[Returns: -10%] Basel Electric Fireplace Heater

189,99 €
Original price: 211,99 € -10%
(incl. VAT)
  • Electrical fireplace, Heater
  • Silver
Product number: 52030743
Basel Electric Fireplace Heater
189,99 €
Original price: 211,99 € -10%
(incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    179,99 €
    Original price: 211,99 €
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Atmospheric electric fireplace with flame illusion

  • Focal point in any room thanks to realistic fireplace dimensions

  • Built-in 2000W heater

Product description

Beautify your home and create a romantic atmosphere with the Basel electric fireplace from Klarstein. Even when switched off, its glass front and brushed stainless steel give your living room a touch of modern elegance. Switched on, the beautiful flame simulation fills the room with a dim romantic light, much like a real fireplace. The Basel saves you the hassle of lugging wood to light a fire, not to mention dealing with the resulting dirt - simply push a button to spread the fireplace atmosphere. A dimmer function lets you adjust the brightness, allowing you to choose between a brightly blazing fire or simply a little glow depending on your mood. With realistic fireplace dimensions of approximately 90 x 60 cm, the Basel makes a wonderful eye-catcher in the living room, bedroom or study.

If desired, the Klarstein electric fireplace can be combined with a switchable LED backlight to further strengthen the mood. Seven different colours are available to provide the device with a halo of colourful light. The Basel is not just a decorative element: the device is a powerful 2000W heater, which can be activated separately. In two stages, 1000W and 2000W, the device immediately spreads warmth when switched on, not only driving the cold out of the room but enhancing the illusion of an open fire. Whether on cool summer evenings or cold winter days, the electric fireplace is always ready to make your home cozy and comfortable.

So that you can relax more completely, the Klarstein device features a remote control that allows you to control all settings easily from the couch or bearskin rug. Alternatively, it may be also operated via the control section on the top panel. Another highlight of the electric fireplace is its versatility in assembly. With the included mounting hardware, the device may be hung on the wall or placed anywhere on the floor with the included stand. If necessary, the Basel may be easily cleaned thanks to the removable front panel.


  • Material front panel: brushed stainless steel and glass
  • Material device body: sheet steel
  • Two-stage heater: 1000W & 2000W
  • Atmospheric LED backlight
  • 7 selectable colours
  • Dimmer function for flame brightness
  • Easy installation including fastening material and stand
  • Easy cleaning thanks to removable front
  • On / off switch on the top panel
  • Power supply: 220-240V ~ / 50-60Hz
Product number: 52030743

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions front panel: 90 x 56 cm (W x H)
  • Dimensions unit (without bezel): 78 x 53 x 10 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions for floor standing with feet: 90 x 61 x 30 cm (WxHxD)
  • Cable length: 1.65 m
  • Weight: about 18.6 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • 1 x wall mounting set
  • 1 x stand
  • 1 x remote control (batteries not included)
  • English manual (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Customer reviews
2 Ratings

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Ero in cerca di un elettrodomestico che riscaldasse in casa ma che fosse anche un oggetto di arredamento e che accogliesse in modo romantico. Dopo tanto finalemente l'ho trovato, ecco Basel il camino elettrico e termoventilatore della Klarstein, è ora sarà facile riscaldare la mia casa e abbellirla, creando un'atmosfera, romantica, magica e suggestiva. Davvero strepitoso, arrivato prima del previsto, l'imballaggio era davvero perfetto, infatti era chiuso in due scatole e ben sigillato, nella sua confezione c'è il camino elettrico, un set di fissaggio a parete, un piede, il telecomando e il manuale d'istruzioni. Basel klarstein è facilissimo da montare,basta prenderlo dallo scatolo e fissarlo o alla parete con il kit di fissaggio, oppure potete appoggiarlo sul piede che è compreso nella confezione,quando l'avrete messo dove più vi piace è facilissimo usarlo. Il termoventilatore Basel è realizzato con ottimi materiali, il pannello frontale è in vetro e in acciaio inox spazzolato, mentre la sua struttura è in lamiera d'acciaio,ha l'alimentazione a corrente 220-240V~ / 50-60Hz, ed è di 1000 W e di 2000 W, ha la retroilluminazione a LED, ben 7 colori che potete scegliere. Appena lo vidi me ne innamorai, si perchè amo moltissimo il camino,non avendolo a casa scelsi il Klarstein Basel, che è un termoventilatore a forma di camino finto che in casa sarebbe stato proprio l'ideale per riscaldare la casa nelle fredde giornate invernali, e con il suo design moderno avrebbe arredato la casa con la sua facciata in vetro e acciaio inox spazzolato regalando un tocco elegante. Sia spento che acceso regala momenti rilassanti, davvero favoloso, infatti quando l'ho acceso e ho vista la sua fiamma (finta naturalmente ) e con la sua luce fioca, ho capito che ho fatto davvero bene a prenderlo, anche perchè pensate al camino vero, sprcherebbe tutta la casa con la sua cenrìere e poi prendere la legna invece semplicemente con una tasto basel ci riscalderà regalandoci caldo, tepore e un'atmosfera giusta illuminando la stanz. Klarstein Basel pesa solo 18,6 kg ed ha le dimensioni di un camino, il pannello frontale è di 90 x 56 cm (LxA), mentre le dimensioni camino (senza pannello frontale)sono di 78 x 53 x 10 cm (LxAxP) e con il piede le sue dimensioni sono 90 x 61 x 30 cm (LxAxP), ha un cavo luno 1,65 m Mi piace tantissimo questo termovenilatore,per la sua bellezza, il suo riscaldamento,e oltre alla fiamma finta, alla sua giusta dimensione, alla qualità dei materiali, un'altra cosa che mi ha colpito moltissimo è il colore del LEd della fiamma che si può scegliere, potrete cambiare ben 7 colori,insomma in base al vostro umore potrete scegliere il colore, e anche la luminosità, grazie al Dimmer imposterete la luminosità della fiamma, da accessa a fioca, pulirlo è facilissimo, basta rimuovere la parte frontale. Potrete metterlo in qualsiasi stanza vogliate, camera da letto, soggiorno,ect, e poi fissarlo come vorrete, e con il telecomando non avrete problemi per i comandi, godetevi Basel il camino della Klarstein che vi scalda, vi illumina e vi renderà le serate piacevoli e rilassate.

I was looking for an appliance that would heat the house but would also be a piece of furniture and would welcome you in a romantic way. After so much I finally found it, here is Basel the Klarstein electric fireplace and fan heater, it will now be easy to heat my home and beautify it, creating a romantic, magical and suggestive atmosphere. Really amazing, arrived earlier than expected, the packaging was really perfect, in fact it was closed in two boxes and well sealed, in its packaging there is the electric fireplace, a wall fixing set, a foot, the remote control and the manual of instructions. Basel Klarstein is very easy to assemble, just take it from the box and fix it to the wall with the fixing kit, or you can place it on the foot that is included in the package, when you have put it where you like it is very easy to use. The Basel fan heater is made with excellent materials, the front panel is in glass and brushed stainless steel, while its structure is in sheet steel, it has a 220-240V~ / 50-60Hz power supply, and is 1000W and 2000W, it has LED backlighting, as many as 7 colors that you can choose. As soon as I saw it I fell in love with it, yes because I love the fireplace very much, not having it at home I chose the Klarstein Basel, which is a fan heater in the shape of a fake fireplace which would have been ideal at home to heat the house on cold winter days. and with its modern design it would have furnished the house with its glass and brushed stainless steel facade giving an elegant touch. Both off and on it gives relaxing moments, really fabulous, in fact when I turned it on and saw its flame (fake of course) and with its dim light, I realized that I really did well to take it, also because you think of the real fireplace , it would waste the whole house with its hinge and then take the wood instead simply with a button basel will heat us giving us heat, warmth and the right atmosphere by lighting up the room. Klarstein Basel weighs only 18.6 kg and has the dimensions of a fireplace, the front panel is 90 x 56 cm (WxH), while the fireplace dimensions (without front panel) are 78 x 53 x 10 cm (WxHxD) and with the foot its dimensions are 90 x 61 x 30 cm (WxHxD), it has a 1.65 m long cable I really like this fan heater, for its beauty, its heating, and in addition to the fake flame, its right size , to the quality of the materials, another thing that struck me a lot is the color of the LED of the flame that you can choose, you can change 7 colors, in short, based on your mood you can choose the color, and also the brightness, thanks at the Dimmer you will set the brightness of the flame, from bright to dim, cleaning it is very easy, just remove the front part. You can put it in any room you want, bedroom, living room, etc, and then fix it as you want, and with the remote control you will have no problems for the commands, enjoy Basel the Klarstein fireplace that warms you, lights you up and will make your evenings pleasant and relax.


Taille: 100W La cheminée électrique murale KLARSTEIN Basel est un modèle au design moderne le format type écran 16/9 bordé en haut et bas de bandeaux inox brossé du plus bel effet. Evidemment, elle suggère une installation bien en vue. Elle illuminera votre intérieur de ses éclats de flammes réalistes et apportera un confort d’ambiance très sweet-home. Vous pourrez profiter des flammes sans le chauffage pour un visuel élégant en toutes saisons. Si vous ne souhaitez pas l’installer à demeure sur un mur, la cheminée Basel dispose d’un socle. Cependant le meilleur visuel sera obtenu en la positionnant au mur vers 40 - 60 cm du sol. Vous pourrez ainsi faire disparaître le câble d’alimentation. Elle dispose d’une télécommande pour offrir un maximum de confort avec 2 niveaux de puissance 1000 et 2000 Watts. INSTALLATION - L’installation au mur est très facile, un guide de la largeur de la cheminée est fourni : 4 perçages et vous encliquez la cheminée par le haut, terminé. - Pour la pose sur socle, il faut dévisser les 6 vis centrales de la partie inférieure de la cheminée : 4 pour la fixation et 2 pour les tétons de centrage. J’ai employé pour 2 vis, une cale de bois pour les repousser afin d’accrocher le filetage, ceci après avoir retiré la plaque avant qui cache la lampe. Le serrage du socle se fera sans forcer pour ne pas abimer le filetage, il tient très bien. Voir photos. FONCTIONNEMENT Pour un bon fonctionnement le panneau supérieur doit être dégagé pour l’air chaud, en partie droite vous accéder au tableau de commande. La mise en puissance se fait par interrupteur unique en montant 1000, puis 2000 Watts. Pour redescendre, il faut couper le chauffage et appuyer une seconde fois sur l’interrupteur, l'interrupteur permet uniquement dans l'ordre 1000, 2000, 0. La commande des flammes est indépendante du chauffage. La teinte jaune fixe est variable en luminosité, une teinte orangée rapprocherait d’une couleur authentique, mais cela ne dérange pas : comparaison faites avec un vrai insert. Atout supplémentaire d’ambiance qui rappelle une marque de téléviseur bien connue, des LEDS latérales de couleurs variables forment un halo autour du foyer. Elles se commandent soit par le panneau supérieur ou plus pratique via la télécommande. La cheminée Basel est bourrée de charme, elle chauffe bien, les 1000 Watts suffisent dans la pièce où je l’ai installée. La notice recommande une distance de 60 cm de sécurité, franchement aucun danger pour le mobilier car la sortie d’air est vers le dessus. L’air ambiant arrive par l’arrière, il faudra veiller à sa libre circulation. Je dois signaler la présence du ventilateur pour être complet, bien entendu il ne fonctionne qu’avec le chauffage. Il est assez discret, je compare à un vidéo-projecteur un peu ancien. En tout cas le bruit de ventilation est inférieur à nombre de ventilateurs d’intérieur. Il ne sera une gêne que pour les allergiques, vous pourrez regardez votre télé sereinement. Cette cheminée est une belle découverte pour moi qui ait commercialisé de véritables cheminées. Le produit est dans l’air du temps, il ne nécessite aucune corvée, il chauffe, il est beau et peu cher par rapport à un insert bois.

Size: 100W The KLARSTEIN Basel wall-mounted electric fireplace is a model with a modern design in a 16/9 screen type format bordered at the top and bottom by brushed stainless steel bands with the most beautiful effect. Obviously, it suggests a prominent installation. It will illuminate your interior with its bursts of realistic flames and will provide a very sweet-home comfort atmosphere. You can enjoy the flames without the heater for an elegant look in all seasons. If you do not want to install it permanently on a wall, the Basel fireplace has a base. However the best visual will be obtained by positioning it on the wall around 40 - 60 cm from the ground. This will allow you to remove the power cable. It has a remote control to offer maximum comfort with 2 power levels 1000 and 2000 Watts. INSTALLATION - Installation on the wall is very easy, a chimney width guide is provided: 4 holes and you click the chimney in from above, finished. - For installation on a plinth, unscrew the 6 central screws in the lower part of the fireplace: 4 for fixing and 2 for the centering studs. I used for 2 screws, a block of wood to push them back in order to hang the thread, this after having removed the front plate which hides the lamp. The tightening of the base will be done without forcing so as not to damage the thread, it holds very well. See photos. OPERATION For proper operation the upper panel must be cleared for hot air, in the right part you access the control panel. The power setting is done by a single switch by going up 1000, then 2000 Watts. To go back down, you have to turn off the heating and press the switch a second time, the switch only allows in the order 1000, 2000, 0. The control of the flames is independent of the heating. The fixed yellow tint is variable in brightness, an orange tint would resemble an authentic color, but that does not bother: comparison made with a real insert. An additional ambience reminiscent of a well-known television brand, side LEDs in variable colors form a halo around the hearth. They are controlled either by the upper panel or more conveniently via the remote control. The Basel fireplace is full of charm, it heats well, the 1000 Watts are enough in the room where I installed it. The manual recommends a safety distance of 60 cm, frankly no danger for the furniture because the air outlet is upwards. The ambient air arrives from the rear, it will be necessary to ensure its free circulation. I must point out the presence of the fan to be complete, of course it only works with the heating. It is quite discreet, I compare to a somewhat old video projector. In any case, the ventilation noise is lower than many indoor fans. It will only be a problem for those with allergies, you can watch your TV with peace of mind. This fireplace is a great discovery for me who has marketed real fireplaces. The product is in tune with the times, it does not require any chores, it heats up, it is beautiful and inexpensive compared to a wood insert.