei der vordem ausprobierten Variante. Dennoch war jedes Reisergebnis zum Schluss, nach dem Warm- Halten für mich und allgemein wieder absolut in Ordnung, unvergleichlich besser als in Wasser gekochter Reis. Der Geschmack ist köstlich- auch ungesalzen-, diese Bissfestigkeit des gedämpften Reises wie eben auch in einer entsprechenden Gaststätte, man fühlt sich richtig verwöhnt und versteht nun, dass de Reis in bestimmten Ländern auch einfach zwischen die Stäbchen genommen werden kann Der Innentopf lässt sich nach der Wärmephase leicht vom Reis trennen, die unteren Körner sind bei jeder Art der Wassermenge l e i c h t angesetzt, doch habe ich die Erfahrung gemacht, dass sich das , wenn man nicht sofort entnimmt, im Stück prima ablöst, als würde der Dampf sich noch einmal darunter setzen. Der Topf selber ist ebenfalls ein Leichtgewicht, wird außen kaum richtig heiß, was sich bei beim Vergleich des Innen-und Außenmaßes verstehen lässt, nur etwas warm und ich kann diesen Topf einem Ein- bis Zwei-Personenhaushalt empfehlen. Er ist für Singles optimal, für Paare müsste man dann die Reisportion erhöhen, ich denke, 200 Trockenreis, je nach Appetit, und die 1 1/2 bis doppelte Menge Wasser lassen zwei Personen diesen Kocher gut nutzen. Der Topf kann bis zu zwei Drittel an Gesamtfüllung verkraften, das bringt er sicher auch mit 200 g Trockenreis, wir haben 150 g schon ausprobiert und es war noch genügend Platz genug nach oben.... Was ich bei meinen Versuchen nicht beachtet und daher bisher noch nicht berücksichtigt habe, war die Zeit bis zur Gar Reife. Zum Schluss sei noch der moderate Preis bei lobenswertem Design und Gebrauchswert erwähnt. Einzige Angst bei mir- die Beschichtung, das wird die Zeit ergeben.... vielleicht melde ich mich dazu irgendwann noch einmal mit den Langzeiterfahrungen. Vielleicht gibt es sogar Einsätze zu kaufen, doch das ist erst einmal unwesentlich für mich. Nach dem heutigen Probieren scheínt es eine Möglichkeit zu geben, das "Ansetzen" zu verhindern. Ich habe zuerst das Wasser-2 Teile und etwas später erst den Reis- 1 Teil dazu gegeben, , somit rieselte er ein und lag nur locker auf der Bodenfläche, dadurch hatte ich in Folge k e i n e n angesetzten Reis mehr, die Bodenfläche war feucht aber sauber, also reisfrei. Vielleicht war es das....Dann gäbe es auch keine Kratzer im Topf, wäre doch toll!!!

This is a part that I really enjoy! With delicate external dimensions, a maximum of 20 cm diameter outside and about 18 cm inside, an outside height of 15 cm, a gem in terms of color and shape in a small kitchen and with very good insulation to the outside, this user-friendly rice cooker is a very good one Result for lovers of rice side dishes. I started with rice bags, I just didn't have anything else with me, which I took out of course, the result was very good in my opinion using 1 part to 1.5 parts water. For me, the grains were still a bit too small, although they are done and taste good - you are used to the sticky, larger rice from the water pot and I would probably have eaten the entire contents of the bag (125 g dry rice). , from which we used to (boiling water) always get fed up for two - I didn't want that! Hence the second attempt - first of all the ratio 1:2, the rice, now an organic product (not contaminated with arsenic) from a drugstore, swelled up very nicely, nothing burned, I couldn't fix it with the plastic rice spoon that came with it but with a spatula with a soft plastic handle, because I didn't want to scratch the sensitive coating of the removable aluminum inner pot - mentioned by other buyers. . The result of the swelling and warming process was great, the grains had a nice shape, loose, hardly stuck together, with salt you would use the term "free-flowing" - so great. Now, of course, I was interested in how the rice behaves at 1:3 and how the pot can handle it! Personally, I just take a cup (150 g) full of rice, the measuring cup is too small for me, but it is certainly the right size for a single person's meal and the same cup to have the correct percentage of water. My next attempt was as follows: When the rice was 1:2 ready-as I said-great result-I waited a moment until the cook button (BI -.Metal - Stripes-?) could be pressed down again and poured a third one cup of hot water after. The rice absorbed that too, nothing gurgled, nothing spattered, the water disappeared in the finished, al dente rice, which became even fuller, otherwise retained the consistency, hardly stuck and I personally like this variant best. In the saucepan, the ratio was always 1:3 for me. Maybe rice professionals are shocked now, but I want fewer calories for a full stomach - i.e. more or less losing weight and not gaining weight. The other experiments: I immediately poured three cups of water into the one cup of rice, the process is of course lengthened and then it can happen that not only does it steam out of the vent hole in the lid, but also splashes of enriched rice water escape and, accordingly, white deposits on the lid and on the edge of the pot, which soils the outer ring of the inner pot. Otherwise it doesn't happen at all! That's why I'm sticking with the previously tried option. Nevertheless, each rice result was absolutely fine at the end, after keeping it warm for me and in general, incomparably better than rice cooked in water. The taste is delicious - even unsalted - the al dente of the steamed rice just like in a corresponding restaurant, you feel really spoiled and now understand that in certain countries the rice can also simply be taken between the chopsticks The inner pot is wearing off separate easily from the rice during the warm phase, the lower grains are slightly attached to any type of amount of water, but I have found that if you don't remove it immediately, it comes off in one piece, as if the steam were settling underneath it again . The pot itself is also lightweight, hardly gets really hot on the outside, which can be understood when comparing the inside and outside dimensions, only a little warm and I can recommend this pot to a one- to two-person household. It is ideal for singles, for couples you would have to increase the rice portion, I think 200 dry rice, depending on your appetite, and the 1 1/2 to double the amount of water allow two people to use this cooker well. The pot can handle up to two-thirds of the total filling, which it will certainly bring with 200 g of dry rice, we have already tried 150 g and there was still enough space at the top.... Which I did not take into account in my experiments and therefore up until now not yet taken into account was the time to full maturity. Finally, the moderate price with a commendable design and practical value should be mentioned. My only fear is the coating, time will tell... maybe I'll get back to you sometime with the long-term experiences. You might even be able to buy inserts, but that's not important to me at first. After today's testing, it seems there is a way to prevent the "sticking". I first added the 2 parts water and a little later the 1 part rice, so it trickled in and only lay loosely on the floor surface, so I didn't have any more rice that was attached, the floor surface was damp but clean, so travel free. Maybe that was it... Then there would be no scratches in the pot, that would be great!!!

From Philippe Rated at 12.09.2015

Ce charmant cuiseur de riz d’une puissance de 500 Watt avec mijoteuse est livré avec une cuillère à riz et un gobelet doseur. Le look année 50, couleur rouge vif lui va très bien. Le maniement est hyper simple avec un unique basculeur de mise en marche et 2 voyants pour la cuisson et un autre pour le maintien en température. Tout est automatique. La seule précaution est de bien le positionner pendant la cuisson car les pieds ont une tendance irrésistible à glisser sur un plan de travail. Le bol de cuisson est recouvert d’un célèbre revêtement anti-adhérant. Côté utilisation pour le riz, suivre la consigne du livret. Exemple pour 2 convives, on verse 2 doses de riz et 2 1/2 d’eau dans le bol de cuisson. On recouvre et on laisse faire le cuiseur. En fin de cuisson il passe automatiquement en mode maintien de température pour la durée que vous voulez. Pour des légumes on utilisera la mijoteuse après avoir versé de l’eau dans le bol. Placé le cuiseur de façon à ne pas être importuné par la vapeur qui sort du couvercle, puis enfoncez le basculeur. La suite est invariablement automatique. Passons à table. - Ajoutez une noix de beurre, le riz est prêt à être consommé. La cuisson est parfaite et confère au riz ses propriétés de base, à savoir goût authentique et texture. Le riz ne gonfle pas, ce mode de cuisson permet à un riz de conserver ses spécificités de terroir. - Les légumes sont savoureux et gardent leur qualités gustatives et nutritionnelles. C’est un vrai bonheur que de rechercher les arômes d’un met. Je conseille vivement ce cuiseur facile à vivre et l’indissociable mijoteuse proposé à un tarif très correct. Le cuiseur Osaka devient vite incontournable car tout le monde en redemande, à table bien sur.

This charming 500 Watt rice cooker with slow cooker comes with a rice scoop and a measuring cup. The 50s look, bright red color suits it very well. The handling is super simple with a single switch on and 2 lights for cooking and another for maintaining the temperature. Everything is automatic. The only precaution is to position it correctly during cooking because the feet have an irresistible tendency to slip on a work surface. The cooking bowl is coated with a famous non-stick coating. On the use side for rice, follow the instructions in the booklet. Example for 2 guests, pour 2 doses of rice and 2 1/2 of water into the cooking bowl. We cover and let the cooker do it. At the end of cooking, it automatically switches to temperature maintenance mode for the duration you want. For vegetables, use the slow cooker after pouring water into the bowl. Place the cooker so as not to be bothered by the steam coming out of the lid, then press the rocker. The sequence is invariably automatic. Let's go to the table. - Add a knob of butter, the rice is ready to eat. The cooking is perfect and gives the rice its basic properties, namely authentic taste and texture. The rice does not swell, this method of cooking allows rice to retain its specificities of the region. - The vegetables are tasty and retain their taste and nutritional qualities. It is a real pleasure to seek out the aromas of a dish. I highly recommend this easy-going cooker and the inseparable slow cooker offered at a very reasonable price. The Osaka cooker quickly becomes essential because everyone wants more, at the table of course.

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Osaka 1 Rice Cooker
  • 400W rice cooker
  • 1 litre volume – up to 6 cups of rice
  • Automatically stops cooking as soon as the rice is done
37,99 € 27,99 €
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