Compket Kettlebell

51,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Blue
  • profi
  • 20 cm
Product number: 10028362
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Top features

  • 12 kg kettlebell for simultaneous muscle and coordination training

  • Colour and size according to competition standards

  • Smooth handle for solid swinging ability

Product description

Whether you're swinging them around or just want to bulk up, the Compket Competition Kettlebell from Capital Sports delivers. It's a multifaceted piece of equipment that holistically improves physical fitness. Unlike normal dumbbells, kettlebell training demands use of not only individual muscles, but an entire muscle group due to its special form. The three-dimensional exercises demand the interplay and coordination of core and motor muscles.

To ensure optimum support of your training, Capital Sports adhered to their usual high-quality standards when making the Compket Competition Kettlebells. The kettlebell is made according to current competition standards. This means that each kettlebell is filled with a certain weight beneath its steel casing; in this case, the kettlebell weighs 12 kg. The outer dimensions of all Competition Kettlebells are absolutely identical, thereby allowing you to do the samerepetitions, regardless of weight. The handles aren't as wide as those of non-standard kettlebells, which is particularly important for many rapid repetitions without losing strength. In order to differentiate between different kettlebells, each is painted a different colour depending on its weight.

Available weights/colours: 12 kg/blue, 8 kg/salmon (item no.: 10028361), 16 kg/yellow (item no.: 10028363), 20 kg/dark blue (item no.: 10028364), 24 kg/green (item no.: 10028340), 28 kg/orange (item no.: 10028365), 32 kg/red (item no.: 10028366)


  • Weight: 12 kg
  • Handles particularly suited for fast and numerous repetitions without losing strength
  • Handle suitable for all hand sizes
  • Flat bottom
  • Can withstand wind and any weather: suitable for use outdoors
  • Weight written on the kettlebell for easy distinction
  • Colour: blue
Product number: 10028362

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: 20 x 28 x 20 cm (WxHxD)
  • Length (handle): 12 cm
  • Diameter (handle): 3.3 cm
  • Weight: 12 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x kettlebell
  • Please note that this item does not come with a user manual.

Delivery & shipment

This item is not in stock and must be reordered.

Sparen Sie mit unseren Sets:

Compket Set of 7 Steel Competition Kettlebells

529,99 € (incl. VAT)
Product number: 60001266
Customer reviews
21 Ratings

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Ottimo prodotto e ottimo prezzo!!! Spedizione celere e precisa!! Continuerò a fare acquisti.. ciaoooo

Great product and great price!!! Fast and precise shipping!! I will continue to shop.. bye


Habe diese Kugel in einer Sonderaktion gekauft von daher ist das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis schon sehr gut gewesen. Die Kugel ist auch sehr gut verarbeitet. Da die Kugel mit Sand gefüllt ist, ist sie etwas groß vom Umfang der Kugel selbst. Der Griff ist aber schön glatt und hat den normalen Competiton Bell Umfang und Durchmesser, so dass Sie auch für kleinere Hände gut greifbar sind.

I bought this ball in a special sale, so the price-performance ratio was very good. The ball is also very well made. Because the ball is filled with sand, it's a bit big in terms of the circumference of the ball itself. The handle is nice and smooth, though, and has the normal Competition Bell circumference and diameter, making it easy for smaller hands to grip.


Ich habe damit mein Spaß, top

I have fun with it, great


sieht auch gut aus, wenn sie Pause hat

also looks good when she has a break


Sehr gut gefertigte stählerne Girja, die für den Versand sicher in Styropor verpackt wurde. Das Gewicht stimmt, die Griffe sind sauber poliert, die Lackierung ist gleichmäßig. Top!

Very well made steel Girja, securely packed in styrofoam for shipping. The weight is right, the handles are cleanly polished, the paintwork is even. Top!


Das was ich erwartet habe. Eine richtig gute Kettlebell

What I expected. A really good kettlebell


Die Kettlebells sind der Hammer. Preis leistungsmäßig sind die Kettlebells nicht zu toppen. Sie liegen sehr gut in der Hand, schwingen sehr gut und als fitnessgerät sind sie sehr platzsparend.

The kettlebells are awesome. In terms of price-performance, the kettlebells can't be beat. They lie very well in the hand, swing very well and as a fitness device they are very space-saving.


Absolut überzeugend! Für den Preis unschlagbar und beim Workout ein komplett anderes Gefühl als mit Kettlebells abseits der Competition Norm (Form und Größe). Diese Kettlebell ist mit Sand gefüllt, was man zwischendurch durch etwas Rascheln akustisch wahrnimmt. Für das Training hat es aber keine Auswirkungen. Die 24kg wird folgen.

Absolutely convincing! Unbeatable for the price and a completely different feeling during the workout than with kettlebells outside of the competition norm (shape and size). This kettlebell is filled with sand, which you can hear from time to time by a little rustling. However, it has no effect on training. The 24kg will follow.


Der Preis war schon happig, aber dafür stimmt die Haptik einfach und das Training macht Spaß.

The price was steep, but the feel is just right and the training is fun.


Gute Kugel, hat schon einige aushalten müssen

Good ball, has had to endure quite a few


Excellent dumbell and top service from seller. Only shipping I find a bit too expensive. I do recommend this product and seller.

Excellent dumbell and top service from seller. Only shipping I find a bit too expensive. I do recommend this product and seller.


Livraison rapide comme d'habitude. Après avoir commandé une kettlebell de compétition de 12 kg, je confirme la qualité des kettlebells capital sport.

Fast delivery as usual. After ordering a 12 kg competition kettlebell, I confirm the quality of capital sport kettlebells.


Livraison rapide comme d'habitude. Après avoir commandé une kettlebell de compétition de 12 kg, je confirme la qualité des kettlebells capital sport.

Fast delivery as usual. After ordering a 12 kg competition kettlebell, I confirm the quality of capital sport kettlebells.


Livraison rapide comme d'habitude. Après avoir commandé une kettlebell de compétition de 12 kg, je confirme la qualité des kettlebells capital sport.

Fast delivery as usual. After ordering a 12 kg competition kettlebell, I confirm the quality of capital sport kettlebells.


Das Produkt entspricht exakt dem Werbebild. Der Griff ist glatt poliert, nicht eben mit der Flex bearbeitet und mit Rissen überzogen. Hier mal eine Macke, sonst spiegelt es. Der Lack ist sauber verarbeitet, nur eben Standard. Sprich, man muss generell etwas achten, dass man da Obacht gibt, egal ob Beton-, oder Fliesenboden. Das Gewicht stimmt auch und die Kugelhantel ist ausbalanciert. Besonders gefallen hat mir, dass bei dem Hersteller die KB im Paket umschlossen in passenden 40 cm x 40 cm Styropor Formen eingelassen war und absolut stoßsicher ankam. Mittlerweile ist die 24kg auch da. Solides Produkt.

The product corresponds exactly to the advertising image. The handle is polished smooth, not finished with the flex and covered with cracks. Here's a quirk, otherwise it reflects. The paintwork is clean, just standard. In other words, you have to pay attention to something in general, that you take care of it, whether it's a concrete or tiled floor. The weight is right and the kettlebell is balanced. I particularly liked the fact that the manufacturer enclosed the KB in the package in matching 40 cm x 40 cm styrofoam molds and arrived absolutely shockproof. Meanwhile, the 24kg is also there. Solid product.


Excellente kettlebell et très bon poids pour débuter. La poignée est bien lisse et permet une bonne prise. Le seul problème est l'odeur de peinture ???. J'ai été obligé de passer sur la kettlebell un chiffon enduit de quelques gouttes d'huile essentielle à deux reprises. Actuellement plus d'odeur. Je pense commander bientôt une kettlebell de 16 ou 20 kg.

Excellent kettlebell and very good weight to start. The handle is very smooth and provides a good grip. The only problem is the smell of paint ???. I had to wipe the kettlebell with a cloth coated with a few drops of essential oil twice. Currently no more smell. I am thinking of ordering a 16 or 20 kg kettlebell soon.


Kiváló minőség, használhatóság és csomagolás. Az én kezemhez eddig, ez a markolat volt a legkényelmesebb.

Excellent quality, usability and packaging. For my hand so far, this grip has been the most comfortable.


Sehr gut verarbeitetes Kettlebell. Der Griff ist nun glatt und hat ein anderes Gefühl als normale Competition Kettlebell. Die Dimensionen sind auch nicht zu 100% wie die von Competition Kettlebell. Würde ich trotzdem wieder kaufen.

Very well made kettlebell. The grip is now smooth and has a different feel than normal competition kettlebells. The dimensions are also not 100% like those of Competition Kettlebell. I would still buy again.


In previsione dell'arrivo della bella stagione ecco scattata in me il desiderio di tonificare i muscoli, dimagrendo in modo mirato eseguendo esercizi di home fitness. Su amazon ho preso un attrezzo ginnico Capital Sports Compket 8 Competition Kettlebell, una solida e pesante palla da 8 kg adatta ad essere usata dalle donne che ha una maniglia in acciaio molto larga da consentire di infilarci la mia mano. Obiettivo finale avere glutei , addome e cosce di ferro grazie a questa forma di carico dinamico che predispone la muscolatura che circonda e origina dal bacino a contrarsi potentemente. Questo regime di allenamento aiuterà a perdere i chili in eccesso. L'oscillazione a cui ci sottopone la sfera da 8 kg Capital Sports Compket 8 Competition Kettlebell arreca diversi vantaggi per i muscoli che devono mantenere l'equilibrio, lavorando maggiormente per mantenere le articolazioni allineate. Questo modello di Kettlebell ha una maniglia più squadrata e stretta per consentire movimenti minimi della mano all’interno della stessa. Di forma rotonda, dimensioni contenute e dal bel colore vivace è il perfetto attrezzo ginnico per neofiti del fitness e per uomini ai primi allenamenti adatto ad essere usato in piccoli spazi perchè non richiede movimenti dei piedi. Ecco alcuni benefici dell'oscillamento della palla da 8,5 kg Aumenta lo sforzo di stabilizzazione dei muscoli Aumenta la resistenza cardio-respiratoria in quanto i movimenti degli esercizi richiedono una maggiore quantità di ossigeno Piccoli spazi per allenarsi perchè non richiede di muovere i piedi Esercizi che mettono in movimento tutto il corpo. Aumenta la forza dei legamenti e dei tessuti molli grazie alla dinamica dei movimenti Ottimo per allenarsi ovunque grazie alle dimensioni contenuti e la forma a sfera, il kettlebell Capital Sports Compket 8 Competition Kettlebell , color salmone da 8 kg, permette l'allenamento coordinato di tutti i muscoli. Dispone di un guscio in acciaio chiuso la cui cavità interna è stata riempita con del peso equivalente al raggiungimento dei 8 kg. La base per poggiarla è appiattita per non farla roteare e renderla adatta ad appoggiarla su qualsiasi superficie sia su pavimento che sui prati all'aperto. Impugnatura a staffa larga adatta per mani di ogni dimensione . Consigliatissimo per chi si approccia per la prima volta a fare pesi e per chi ama allenarsi anche in vacanza.

In anticipation of the arrival of the warm season, the desire to tone up my muscles, losing weight in a targeted way by performing home fitness exercises, took over me. On amazon I got a Capital Sports Compket 8 Competition Kettlebell exerciser, a solid and heavy 8 kg ball suitable for use by women which has a very large steel handle to allow my hand to slip on it. Final goal to have buttocks, abdomen and thighs of iron thanks to this form of dynamic load that prepares the muscles that surround and originate from the pelvis to contract powerfully. This training regimen will help you lose excess pounds. The sway to which the 8kg ball Capital Sports Compket 8 Competition Kettlebell subjects us has several benefits for the muscles that need to maintain balance, working more to keep the joints aligned. This Kettlebell model has a squarer, narrower handle to allow for minimal hand movement inside the handle. Round in shape, small in size and with a nice bright color, it is the perfect exercise tool for fitness newbies and for men at their first workouts, suitable for use in small spaces because it does not require foot movements. Here are some benefits of swinging the 8.5 kg ball Increases muscle stabilization effort Increases cardio-respiratory resistance as exercise movements require a greater amount of oxygen Small spaces for training because it does not require you to move your feet Exercises that move the whole body. Increases the strength of ligaments and soft tissues thanks to the dynamics of movements. Excellent for training anywhere thanks to its small size and ball shape, the Capital Sports Compket 8 Competition Kettlebell, 8 kg salmon color, allows coordinated training for everyone the muscles. It has a closed steel shell whose internal cavity has been filled with the equivalent weight to reach 8 kg. The base for placing it is flattened so as not to rotate it and make it suitable for placing it on any surface both on the floor and on outdoor lawns. Wide stirrup handle fits all hand sizes . Highly recommended for those approaching weight training for the first time and for those who love to train even on vacation.


Arriva la bella stagione. L’estate è quella che richiede un fisico più scolpito, in forma. Per questo ho pensato di darmi da fare e iniziare qualche esercizio fisico. Tempo fa, un mio amico personale trainer, mi parlò di quanto fossero importanti gli esercizi con la sfera in acciaio. Dopo varie ricerche e recensioni, ho pensato di acquistare CAPITAL SPORTS COMPKET COMPETITION PESO SFERA IN ACCIAIO. Grazie alla sua impugnatura a staffa, rende migliore la presa e soprattutto la riuscita degli esercizi. E’ ottimo per rafforzare i muscoli e la coordinazione muscolare, infatti io la uso principalmente per questo. Infatti la Sfera in Acciaio, è utile per il rafforzamento dell’interi muscoli, sia che venga usata per farla oscillare, lanciarla o semplicemente per farla oscillare, i suoi risultati sono davvero ottimi. Io ho scelto un peso alla mia portata, perché quando si riprende l’attività fisica è giusto partire sempre con pesi minimi, in seguito sicuramente ne prenderò delle altre con pesi maggiori per raggiungere il mio obiettivo muscolare. La differenza tra questa sfera e altre viste sul web, è proprio l’impugnatura sferica. Le altre sono molto sottili, a differenza di questa che è a staffa di cavallo e anche abbastanza spessa. Ciò consente una buona presa, davvero utile per la riuscita dell’esercizio e lo sviluppo muscolare. Questa sfera non ti sfuggirà mai dalle mani. In questo caso, ogni peso sfera ha un colore… Quindi in base al peso si potranno avere diversi colori, così per essere distinte quando saranno disposte una di fianco all’altra e dovrete scegliere il peso con cui voler esercitarvi. Sono molto soddisfatto di CAPITAL SPORTS COMPKET COMPETITION PESO SFERA IN ACCIAIO. E davvero la consiglio a tutti coloro che vorrebbero ritornare in forma per la prossima estate. Credetemi nessuno può competere con una sfera simile. Provare per credere.

Here comes the beautiful season. Summer is the one that requires a more sculpted, fit physique. That's why I thought I'd get busy and start some physical exercise. A while ago, a personal trainer friend of mine told me about how important steel ball exercises were. After much research and reviews, I thought I'd buy the CAPITAL SPORTS COMPKET COMPETITION STEEL BALL WEIGHT. Thanks to its stirrup handle, it improves the grip and above all the success of the exercises. It's great for strengthening muscles and muscle coordination, in fact I use it mainly for this. In fact, the Steel Ball is useful for strengthening the entire muscles, whether it is used to swing it, throw it or simply to swing it, its results are really excellent. I chose a weight within my reach, because when physical activity resumes it is always right to start with minimum weights, later I will certainly take others with heavier weights to reach my muscle goal. The difference between this sphere and others seen on the web is precisely the spherical handle. The others are very thin, unlike this one which is a stirrup and also quite thick. This allows for a good grip, which is really useful for the success of the exercise and muscle development. This sphere will never slip out of your hands. In this case, each sphere weight has a color… So based on the weight you can have different colors, so that they can be distinguished when they are placed side by side and you will have to choose the weight with which you want to practice. I am very satisfied with the CAPITAL SPORTS COMPKET COMPETITION STEEL BALL WEIGHT. And I really recommend it to all those who would like to get back in shape for next summer. Believe me no one can compete with such a sphere. Seeing is believing.


Livraison rapide ! Le kettlebell est très beau et la prise en main est top (une main ou deux mains) car la poignée est bien large. Pour travailler le swing, les snatchs ou cleans, c'est parfait.

Quick delivery ! The kettlebell is very beautiful and the grip is great (one hand or two hands) because the handle is very wide. To work on swing, snatches or cleans, it's perfect.