Air Art Infinite 300

163,99 € (incl. VAT)
Included in this price is a contribution to recycling costs of 0.00 EUR
  • Infreared heater
  • Multi
Product number: 10035171
Air Art Infinite 300
163,99 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    138,99 €
    Original price: 163,99 €
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • Highly efficient: converts 98 % of the energy into heat

  • Boundlessly beautiful: Heating panel in decorative mural design

  • Just like sun rays: IR ComfortHeat heats directly with infrared radiation

Product description

Smart technology for feel-good warmth: The Klarstein Air Art Infinite infrared heater with picture brings highly efficient and space-saving warmth into every room and caresses you directly with pleasant infrared rays. It looks like a beautiful picture on your wall and, owing to IR ComfortHeat, makes use of the principle of solar heat. At the same time, your new electric heater is extremely energy-efficient: A full 98 % of the absorbed power is converted into heat radiation. With sophisticated components such as a thermostat, auto shut-off, weekly timer and splash water protection, the inconspicuous infrared heater revolutionises heating technology.

The future of heating technology: the Klarstein Air Infinite infrared heater.


  • Power: 300 watts
  • Effective range: up to 6 m²
  • Effective range: approx. 2 - 4 m
  • Protection class: IP20
  • Temperature range: 0 - 70 °C
  • No warm-up phase, generates heat instantly
  • Infrared heat: heats up objects that are exposed to it, not the air
  • Surface temperature of the heating panel: 90 to 130 °C
  • With overheating protection
  • Can be combined with other panels to heat larger rooms
  • Easy installation
  • Motif: forest path
  • Power supply remote control: 2 x AAA batteries
  • Power supply: 220 - 240 V~ | 50 Hz
Product number: 10035171

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 59.5 x 50.5 x 6 cm (WxHxD)
  • Cable length: 190 cm
  • Weight: approx. 3.6 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x infrared heater
  • 1 x remote control
  • 1 x assembly material
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
50 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Super Heizleistung für kleine Räume kann man nur Empfehlen.

Great heating performance for small rooms, can only be recommended.


Purtroppo il calore sviluppato era insufficiente per l'uso che dovevo farne, però il prodotto sembra ottimo in sé, bello anche da vedere

Unfortunately the heat developed was insufficient for the use I had to make of it, but the product itself seems excellent, also nice to look at.


Ottimo prodotto

Great product


Funziona veramente bene fa il suo lavoro come descritto

Works really well does the job as described


Lo tengo en un dormitorio de 12 m2 y es perfecto para nuestras necesidades, lo mantiene calientito en la noche sin resecar o estorbar. Y se ve como una pintura normal! Totalmente recomendado.

I have this in a 12m2 bedroom and it's perfect for our needs, it keeps it warm at night without drying it out or getting in the way. And it looks like a normal paint! Totally recommended.


Top Teil

top part


Dopo un’anno di utilizzo posso confermare che questo pannello è perfetto per il mio bagno, lo controlli tranquillamente con l’app impostando timer, temperature, e orari di accensione/spegnimento, quando sei fuori casa ad esempio e stai per rientrare la puoi accendere tranquillamente dal telefono. Consumo energetico bassissimo, la consiglio vivamente a chi cerca una soluzione alternativa alle classiche stufette a resistenza che consumano il triplo.

After a year of use I can confirm that this panel is perfect for my bathroom, you can easily control it with the app by setting timers, temperatures, and on/off times, for example when you are away from home and you are about to return you can easily turn it on from your phone. Very low energy consumption, I highly recommend it to those looking for an alternative solution to the classic resistance heaters that consume three times as much.


Rapporto qualità prezzo eccellente, riscalda la stanza in pochi minuti. Unica pecca il telecomando non sempre funzionante (il venditore ha già provveduto ad un piccolo rimborso a tal proposito). Comunicazioni veloci e chiare con il venditore. Soddisfatti dell' acquisto

Excellent value for money, heats the room in a few minutes. The only flaw is the remote control that doesn't always work (the seller has already provided a small refund for this). Fast and clear communications with the seller. Satisfied with the purchase


Imballato molto bene, con cornice e tela bella, sembra proprio un quadro.Secondo me ha un buon rapporto qualità/prezzo: scalda, il termostato funziona ed è bello.Non so se riscalda l'ambiente dichiarato ma io l'ho messo in taverna in un locale grande, ne ho messi 2, e la differenza si sente.

Very well packaged, with a beautiful frame and canvas, it really looks like a painting. In my opinion it has a good quality/price ratio: it heats, the thermostat works and it is beautiful. I don't know if it heats the declared room but I put it in the basement in a large room, I put 2 of them, and the difference is felt.


Molto bello e funzionale.Il calore si sente e il termostato funziona, non so se realmente scalda i mq dichiarati perché io ne ho messi 2 in un ambiente di 60 mq e li ho posizionati in modo sfalsato per scaldare un lato e l'altro, nel mio caso ce ne vorrebbero ancora 2 ma devo dire che funzionano bene e i calore si sente

Very nice and functional. The heat is felt and the thermostat works, I don't know if it actually heats the declared square meters because I put 2 in a 60 square meter room and I positioned them in a staggered way to heat one side and the other, in my case I would need 2 more but I have to say that they work well and the heat is felt.


Beau produit fonctionnel et original.

Beautiful, functional and original product.


Funziona bene ideale per stanze da 12 mq massimo

Works well ideal for rooms up to 12m2


L'articolo è arrivato perfetto. L'elemento che abbassa il voto è il telecomando che, non avendo io il wi-fi, è veramente impossibile da capire e difficilissimo da capire per fare funzionare il quadro

The item arrived perfect. The element that lowers the rating is the remote control which, since I do not have wi-fi, is truly impossible to understand and very difficult to understand to make the panel work


It’s easy to use, and looks good.

It’s easy to use, and looks good.


Tut was es soll somit muss ich in meiner Küche nicht mehr frieren und kann meinen Frühstücks Kaffee trinken ohne Frostbeulen einfach 10 minuten vorher einschalten und es ist kuschelig warm

Does what it's supposed to do, so I don't have to freeze in my kitchen anymore and can drink my breakfast coffee without getting frostbite, just switch it on 10 minutes beforehand and it's cozy and warm


Sencillo de instalar y configurar. Lo instalé en una sala de estar en la pared y funciona a la perfección. Da calor directo a las personas y objetos. Vale la pena tenerlo. Lo recomiendo.

Easy to install and set up. I installed it in a living room on the wall and it works perfectly. It gives direct heat to people and objects. It is worth having. I recommend it.


Works very well, happy with the product

Works very well, happy with the product


Quadro molto bello e scalda come volevo perfetto

Very nice picture and warm as I wanted perfect


Prodotto efficace, bello esteticamente, non si avverte il calore da lontano, ma contribuisce a mantenere calda una camera da 16m2

Effective product, aesthetically pleasing, you don't feel the heat from afar, but it helps keep a 16m2 room warm


Fa il suo Lavoro in bagno.

It does its job in the bathroom.


E' la terza che compro. Questa l'abbiamo I stalkta in bagno per riscaldare il bagno durante le docce. Fa' abbastanza bene il suo lavoro ma per Avere in Buon risultato va' accessa almeno un ora prima di fare la doccia.

This is the third one I buy. We have this one in the bathroom to heat the bath during showers. It does its job quite well but to have a good result it should be turned on at least an hour before taking a shower.


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Come ho scritto è un ottimo prodotto, è collegabile con Alexa e con l'app consigliata da loro o con altre su PlayStore. Il quadro funziona perfettamente e riscalda una stanza o dove vuoi metterla . Ho aggiunto una presa Alexa per tenere sotto controllo tutto in caso di problemi generali . Il prodotto è consigliato vivamente

Unable to load media. As I wrote it is a great product, it can be connected with Alexa and with the app recommended by them or with others on PlayStore. The picture works perfectly and heats a room or wherever you want to put it. I added an Alexa socket to keep everything under control in case of general problems. The product is highly recommended


Molto bello anche come arredo e se non si tiene la porta spalancata si sente un bel tepore anche se non esagerato. Messo in camera da letto.

Very nice also as a decoration and if you don't keep the door wide open you feel a nice warmth even if not exaggerated. Placed in the bedroom.


Il funzionamento è come da descrizione l'immagine sicuramente da migliorare io lo posizionato in una camera e fa egregiamente il suo lavoro

The operation is as described, the image certainly needs improvement. I placed it in a room and it does its job very well.


Riscalda bene, dovrò vedere solo i costi della bolletta futura

It heats well, I will only have to see the costs of the future bill


Non sono solito spendermi in lunghe recensioni ma in questo caso credo ne valga la pena. Avevo già comprato questo pannello scaldante ad IR lo scorso anno (un regalo). L'utilizzatore ne ha elogiato l'efficacia e quindi ho ripetuto l'acquisto. Ne elenco pregi/difetti. CONSEGNA: in tempi accettabilissimi, considerando che arrivava dalla Germania IMBALLO: ottimo. QUALITA' DEL MATERIALE: eccellente. MESSA IN FUNZIONE: banale (inserire la spina nella presa). FUNZIONAMENTO: riscaldamento OK ma con due note MOLTO negative. 1. l'antenna WiFi non funzionava (chissà se è stata testata perché una antenna non si rompe con un colpetto). 2. quando è in funzione il pulsante di accensione (trasparente) si illumina come un faro, cosa che crea disagio se il pannello è collocato sulla testata di un letto (come nel mio caso: ho dovuto arrangiarmi con uno schermo in cartone pesante). RAPPORTI CON IL VENDITORE: Ho contattato l'azienda via Amazon per chiedere al venditore una imbeccata per sistemare l'antenna. Mi ha risposto in meno di un'ora, di domenica, dicendomi di fare il reso a loro spese e chiedendomi se volevo la sostituzione del prodotto o la restituzione del denaro. E' seguita nel giro di un'ora un altro messaggio in cui mi si offriva uno sconto se tenevo l'apparecchio così com'era, cosa che poi ho fatto. IN CONCLUSIONE: un ottimo prodotto, anche se quello che ho ricevuto era difettato, ed un venditore davvero super! D'altra parte Klarstein è un marchio leader e la cura dei rapporti con i clienti sono una riprova della serietà commerciale.

I don't usually spend time in long reviews but in this case I think it's worth it. I had already bought this IR heating panel last year (a gift). The user praised its effectiveness and so I repeated the purchase. I'll list its pros/cons. DELIVERY: in very acceptable times, considering it came from Germany PACKAGING: excellent. QUALITY OF THE MATERIAL: excellent. START-UP: trivial (insert the plug into the socket). OPERATION: heating OK but with two VERY negative notes. 1. the WiFi antenna didn't work (I wonder if it was tested because an antenna doesn't break with a tap). 2. when it is in operation the power button (transparent) lights up like a lighthouse, which creates discomfort if the panel is placed on the headboard of a bed (as in my case: I had to make do with a heavy cardboard screen). RELATIONSHIP WITH THE SELLER: I contacted the company via Amazon to ask the seller for a tip to fix the antenna. They responded in less than an hour, on a Sunday, telling me to return it at their expense and asking if I wanted a replacement or a refund. Another message followed within an hour offering me a discount if I kept the device as it was, which I then did. IN CONCLUSION: an excellent product, even if the one I received was defective, and a truly super seller! On the other hand, Klarstein is a leading brand and the care taken in customer relations is proof of their commercial seriousness.


buena calidad

good quality


Tutto ok

Everything OK


Alke spalle della scrivania decora bene lo studio senza essere troppo invasiva. Mi aspettavo un maggiore potere di riscaldamento, si sente sulla pelle ma in pieno inverno gradirei qualcosa in più per le tante ore seduto

Alke desk backs decorate the study well without being too invasive. I expected a greater heating power, you can feel it on the skin but in the middle of winter I would appreciate something more for the many hours sitting


Pues estoy contento con el producto. Lo coloque en mi pequeña habitación, detrás del sillón y da calorcito. También me gusta lo de poder manejarlo con el móvil y que tenga termostato, con lo que el solo se va encendiendo y apagando según la temperatura que capta en el ambiente con un pequeño termómetro que lleva incorporado. Además no calienta el aire, por lo que no produce esa sensación de agobio. De momento satisfecho con el.

Well, I'm happy with the product. I put it in my small room, behind the armchair, and it gives off a bit of heat. I also like the fact that I can control it with my mobile phone and that it has a thermostat, so it turns on and off automatically depending on the temperature it detects in the environment with a small thermometer that it has built in. Also, it doesn't heat the air, so it doesn't produce that feeling of oppression. So far, I'm satisfied with it.


Nel complesso è un buon prodotto se pensato per una integrazione di calore, l'app è chiara ed intuitiva. Tuttavia il termometro è estremamente approssimativo ed infatti danno la possibilità di regolazione della temperatura di + o - 5 gradi. Infine la rappresentazione artistica lascia molto a desiderare.

Overall it is a good product if thought for a heat integration, the app is clear and intuitive. However the thermometer is extremely approximate and in fact they give the possibility of adjusting the temperature of + or - 5 degrees. Finally the artistic representation leaves much to be desired.


Además de chulo, tiene un consumo perfecto, hoy me ha llegado la factura de la luz e increíblemente no llega a 30 euros. LO RECOMIENDO

Besides being cool, it has perfect consumption. Today I received the electricity bill and incredibly it is less than 30 euros. I RECOMMEND IT


Arrivato oggi, ho tribolato un po' per la prima accensione e configurazione da fare ,. iniziare a pagina 52. 1°) Accenzione con interruttore situato parte inferiore interna pannello. 2°) Mettere pile nel telecomando 3°) premere contemporaneamente il + e - si sente un bip il Connect èriuscito. 4° Con tasto ok si va su ON o su OFF Spero di aver dato un contributo per gli utenti ciao Giorgio Bonicolini

Arrived today, I struggled a bit for the first start and configuration to do,. start on page 52. 1°) Turn on with the switch located on the lower inside of the panel. 2°) Put batteries in the remote control 3°) press the + and - at the same time you hear a beep the Connect is successful. 4° With the ok button you go to ON or OFF I hope I have given a contribution for the users bye Giorgio Bonicolini


Bei einem Bad von 5m² absolut ausreichende Heizleistung. Fernbedienung gut programmierbar. Von der Bestellung bis zu Anlieferung 2 Tage, das soll erst einmal jemand anderes nachmachen! Danke, ich bin zu frieden.

Absolutely sufficient heat output for a bathroom of 5m². Programmable remote control. From the order to delivery 2 days, someone else should copy that first! Thank you, I am at peace.


En general no lo recomiendo a menos de que te lo pongas directamente delante o al lado. Tienes que estar a ± 1 m para notar el calor realmente y el acabado no es muy bueno, el vinilo tiene rayas blancas en la parte superior. También es bastante voluminoso y se queda demasiado seaparado de la pared. Es muy eficiente, pero no realiza bien su función. No lo recomiendo.

Overall I wouldn't recommend it unless you put it directly in front of or next to it. You have to be ±1m away to really notice the heat and the finish isn't very good, the vinyl has white stripes on the top. It's also quite bulky and sits too far away from the wall. It's very efficient, but it doesn't do its job well. I wouldn't recommend it.


Llevo ya dos inviernos con él y me parece fantástico. Como cuadro es precioso y como radiador cumple su función con un consumo bajísimo ( lo he notado mucho en las facturas de luz de invierno). Lo tengo en un salón de unos 10 metros cuadrados.

I've had it for two winters now and I think it's fantastic. It's a beautiful painting and it does its job as a radiator with very low consumption (I've noticed this a lot in my winter electricity bills). I have it in a living room of about 10 square meters.


Quadro veramente bello ed elegante, fa caldo in maniera giusta e piacevole.Solamente telecomando mi ha dato problemi con programmazione, ho perso tutta la giornata per capire funzionamento...

Really beautiful and elegant painting, it warms in the right and pleasant way. Only the remote control gave me problems with programming, I lost the whole day to understand how it worked...


Ne ho acquistati due e ci scaldo appartamento di 60 mq (con un ottimo isolamento termico). Riscalda immediatamente addosso. L'ambiente si scalda dal rilascio del calore da muri, soffitti e pavimenti irradiati dal quadro. Non scaldano l'aria, quindi anche aprendo una finestra per cambiare l'aria non si perde immediatamente tutto il calore accumulato dalle superfici. E' evidente che in mancanza di un cappotto termico e di infissi di elevata qualità non si possono ottenere gli stessi risultati. Tuttavia anche in questi casi se i pannelli sono posizionati ad un paio di metri da dove si staziona (davanti un divano, su una parete vicino al letto) sarete piacevolmente scaldati. Non capisco alcune recensioni negative. Se non si capisce quello che si compra e come si usa non è colpa del prodotto.

I bought two of them and I heat a 60 m2 apartment with them (with excellent thermal insulation). It heats you up immediately. The room heats up from the heat released by the walls, ceilings and floors irradiated by the panel. They do not heat the air, so even if you open a window to change the air you do not immediately lose all the heat accumulated by the surfaces. It is clear that without a thermal coat and high quality fixtures you cannot obtain the same results. However, even in these cases if the panels are positioned a couple of meters from where you are standing (in front of a sofa, on a wall near the bed) you will be pleasantly warmed. I do not understand some negative reviews. If you do not understand what you are buying and how to use it, it is not the product's fault.


Es muy útil en los baños o pequeños habitaciones.

It is very useful in bathrooms or small rooms.


Ritengo il prodotto valido ma il telecomando lascia molto a desiderare.

I think the product is good but the remote control leaves a lot to be desired.


Die Infrarotheizung funktioniert im großen und ganzen ganz gut. Allerdings lässt die Verarbeitung etwas zu wünschen übrig. Leider war die Farbe an den Rändern bzw. Ecken schon etwas demoliert bei der Ankunft. Zudem ist die Steuerung über die mitgelieferte Fernbedienung sehr kompliziert. Wenn man die Heizung aber mehrmals benutzt hat, ist es nicht mehr so schlimm.

On the whole, the infrared heater works quite well. However, the processing leaves something to be desired. Unfortunately, the paint on the edges and corners was already a bit demolished upon arrival. In addition, the control via the supplied remote control is very complicated. But if you have used the heater several times, it is no longer so bad.


Sono molto contento di avere acquistato questo pannello riscaldante klarstein wonderwall. Con il suo bellissimo design moderno e affascinante, molto semplice da installare su qualsiasi tipo di parete essendo leggero, sembra quasi di avere un quadro, ma in realtà si usufruisce di tutto il calore che emana con i suoi raggi ad infrarossi. Io l'ho acquistato per installarlo in bagno essendo protetto da un dispositivo ip54 che protegge dagli spruzzi d'acqua e dalla condensa, In modo tale da non farlo andare in corto circuito. È un dispositivo anallergico, perché non produce aria da causare il sollevamento di polveri. È dotato di timer di spegnimento e accensione programmabile per le ore e per i giorni della settimana che lo si vuole far funzionare in modo da trovare sempre caldo l'ambiente prima di entrare. L'imballaggio si presenta molto accurato, consegnato nei tempi previsti, ottimo qualità prezzo, lo consiglio a tutte le persone che hanno bisogno di una fonte di calore salvaspazio

I am very happy to have purchased this Klarstein Wonderwall heating panel. With its beautiful modern and fascinating design, very simple to install on any type of wall as it is light, it almost seems like having a painting, but in reality you benefit from all the heat it emanates with its infrared rays. I purchased it to install it in the bathroom as it is protected by an IP54 device that protects against splashes of water and condensation, so as not to short circuit it. It is a hypoallergenic device, because it does not produce air that causes dust to be raised. It is equipped with a programmable switch-off and switch-on timer for the hours and days of the week that you want it to work so as to always find the room warm before entering. The packaging is very accurate, delivered on schedule, excellent quality/price, I recommend it to all people who need a space-saving heat source


Schönes Motiv und effektiv für kühle Räume und kalte Tage

Beautiful motif and effective for cool rooms and cold days


Compré este calefactor con algunas reticencias, me gustaba mucho la imagen pero tenía dudas de si en directo iba a cumplir con mis expectativas. Sin duda ha cumplido, temía que a tamaño real la resolución fuera insuficiente, pero no es así, la imagen se ve tal y como en las fotos del vendedor y, si no fuera por el cable, con el calefactor colgado es imposible distinguirlo de una imagen impresa sobre lienzo. Queda totalmente disimulado. Sobre la potencia calefactora, solo he podido comprobar que al enchufarlo y configurarlo se calienta, porque con las temperaturas que tenemos ahora no hay opción a mucho más, pero según las especificaciones y conociendo la marca, sé que va a cubrir mis necesidades.

I bought this heater with some reservations. I really liked the image but I had doubts about whether it would meet my expectations in real life. It certainly did its job. I was afraid that the resolution would be insufficient in real size, but that is not the case. The image looks exactly like the seller's photos and, if it weren't for the cable, with the heater hanging it would be impossible to distinguish it from an image printed on canvas. It is completely concealed. Regarding the heating power, I have only been able to verify that when I plug it in and configure it, it gets hot, because with the temperatures we have now there is no option for much more, but according to the specifications and knowing the brand, I know that it will meet my needs.


Lo compre sabiendo lo que era ya que hace unos mese compre uno parecido pero era totalmente blanco y de techo con luz. Este lo quería para una pared sabiendo el calor que daba ya que usaba la misma tecnología que el anterior, pero lo quería de una forma mas decorativa y ha quedado genial Así que mato dos pájaros de un tiro, tapo un trozo de pared de casa con algo bonito y encima caliento la habitación. Me ha encantado es posible que compre alguno más

I bought it knowing what it was because a few months ago I bought a similar one but it was completely white and had a ceiling light. I wanted this one for a wall knowing how much heat it gave off since it used the same technology as the previous one, but I wanted it in a more decorative way and it turned out great. So I kill two birds with one stone, I cover a piece of the wall of the house with something nice and on top of that I heat the room. I loved it, I might buy some more.


Das IR Panel wurde 2 Tage eher geliefert als angekündigt. Ich nutze es im Badezimmer und genieße jetzt die angenehme Wärme nach dem Duschen. Ich bin zufrieden und überlege, mir noch ein weiteres zu kaufen.

The IR panel was delivered 2 days earlier than announced. I use it in the bathroom and now enjoy the pleasant warmth after the shower. I am satisfied and am considering buying another one.


pasamos el invierno super bien.. cumple la funcion . precio elevado

We spent the winter very well... it does its job. High price


Me encanta!Es justo lo que esperaba! Es verda que hay que pillar el truquito al mando, podria ser mejor explicado!Lo recomiendo

I love it! It's just what I expected! It's true that you have to get the hang of the controls, it could be better explained! I recommend it


Il pannello è arrivato con un graffio ma pagato la metà per via del black friday. Quindi si compensa. Installato in taverna scalda abbastanza bene

The panel arrived with a scratch but paid half because of black friday. So it makes up for it. Installed in the basement it heats quite well


Non conoscevo la tipologia, ma mi sono fidato delle recensioni ed ho fatto bene: ottimo prodotto, con un metodo di riscaldamento innovativo ma veramente efficace.

I didn't know the typology, but I trusted the reviews and I did well: excellent product, with an innovative but truly effective heating method.