Balzac 60 Cooker Extractor Hood
- Head-free cooker hood, Wall cooker hood
- Silver
Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty194,99 €Original price: 216,99 €
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Top features
Powerful: 60cm-wide exhaust hood with 210 W engine power for small to medium kitchens
Strong performance: maximum exhaust air output up to 610 m³ / h in 3 stages
Everything in view: switchable LED cooking surface lighting with 2 x 1.5 W
Product description
Best air in the kitchen: the Klarstein Balzac 60 cooker extractor hood brings a noble highlight to kitchens while at the same time sweeping away steam and haze during cooking.
The Klarstein Balzac 60 extractor hood with 210 W motor power in the recirculation mode ensures haze-free air in small to medium-sized kitchens. Three power levels handle up to 610 m³ of exhaust air per hour and tailor the performance of the head-free wall hood to the respective cooking volume. Particularly practical is the upwardly emerging construction of the 60cm-wide hood, which gives your head the necessary freedom of movement while cooking. The exhaust hood needs little space in depth. Ventilation and lighting are controlled via the front-side operating section. A quick timer easily clears the air for 5 minutes and then turns off the device. The elegant hood is controlled quite simply via a touch panel with digital display. A switchable light with 2 x 1.5 W LED lamps ensures good visibility on the stove.
In addition to its strong performance, the Klarstein Balzac 60 wall-mounted hood is a luxurious piece of kitchen equipment: the body out of 304 stainless steel gives it a modern look, complemented by safety glass side panels and a 2-piece flue duct. A real highlight in the kitchen.
The extractor hood can be converted to recirculation mode with the help of an activated carbon filter (article 10030727).
- Energy efficiency class B
- 2-part flue cover (stainless steel) with height from 50 to 95 cm
- Quick timer: 5-minute switch-off timer for re-ventilation
- Aluminium grease filter, dishwasher-safe
- Mounting set with wall brackets, dowels and screws
- Total power consumption with light switched on at highest level: 213 W
- Power supply: 220-240 V~ | 50/60 Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions (without flue duct): about 60 x 50 x 35 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions (flue, one part): about 31.5 x 50 x 27.5 cm (WxHxD)
- Height of flue: about 50 - 95 cm
- Exhaust hose diameter: 150 mm & 153 mm (Ø)
- Length of power cable: about 1.40 m
- Weight: about 13 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x cooker extractor hood
- 2 x flue duct
- 1 x exhaust hose
- 1 x mounting set (wall bracket, dowels, screws)
- English user manual (other languages: German, French, Italian, Spanish)
Delivery & shipment
No review available for this item.
Die Dunsabzugshaube ist einfach zu montieren. Sie sieht gut aus und saugt auch gut. Was die Geräusche angeht ist es ok, die höhere Saugleistung kommt nicht von nichts. Die Ausleuchung des Kochfekd ist auch gut. Für den Umluftbetrieb sind extra zwei Kohelfilter zubestellen; schade das diese nicht beiliegen. Die blaue Schutzfolie ließ sich bei mir leicht entfernen
The extractor hood is easy to assemble. She looks good and sucks well too. As far as the noise goes, it's ok, the higher suction power doesn't come from nothing. The illumination of the cooktop is also good. Two extra carbon filters must be ordered for recirculation mode; it's a shame these aren't included. The blue protective film was easy to remove for me
Der Vetilator ist zwar leise, hat aber eine Unwucht, die das ganze Gerät vibrieren lässt.
The Vetilator is quiet, but has an imbalance that makes the whole device vibrate.
Die Haube wurde schnell geliefert und kam gestern an. Sie wurde sofort eingebaut und natürlich gleich ausprobiert. Es funktioniert alles wie es sein soll und sie macht einen guten Eindruck. Das Preis- Leistungsverhältnis stimmt absolut. Meine Empfehlung hat sie.
The hood was delivered quickly and arrived yesterday. It was installed immediately and of course tried out right away. Everything works as it should and it makes a good impression. The price-performance ratio is absolutely right. She has my recommendation.
Passt alles eigentlich etwas laut aber egal in der Küche.
Everything fits, actually, a bit noisy, but it doesn't matter in the kitchen.
Hat eine gute Saugleistung für diesen Preis. Schade nur das der Kamin etwas wackelig ist beim reinigen. Sieht wertig aus. Edelstahl hat kein Schutzlack so das es etwas mehr arbeit macht beim reinigen. Ich würde sie mir wieder kaufen.
Has good suction power for the price. It's just a pity that the fireplace is a bit wobbly when cleaning. Looks valuable. Stainless steel does not have a protective coating, so it takes a little more work to clean. I would buy them again.
Sehr stylisch gefällt mir echt gut . Sehr putzintensiv das Glas aber man gewöhnt sich dran . Touchpad manchmal etwas schwerfällig in der Bedienung aber ist kein Highend Produkt dessen muss man sich bewusst sein . Alles in allem würde ich sie trotzdem wieder kaufen für den Preis.
I really like it very stylish. The glass takes a lot of cleaning but you get used to it. Touchpad sometimes a bit cumbersome to use, but it's not a high-end product, you have to be aware of that. All in all I would still buy them again for the price.
Leider ohne Kohlefilter, müssen extra bestellt werden.
Unfortunately without carbon filter, must be ordered separately.
Die Abzugshaube hat ein schönes Design. Aber sie ist unglaublich laut und vibriert ohne Ende schon auf Stufe 1.
The hood has a beautiful design. But it's incredibly loud and vibrates endlessly even at level 1.
Die Abzugsleistung ist gut, darüber können wir uns nicht beschweren. Allerdings ist das Gerät wirklich sehr laut und die Verarbeitung lässt zu wünschen übrig. Die Folie vom Gerät abzubekommen war ein Kraftakt!
The trigger pull is good, we can't complain about that. However, the device is really very loud and the workmanship leaves a lot to be desired. Getting the film off the device was a feat of strength!
Eine Haube für den kleinen Geldbeutel hat gute Werte bei der Saugleistung. Macht ihre Arbeit ist natürlich etwas laut auf der höchsten Stufe, Wind und Luftgeräusche sind ja normal. Tipp für alle: bei Abluft solltet ihr am besten auch die größten Durchmesser an Rohr anbauen da die Geräusche und die Leistung sonst darunter leiden.
A hood for a small budget has good suction power values. Does its job is of course a bit loud on the highest level, wind and air noise are normal. Tip for everyone: for exhaust air, you should also attach the largest diameter pipe, otherwise the noise and performance will suffer.
Anlieferung: Die Anlieferung erfolgt gut verpackt und mit genügend Schutzmaterial. Alle Oberflächen sind mit einer Schutzfolie versehen. Aufbau: Der Aufbau nach Anleitung gestaltete sich einfach und kann bei optimalen Vorrausetzungen problemlos durchgeführt werden. Bei einem Versatz in der Wand oder unpassenden Anschluss des Außenanschluss muss man etwas improvisieren. Mit der flexiblen Länge des Schlauchs kann man hier aber durchaus Flexibel reagieren. Funktionen: Die Funktionen sind einfach gestaltet. 3 Stufen für den Dunstabzug, Licht und ein Möglichkeit Filter auszutauschen. Leistung: Die Leistung ist vollkommen ausreichend und zieht auch größere Dunstentwicklungen problemlos ab. Kritikpunkt ist die Lautstärke des Artikels. Bei Betrieb in der höchsten Stufe (Stufe 3) ist die Abzugshaube sehr laut. Hier wäre eine bessere Geräusch Isolation wünschenswert. Fazit: Wenn man Abstriche bei der Lautstärke machen kann ist das Preisleistungsverhältnis gut. Einfach ein solides Gerät.
Delivery: The delivery is well packed and with sufficient protective material. All surfaces are covered with a protective film. Construction: The construction according to the instructions was easy and can be carried out without any problems under optimal conditions. If there is an offset in the wall or if the external connection is not properly connected, you have to improvise a bit. With the flexible length of the hose you can react flexibly here. Functions: The functions are designed simply. 3 levels for the extractor hood, light and a possibility to exchange filters. Performance: The performance is completely sufficient and also pulls off larger haze developments without any problems. The point of criticism is the volume of the article. When operating at the highest level (level 3), the extractor hood is very loud. Better noise isolation would be desirable here. Conclusion: If you can compromise on the volume, the price-performance ratio is good. Just a solid device.
En choisissant ce modèle, je ne me suis pas trompée car en plus d’être élégante, elle est très efficace et pratique. Elle est équipée d’un double système de fonctionnement : l’évacuation et le recyclage. Dans le premier cas, un trou dans le mur pour la raccorder à l’extérieur est à prévoir (le conduit d'extraction est fourni), sinon, en mode recyclage, un filtre à charbon est nécessaire (non inclus). Sa forme inclinée permet une grande liberté de mouvements en cuisinant sans risquer de me cogner la tête et son éclairage assure une visibilité parfaite. Son niveau sonore est correct puisqu’elle provoque un bruit de 47 dB à vitesse minimale, ce qui est peu bruyant et 60 en boost, ce qui incommode peu et reste tout à fait supportable. Niveau efficacité, les 3 vitesses d’aspiration présélectionnées, la minuterie Quick-Time très utile (arrêt automatique après 5 minutes de ventilation) et l'éclairage se commandent facilement sur l’écran tactile avec affichage LED à l'avant de la hotte. Elle est très performante en matière d’absorption des fumées et grâce à son grand filtre en aluminium (facile à retirer et à entretenir) fini les odeurs gênantes et les vapeurs de graisse qui s’accumulent au plafond et sur les meubles ! Un conseil, le pan de la hotte étant incliné, prendre comme repère le centre de la zone filtrante pour déterminer la hauteur d’installation (idéalement 65 cm au-dessus d’une table vitrocéramique et 70 cm pour le gaz). Pour conclure, sa classe d’efficacité énergétique est excellente puisqu’elle est notée A. Elle est livrée avec son kit d’accessoires pour le montage mural et une notice en français. Si vous avez décidé d’accorder un budget raisonnable pour l’acquisition d’une hotte 60 cm de bonne qualité, vous ne serez pas déçu par ce modèle. Enfin (et c’est super) sa forme originale s’adapte bien à ma cuisine contemporaine !
By choosing this model, I was not mistaken because in addition to being elegant, it is very efficient and practical. It is equipped with a dual operating system: evacuation and recycling. In the first case, a hole in the wall to connect it to the outside is to be expected (the extraction duct is provided), otherwise, in recycling mode, a carbon filter is necessary (not included). Its inclined shape allows great freedom of movement while cooking without risking hitting my head and its lighting ensures perfect visibility. Its noise level is correct since it produces a noise of 47 dB at minimum speed, which is not very noisy and 60 in boost, which is not very inconvenient and remains quite bearable. In terms of efficiency, the 3 pre-selected suction speeds, the very useful Quick-Time timer (automatic shutdown after 5 minutes of ventilation) and the lighting are easily controlled on the touch screen with LED display on the front of the hood. It is very efficient in terms of smoke absorption and thanks to its large aluminum filter (easy to remove and maintain) no more annoying odors and grease vapors that accumulate on the ceiling and furniture! A word of advice, since the hood side is inclined, take the center of the filtering area as a reference to determine the installation height (ideally 65 cm above a vitroceramic hob and 70 cm for gas). To conclude, its energy efficiency class is excellent since it is rated A. It comes with its accessory kit for wall mounting and instructions in French. If you have decided to allocate a reasonable budget for the acquisition of a good quality 60 cm hood, you will not be disappointed by this model. Finally (and this is great) its original shape adapts well to my contemporary kitchen!
Diese Abzugshaube ist nun seit längerem im Betrieb. Ich bin sehr zufrieden damit, bis auf zwei Kleinigkeiten: Das Firmenlogo ist bei der ersten Reinigung verwischt, bei der nachfolgenden komplett verschwunden (was nichts mit der Fuktionalität zu tun hat) und die Innenseite der Klappe ist schwer zu reinigen, da sie nicht arretierbar ist und immer zuklappt, wenn man sie nicht hält. Aber alles in allem ein gutes Teil zu fairem Preis.
This extractor hood has now been in operation for a long time. I am very happy with it, except for two small things: the company logo smudged the first time it was cleaned, completely disappeared the next time (which has nothing to do with functionality) and the inside of the flap is difficult to clean because it cannot be locked and always closes when you're not holding it. But all in all a good part at a fair price.
Der Artikel ist so an sich platzsparend. Wenn man es benötigt, dann klappt man es aus und sonst bleibt es so wie es ist. Praktisch ist auf jeden Fall auch das Licht. Das ist eigentlich täglich im Gebrauch. Ich lasse sogar manchmal so in der Küche das Licht aus und verwende nur das. Die Leistung finde ich ebenfalls ausreichend - bzw. habe ich da nichts auszusetzen oder kann was negatives dazu sagen. Wenn das Gerät an ist, dann ist es jetzt auch nicht so laut. Klar hört man es, aber es ist an sich nicht störend. Die Verarbeitung ist echt gut gemacht. Daher sieht es auch sehr hochwertig aus. Keine Fehler oder so. Bin zufrieden.
The article itself is space-saving. When you need it, you fold it out and otherwise it stays as it is. In any case, the light is also practical. It's actually in daily use. Sometimes I even leave the light off in the kitchen and only use that. I also find the performance sufficient - or I have nothing to complain about or can say anything negative about it. When the device is on, it's not that loud now. Of course you can hear it, but it is not disturbing in itself. The processing is really well done. Therefore it also looks very high quality. No errors or anything. Am satisfied.
Sehr sehr laut, Abluft nach Umstellung auf Umluft (mit 2x(!) Aktivkohlefiltern) ersetzt den Ventilator in der ganzen Küche, es zieht überall wie Hechtsuppe..... Sonst, ein top Design, Bedienung und Qualität i. O. Bei Abluftanschluss nach außen ein Top-Gerät, für nur innen (Umluft) eher ungeeignet!
Very very loud, exhaust air after switching to circulating air (with 2x(!) activated carbon filters) replaces the fan in the whole kitchen, it draws like pike soup everywhere..... Otherwise, a top design, service and quality i. O. A top device for exhaust air connection to the outside, rather unsuitable for only inside (circulating air)!
Ottimo design, potenza di aspirazione molto valida,ancge se con i filtri ha perso molto.seevizio clienti serio e preciso
Great design, very good suction power, even with the filters it has lost a lot. Serious and precise customer service
Ottima credo sia per i piani ad induzione perché l aspirazione e troppo forte e sposta i fuochi però e un buon prodotto
I think it is excellent for induction hobs because the suction is too strong and moves the burners, but it is a good product.
Bonne puissance d'aspiration et très esthétique mais il manque des verins de relevage pourtant présent dans la plupart des hottes de ce type et enfin, livré sans les filtres à charbon actif qui chez klarstein sont hors de prix
Good suction power and very aesthetic but it lacks lifting cylinders, which are present in most hoods of this type, and finally, delivered without the activated carbon filters which at Klarstein are overpriced
Dopo circa due mesi di utilizzo posso recensire il prodotto accuratamente, premettendo che ho lavorato fino a poco tempo fa e per circa 17 anni come venditore e installatore di elettrodomestici... La qualità cistruttiva e dei materiali è in linea con marchi con ben più blasonati (di cui non faccio il nome, ma chi lavora nel settore sa bene a chi mi riferisco). Il montaggio è di una facilità sbalorditiva (come tutte le altre cappe), infatti non capisco chi ha trovato difficoltà. La rumorosità è anch'essa negli standard, a dispetto di un'ottima potenza d'aspirazione. Ottimo anche il design (ma questo è soggettivo). Il servizio clienti post vendita che ti chiama per appurare il grado di soddisfazione per l'acquisto è la ciliegina sulla torta. Che dire? Prodotto promosso a pieni voti.
After about two months of use I can review the product accurately, stating that I worked until recently and for about 17 years as a seller and installer of household appliances ... The construction quality and materials are in line with much more renowned brands (which I will not name, but those who work in the sector know well who I am referring to). The assembly is incredibly easy (like all other hoods), in fact I do not understand who found it difficult. The noise is also within the standards, despite excellent suction power. The design is also excellent (but this is subjective). The after-sales customer service that calls you to ascertain the degree of satisfaction with the purchase is the icing on the cake. What can I say? Product promoted with full marks.
Ottimo prodotto qualità prezzo
Excellent product quality price
Leider sind bei dieser Haube zwei verschiedene LED s eingebaut wurden.Ein gelbes und ein weißes Licht.Ist zwar nicht so sehr entscheident,sieht aber etwas komisch aus . Wir haben aber bisher auch noch nicht rausbekommen wie man an die LED s rankommt um sie zu wechseln.
Unfortunately, two different LEDs were installed in this hood. A yellow and a white light. It's not so crucial, but it looks a bit strange. But we haven't figured out how to get to the LEDs to change them.
Buongiorno dopo qualche mese di utilizzo mi sento di poter dare un mio giudizio su questo prodotto ,comincio col dire che l aspetto è moderno e gradevole la funzione dei tasti tuch è perfetta ,per l aspirazione già sull 1 è più che sufficiente, silenziosa e il rapporto qualità prezzo è indiscutibile ,sono un posatore di mobili e di kappe ne vedo ,quindi so quello che dico ,buona kappa a tutti, raccomandata
Good morning, after a few months of use I feel I can give my opinion on this product, I start by saying that the appearance is modern and pleasant, the function of the tuch buttons is perfect, for the suction already on the 1 is more than sufficient, silent and the quality/price ratio is indisputable, I am a furniture installer and I see a lot of Kappas, so I know what I'm saying, good Kappa to everyone, recommended
Notre choix s'est porté sur ce modèle pour des raisons d'encombrement et de facilité d'ouverture des placards adjacents. En fait elle est esthétique et pratique à utiliser. le système d'éclairage est lui aussi bien pratique.Je reproche simplement que le couvercle ne se tienne pas en position inclinée, l'aspiration serait sans doute plus efficace.
We chose this model for reasons of space and ease of opening adjacent cupboards. In fact, it is aesthetic and practical to use. The lighting system is also very practical. I only criticize that the lid does not hold in an inclined position, the suction would probably be more effective.
Die Abzugshaube ist sehr laut. Auf Stufe 2 kann man kein Gespräch mehr führen, wenn man am Herd steht. Die Saugleistung ist dafür super. Mit speziellen Edelstahlreiniger gut zu reinigen. Für den Preis bin ich zufrieden, würde aber nächstes Mal mehr Geld ausgeben...
The hood is very noisy. At level 2, you can no longer have a conversation while standing at the stove. The suction power is great. Easy to clean with special stainless steel cleaner. I'm satisfied for the price, but would spend more money next time...
Dommage que la notice soit pas la bonne
Too bad the instructions are not the right ones.
prima Gerät lediglich 2 kleinigkeiten stören mich. zum 1. sollten gleich kohlefilter mit angeboten werden damit man die nicht über einen zweithändler kaufen muss und zum 2. sollte das licht sofort angehen wenn man den lichtschalter betätigt und nicht noch zusätzlich die haube einschalten. Das sind natürlich nur verbesserungsvorschläge, denn die haube sieht klasse aus und funktioniert auch klasse
great device only 2 little things bother me. 1. carbon filters should be offered at the same time so that you don't have to buy them from a second dealer and 2. the light should go on immediately when you press the light switch and not also switch on the hood. These are of course only suggestions for improvement, because the hood looks great and works great too
Moderne et discrète, ne fait pas de bruit, nous l'avons installées très rapidement. En sommes très satisfaits.
Modern and discreet, does not make noise, we installed it very quickly. We are very satisfied.
Dese Haube sieht edel aus und ist zu diesem Preis unschlagbar, aber hat leider auch Mankos, wie unten beschrieben. + Design + Saugleistung + Bedienung - das Stromkabel ist sehr ungünstig angebracht und liegt hinter so hinter der Haube, dass diese sich nicht bündig an der Wand aufhängen lässt - der Schacht für den Abluftschlauch ist aus sehr dünnem Blech - bei der Konstruktion ist man davon ausgegangen, dass die Abluft nach oben zur Decke geht. Es gibt aber eben auch - so wie bei meiner Küche - die Notwendigkeit, die Abluft seitlich im 90-Grad-Winkel durch die Außenwand zu führen. Dann erübrigt sich natürlich die Montage des Kaminblechs. Für den Abluftschlauch muss ich selber eine Verkleidung basteln! Da die Minuspunkte überwiegen (vor allem, was den Stromanschluss und die fehlende Möglichkeit der seitlichen Abluftführung betrifft), kann ich trotz der ansonsten guten Haube nur drei Sterne vergeben.
This hood looks classy and is unbeatable at this price, but unfortunately also has shortcomings, as described below. + design + suction power + operation - the power cable is very unfavorably attached and is located behind the hood in such a way that it cannot be hung flush on the wall - the shaft for the exhaust hose is made of very thin sheet metal - this was assumed during the design that the exhaust air goes up to the ceiling. But there is also - as in my kitchen - the need to route the exhaust air through the outside wall at a 90-degree angle. Then, of course, there is no need to install the chimney plate. I have to make a fairing for the exhaust hose myself! Since the negative points outweigh the negative points (especially the power connection and the lack of a lateral exhaust air duct), I can only give it three stars, despite the otherwise good hood.
Ci vorrebbe un sistema x mantenerla più aperta.
There needs to be a system to keep it more open.
Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Si monta facilmente. Potenza di aspirazione non trascendentale, ma fa ugualmente il suo dovere
Excellent value for money. Easy to assemble. Not a huge suction power, but it does its job.
L'ho scelta per soprattutto per l'estetica e per il poco ingombro, la sua forma permette di lavorare liberamente senza preoccuparsi di sbattere la testa, ovviamente anche la qualità è importante e i suoi 3 livelli di aspirazione permettono di cucinare anche cose come le fritture di pesce senza dover spalancare la finestra e/o avere sgradevoli odori per casa. Aspira perfettamente qualsiasi cosa si cucini. Mio marito non è un esperto ma è comunque riuscito a montarla in poco tempo, arriva con una protezione adesiva molto efficace, mi sono facilitata la rimozione scaldandola con un phon ed è venuta via facilmente.
I chose it mainly for its aesthetics and for its small size, its shape allows you to work freely without worrying about hitting your head, obviously the quality is also important and its 3 suction levels allow you to cook things like fried fish without having to open the window and/or have unpleasant odors in the house. It sucks up perfectly whatever you cook. My husband is not an expert but he still managed to assemble it in a short time, it comes with a very effective adhesive protection, I made it easier to remove it by heating it with a hair dryer and it came off easily.
Articolo per regalo. Consegnato con diversi giorni di anticipo. La persona che lo ha ricevuto è stata molto soddisfatta sia per l'estetica, sia per la capacità di aspirazione. Uniche pecche: lo sportello anteriore non regolabile (resta aperto grazie alla pendenza), il montaggio non precisamente riportato nelle istruzioni e la prima pulizia. Dopo aver rimosso la pellicola bianca che protegge le parti in acciaio gli aloni rimasti faticano ad esser rimossi. Ma credo che con un po' d'olio di gomito ed un prodotto specifico per acciaio risolverà il problema. Per il resto, ottimo prodotto sia per caratteristiche che materiali oltre ad un ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo.
Gift item. Delivered several days early. The person who received it was very satisfied with both the aesthetics and the suction capacity. The only flaws: the non-adjustable front door (it stays open thanks to the slope), the assembly not precisely reported in the instructions and the first cleaning. After removing the white film that protects the steel parts the remaining stains are difficult to remove. But I think that with a little elbow grease and a specific product for steel it will solve the problem. For the rest, excellent product both for features and materials in addition to an excellent quality/price ratio.
Ho acquistato questa bellissima cappa e appena è arrivata mene sono innamorata, oltre ad avere un design moderno ed elegante, è molto funzionale. E’ veramente facile da montare, e le funzioni sono molto semplici. I tasti si trovano nella parta anteriore della cappa, non sotto come i vecchi modelli, oltre al bottone per l’accensione troverete la funzione +/- per regolare la potenza della ventola in base all’aspirazione che vi serve, e il tasto per accendere le luci a led che hanno una potenza di 210 watt e devo dire che fa moltissima luce. La struttura della cappa è in acciaio inox 304, l'estrattore di fumo Balzac 60 è molto resistente ed elegante bellissime anche le finiture in vetro sui lati. Potete adattare la cappa aspirante in qualsiasi cucina perché occupa minor spazio rispetto alle altre cappe. Nella confezione troverete oltre alla cappa le istruzioni per il montaggio e le viti.
I bought this beautiful hood and as soon as it arrived I fell in love with it, in addition to having a modern and elegant design, it is very functional. It is really easy to assemble, and the functions are very simple. The buttons are located on the front of the hood, not underneath like the old models, in addition to the button for turning it on you will find the +/- function to adjust the power of the fan based on the suction you need, and the button to turn on the LED lights that have a power of 210 watts and I must say that they make a lot of light. The structure of the hood is in 304 stainless steel, the Balzac 60 smoke extractor is very resistant and elegant, the glass finishes on the sides are also beautiful. You can adapt the extractor hood to any kitchen because it takes up less space than other hoods. In the package you will find, in addition to the hood, the assembly instructions and the screws.